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Created September 13, 2023 12:16
Show Gist options
  • Save EliahKagan/e080b25996b97cb9561e3c74a664c8da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EliahKagan/e080b25996b97cb9561e3c74a664c8da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile=)$ cat VERSION
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile=)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
# Check that ALL changes are commited (can comment out if absolutely necessary)
git status -s
# Check that latest tag matches version and is the current head we're releasing
VERSION file = 3.1.36
changes.rst = 3.1.36
Latest tag = 3.1.36
HEAD SHA = f5da163bed2ababec006c0806187070341cc390e
Latest tag SHA = 5297f6210f185c9df9c97392ffef4da8562b58ff
make: *** [Makefile:19: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile=)$ git tag
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile=)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
# Check that ALL changes are commited (can comment out if absolutely necessary)
git status -s
# Check that latest tag matches version and is the current head we're releasing
VERSION file = 3.1.36
changes.rst = 3.1.36
Latest tag =
HEAD SHA = f5da163bed2ababec006c0806187070341cc390e
Latest tag SHA = f5da163bed2ababec006c0806187070341cc390e
make: *** [Makefile:19: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile=)$ vim VERSION
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile *=)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
make: *** [Makefile:14: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile *=)$ git add .
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile +=)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
make: *** [Makefile:14: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile +=)$ git switch -c portable-makefile-test
Switched to a new branch 'portable-makefile-test'
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test +)$ git commit -m 'test commit: bump VERSION'
[portable-makefile-test 3741c963] test commit: bump VERSION
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
# Check that ALL changes are commited (can comment out if absolutely necessary)
git status -s
# Check that latest tag matches version and is the current head we're releasing
VERSION file =
changes.rst = 3.1.36
Latest tag =
HEAD SHA = 3741c96322b64f3b5a588fb95cac1bab19f6a811
Latest tag SHA = f5da163bed2ababec006c0806187070341cc390e
make: *** [Makefile:19: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ vim doc/source/changes.rst
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test *)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
M doc/source/changes.rst
make: *** [Makefile:14: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test *)$ git add .
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test +)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
M doc/source/changes.rst
make: *** [Makefile:14: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test +)$ git commit -m 'test commit: add to changes.rst'
[portable-makefile-test aabc5fec] test commit: add to changes.rst
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
# Check that ALL changes are commited (can comment out if absolutely necessary)
git status -s
# Check that latest tag matches version and is the current head we're releasing
VERSION file =
changes.rst =
Latest tag =
HEAD SHA = aabc5fec0834efb567007c2780c21d3cf1f2bdb1
Latest tag SHA = f5da163bed2ababec006c0806187070341cc390e
make: *** [Makefile:19: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ git tag -d # It's 2 commits back.
Deleted tag '' (was f5da163b)
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
# Check that ALL changes are commited (can comment out if absolutely necessary)
git status -s
# Check that latest tag matches version and is the current head we're releasing
VERSION file =
changes.rst =
Latest tag = 3.1.36
HEAD SHA = aabc5fec0834efb567007c2780c21d3cf1f2bdb1
Latest tag SHA = 5297f6210f185c9df9c97392ffef4da8562b58ff
make: *** [Makefile:19: release] Error 1
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ git tag
(.venv) ek@Glub:~/repos-wsl/GitPython (portable-makefile-test)$ make release
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# Check that VERSION and changes.rst exist and have no uncommitted changes
test -f VERSION
test -f doc/source/changes.rst
git status -s VERSION doc/source/changes.rst
# Check that ALL changes are commited (can comment out if absolutely necessary)
git status -s
# Check that latest tag matches version and is the current head we're releasing
VERSION file =
changes.rst =
Latest tag =
HEAD SHA = aabc5fec0834efb567007c2780c21d3cf1f2bdb1
Latest tag SHA = aabc5fec0834efb567007c2780c21d3cf1f2bdb1
make force_release
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython'
rm -rf build/ dist/ .eggs/ .tox/
# IF we're in a virtual environment, add build tools
test -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" || pip install -U build twine
Requirement already satisfied: build in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (1.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: twine in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (4.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=19.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from build) (23.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyproject_hooks in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from build) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pkginfo>=1.8.1 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (1.9.6)
Requirement already satisfied: readme-renderer>=35.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (42.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.20 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (2.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests-toolbelt!=0.9.0,>=0.8.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3>=1.26.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata>=3.6 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (6.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: keyring>=15.1 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (24.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: rfc3986>=1.4.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (2.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: rich>=12.0.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from twine) (13.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from importlib-metadata>=3.6->twine) (3.16.2)
Requirement already satisfied: jaraco.classes in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from keyring>=15.1->twine) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: SecretStorage>=3.2 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from keyring>=15.1->twine) (3.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: jeepney>=0.4.2 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from keyring>=15.1->twine) (0.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: nh3>=0.2.14 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from readme-renderer>=35.0->twine) (0.2.14)
Requirement already satisfied: docutils>=0.13.1 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from readme-renderer>=35.0->twine) (0.20.1)
Requirement already satisfied: Pygments>=2.5.1 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from readme-renderer>=35.0->twine) (2.16.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->twine) (3.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->twine) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->twine) (2023.7.22)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown-it-py>=2.2.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from rich>=12.0.0->twine) (3.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: mdurl~=0.1 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from markdown-it-py>=2.2.0->rich>=12.0.0->twine) (0.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cryptography>=2.0 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from SecretStorage>=3.2->keyring>=15.1->twine) (41.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: more-itertools in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from jaraco.classes->keyring>=15.1->twine) (10.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.12 in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from cryptography>=2.0->SecretStorage>=3.2->keyring>=15.1->twine) (1.15.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in ./.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from cffi>=1.12->cryptography>=2.0->SecretStorage>=3.2->keyring>=15.1->twine) (2.21)
# Build the sdist and wheel that will be uploaded to PyPI.
if test -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV"; then \
python -m build --sdist --wheel; \
else \
python3 -m build --sdist --wheel || \
echo "Use a virtual-env with 'python -m venv env && source env/bin/activate' instead" && \
false; \
* Creating virtualenv isolated environment...
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (setuptools)
* Getting build dependencies for sdist...
running egg_info
writing GitPython.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to GitPython.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to GitPython.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to GitPython.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found anywhere in distribution
adding license file 'LICENSE'
adding license file 'AUTHORS'
writing manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
* Building sdist...
running sdist
running egg_info
writing GitPython.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to GitPython.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to GitPython.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to GitPython.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found anywhere in distribution
adding license file 'LICENSE'
adding license file 'AUTHORS'
writing manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running check
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
creating GitPython-
copying files to GitPython-
copying AUTHORS -> GitPython-
copying CHANGES -> GitPython-
copying -> GitPython-
copying LICENSE -> GitPython-
copying -> GitPython-
copying -> GitPython-
copying VERSION -> GitPython-
copying pyproject.toml -> GitPython-
copying requirements.txt -> GitPython-
copying -> GitPython-
copying test-requirements.txt -> GitPython-
copying GitPython.egg-info/PKG-INFO -> GitPython-
copying GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt -> GitPython-
copying GitPython.egg-info/dependency_links.txt -> GitPython-
copying GitPython.egg-info/not-zip-safe -> GitPython-
copying GitPython.egg-info/requires.txt -> GitPython-
copying GitPython.egg-info/top_level.txt -> GitPython-
copying doc/.gitignore -> GitPython-
copying doc/Makefile -> GitPython-
copying doc/requirements.txt -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/changes.rst -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/ -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/index.rst -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/intro.rst -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/quickstart.rst -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/reference.rst -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/roadmap.rst -> GitPython-
copying doc/source/tutorial.rst -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/py.typed -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/ -> GitPython-
copying git/index/ -> GitPython-
copying git/index/ -> GitPython-
copying git/index/ -> GitPython-
copying git/index/ -> GitPython-
copying git/index/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> GitPython-
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/refs/ -> GitPython-
copying git/repo/ -> GitPython-
copying git/repo/ -> GitPython-
copying git/repo/ -> GitPython-
Writing GitPython-
Creating tar archive
removing 'GitPython-' (and everything under it)
* Creating virtualenv isolated environment...
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (setuptools)
* Getting build dependencies for wheel...
running egg_info
writing GitPython.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to GitPython.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to GitPython.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to GitPython.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found anywhere in distribution
adding license file 'LICENSE'
adding license file 'AUTHORS'
writing manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
* Installing packages in isolated environment... (wheel)
* Building wheel...
running bdist_wheel
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
creating build/lib/git
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
creating build/lib/git/refs
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
creating build/lib/git/index
copying git/index/ -> build/lib/git/index
copying git/index/ -> build/lib/git/index
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
creating build/lib/git/objects
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
creating build/lib/git/objects/submodule
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> build/lib/git/objects/submodule
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> build/lib/git/objects/submodule
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
creating build/lib/git/repo
copying git/repo/ -> build/lib/git/repo
copying git/repo/ -> build/lib/git/repo
copying git/index/ -> build/lib/git/index
copying git/index/ -> build/lib/git/index
copying git/index/ -> build/lib/git/index
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> build/lib/git/objects/submodule
copying git/repo/ -> build/lib/git/repo
copying git/objects/submodule/ -> build/lib/git/objects/submodule
copying git/refs/ -> build/lib/git/refs
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/objects/ -> build/lib/git/objects
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
copying git/ -> build/lib/git
running egg_info
writing GitPython.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to GitPython.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to GitPython.egg-info/requires.txt
writing top-level names to GitPython.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
reading manifest template ''
warning: no previously-included files matching '__pycache__' found anywhere in distribution
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyc' found anywhere in distribution
adding license file 'LICENSE'
adding license file 'AUTHORS'
writing manifest file 'GitPython.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
copying git/py.typed -> build/lib/git
installing to build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel
running install
running install_lib
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
copying build/lib/git/objects/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects/submodule
copying build/lib/git/objects/submodule/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects/submodule
copying build/lib/git/objects/submodule/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects/submodule
copying build/lib/git/objects/submodule/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects/submodule
copying build/lib/git/objects/submodule/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/objects/submodule
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/refs/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/refs
copying build/lib/git/py.typed -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/index
copying build/lib/git/index/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/index
copying build/lib/git/index/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/index
copying build/lib/git/index/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/index
copying build/lib/git/index/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/index
copying build/lib/git/index/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/index
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
copying build/lib/git/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/repo
copying build/lib/git/repo/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/repo
copying build/lib/git/repo/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/repo
copying build/lib/git/repo/ -> build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/git/repo
running install_egg_info
Copying GitPython.egg-info to build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/GitPython-
running install_scripts
creating build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel/GitPython-
creating '/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/dist/.tmp-n8d2_7ci/GitPython-' and adding 'build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel' to it
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/py.typed'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/'
adding 'git/index/'
adding 'git/index/'
adding 'git/index/'
adding 'git/index/'
adding 'git/index/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/'
adding 'git/objects/submodule/'
adding 'git/objects/submodule/'
adding 'git/objects/submodule/'
adding 'git/objects/submodule/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/refs/'
adding 'git/repo/'
adding 'git/repo/'
adding 'git/repo/'
adding 'GitPython-'
adding 'GitPython-'
adding 'GitPython-'
adding 'GitPython-'
adding 'GitPython-'
adding 'GitPython-'
removing build/bdist.linux-x86_64/wheel
Successfully built GitPython- and GitPython-
# Upload to PyPI and push the tag.
twine upload dist/*
Uploading distributions to
Enter your username: ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/bin/twine", line 8, in <module>
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 33, in main
error = cli.dispatch(sys.argv[1:])
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 123, in dispatch
return main(args.args)
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/commands/", line 198, in main
return upload(upload_settings, parsed_args.dists)
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/commands/", line 127, in upload
repository = upload_settings.create_repository()
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 329, in create_repository
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 131, in username
return cast(Optional[str], self.auth.username)
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 34, in username
return utils.get_userpass_value(
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 248, in get_userpass_value
value = prompt_strategy()
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 85, in username_from_keyring_or_prompt
return self.prompt("username", input)
File "/home/ek/repos-wsl/GitPython/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/twine/", line 96, in prompt
return how(f"Enter your {what}: ")
make[1]: *** [Makefile:43: force_release] Interrupt
make: *** [Makefile:20: release] Interrupt
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