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Comparison Table: Hexagonal Architecture vs Traditional Layered Architecture
Criteria Traditional Layered Architecture Hexagonal Architecture
Complexity Simpler, with fewer moving parts and easier to understand and implement More complex, with more moving parts and more nuanced design
Coupling Tight coupling between layers Loose coupling between layers, with the application layer being the main entry point for external inputs
Flexibility Inflexible, as changes to one layer can affect other layers More flexible, as changes to one layer do not affect other layers
Focus Separation of concerns within the application Separation of concerns between the application and the external world
Layers Fixed set of layers Flexible set of layers that can be added or removed as needed
Maintenance More difficult to modify and extend, as changes to one layer can affect other layers Easier to modify and extend, as the separation of concerns and use of adapters and ports make it easier to modify the application
Responsibilities Each layer has a specific responsibility Domain layer responsible for business logic, application layer responsible for handling user input and output
Scalability Difficult to add new adapters or ports without affecting the core domain logic Easier to add new adapters and ports, as they can be added without affecting the existing architecture
Testability Difficult to test individual layers in isolation Easier to test individual layers in isolation, as adapters and ports can be mocked or stubbed
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