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Last active July 14, 2024 12:02
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# From the Kotlin standard library
class XorWowRandom {
hidden [int] $x
hidden [int] $y
hidden [int] $z
hidden [int] $w
hidden [int] $v
hidden [int] $addend
hidden XorWowRandom() { }
static [XorWowRandom] FromSeed([int] $seed) {
$random = [XorWowRandom]::new()
return $random
static [XorWowRandom] FromSeed([long] $seed) {
$random = [XorWowRandom]::new()
return $random
hidden [void] SetSeed([int] $seed1, [int] $seed2) {
$this.x = $seed1
$this.y = $seed2
$this.z = 0
$this.w = 0
$this.v = -bnot $seed1
$this.addend = ($seed1 -shl 10) -bxor [int]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($seed2) -shr 4
if (($this.x -bor $this.y -bor $this.z -bor $this.w -bor $this.v) -eq 0) {
throw "Initial state must have at least one non-zero element."
# some trivial seeds can produce several values with zeroes in upper bits, so we discard first 64
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 64; $i++) {
$this.NextInt() > $null
[void] SetSeed([int] $seed) {
$this.SetSeed($seed, $seed -shr 31)
[void] SetSeed([long] $seed) {
$this.SetSeed([int]::CreateTruncating($seed), [int]::CreateTruncating($seed -shr 31))
[int] NextBits([int] $bitCount) {
return [int]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($this.NextInt()) -shr (32 - $bitCount)
) -band (-$bitCount -shr 31)
[int] NextInt() {
# Equivalent to the xorxow algorithm
# From Marsaglia, G. 2003. Xorshift RNGs. J. Statis. Soft. 8, 14, p. 5
$t = $this.x
$t = $t -bxor [int]::CreateTruncating([uint]::CreateTruncating($t) -shr 2)
$this.x = $this.y
$this.y = $this.z
$this.z = $this.w
$v0 = $this.v
$this.w = $v0
$t = ($t -bxor ($t -shl 1)) -bxor $v0 -bxor ($v0 -shl 4)
$this.v = $t
$this.addend += 362437
return $t + $this.addend
[int] NextInt([int] $until) {
return $this.NextInt(0, $until)
[int] NextInt([int] $from, [int] $until) {
if ($until -le $from) {
throw "Random range is empty: [$from, $until)."
$n = $until - $from
if ($n -gt 0 -or $n -eq [int]::MinValue) {
if (($n -band - $n) -eq $n) {
$bitCount = [Math]::ILogB($n)
$rnd = $this.NextBits($bitCount)
else {
$value = 0
do {
$bits = [int]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($this.NextInt()) -shr 1
$value = $bits % $n
} while ($bits - $value + ($n - 1) -lt 0)
$rnd = $value
return $from + $rnd
else {
while ($true) {
$rnd = $this.NextInt()
if ($rnd -ge $from -and $rnd -lt $until) {
return $rnd
throw "This should never happen"
[long] NextLong() {
return (([long] $this.NextInt()) -shl 32) + $this.NextInt()
[long] NextLong([long] $until) {
return $this.NextLong(0, $until)
[long] NextLong([long] $from, [long] $until) {
if ($until -le $from) {
throw "Random range is empty: [$from, $until)."
$n = $until - $from
if ($n -gt 0) {
$rnd = 0L
if (($n -band - $n) -eq $n) {
$nLow = [int]::CreateTruncating($n)
$nHigh = [int]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($n) -shr 32
if ($nLow -ne 0) {
$bitCount = [Math]::ILogB($nLow)
$rnd = [long] $this.NextBits($bitCount) -band 0xFFFFFFFFL
elseif ($nHigh -eq 1) {
$rnd = [long] $this.NextInt() -band 0xFFFFFFFFL
else {
$bitCount = [Math]::ILogB($nHigh)
$rnd = ([long] $this.NextBits($bitCount) -shl 32) + ([long] $this.NextInt() -band 0xFFFFFFFFL)
else {
$value = 0L
do {
$bits = [long]::CreateTruncating(
[ulong]::CreateTruncating($this.NextLong()) -shr 1
$value = $bits % $n
} while ($bits - $value + ($n - 1) -lt 0)
$rnd = $value
return $from + $rnd
else {
while ($true) {
$rnd = $this.NextLong()
if ($rnd -ge $from -and $rnd -lt $until) {
return $rnd
throw "This should never happen"
[bool] NextBoolean() {
return $this.NextBits(1) -ne 0
[double] NextDouble() {
$hi26 = [long] $this.NextBits(26)
$low27 = $this.NextBits(27)
return ((($hi26 -shl 27L) + $low27) / [double] (1L -shl 53))
[double] NextDouble([double] $until) {
return $this.NextDouble(0.0, $until)
[double] NextDouble([double] $from, [double] $until) {
if ($until -le $from) {
throw "Random range is empty: [$from, $until)."
$size = $until - $from
if ([double]::IsInfinity($size) -and [double]::IsFinite($from) -and [double]::IsFinite($until)) {
$r1 = $this.NextDouble() * ($until / 2 - $from / 2)
$r = $from + $r1 + $r1
else {
$r = $from + $this.NextDouble() * $size
if ($r -ge $until) {
return [math]::NextDown($until)
else {
return $r
[float] NextFloat() {
return $this.NextBits(24) / [float] (1 -shl 24)
[sbyte[]] NextBytes([sbyte[]] $array, [int] $fromIndex = 0, [int] $toIndex = $array.Length) {
if ($fromIndex -lt 0 -or $toIndex -gt $array.Length) {
throw "fromIndex ($fromIndex) or toIndex ($toIndex) are out of range: 0..$($array.Length)."
if ($fromIndex -gt $toIndex) {
throw "fromIndex ($fromIndex) must be not greater than toIndex ($toIndex)."
$steps = [math]::Floor(($toIndex - $fromIndex) / 4)
$position = $fromIndex
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $steps; $i++) {
$value = $this.NextInt()
$array[$position] = [sbyte]::CreateTruncating($value)
$array[$position + 1] = [sbyte]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($value) -shr 8
$array[$position + 2] = [sbyte]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($value) -shr 16
$array[$position + 3] = [sbyte]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($value) -shr 24
$position += 4
$remainder = $toIndex - $position
$vr = $this.NextBits($remainder * 8)
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $remainder; $i++) {
$array[$position + $i] = [sbyte]::CreateTruncating(
[uint]::CreateTruncating($vr) -shr ($i * 8)
return $array
[sbyte[]] NextBytes([sbyte[]] $array) {
return $this.NextBytes($array, 0, $array.Length)
[sbyte[]] NextBytes([int] $size) {
$array = New-Object sbyte[]($size)
return $this.NextBytes($array)
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