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Created October 7, 2017 20:58
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Matlab function to calculate exact vertical position and velocity of a single bouncing ball (with given coefficient of restitution less than one) at any time or array of times
%There probably is room for more optimization in the form of vectorization.
%You see, Matlab is not my first language.
function [ values ] = ball_bounce( initials, k, tt)
%initials: column vector of initial vertical position and velocity
%k: coefficient of restitution (must be less than one)
%tt: array of times
%values: array of column vectors of vertical position and velocity at times tt
g = 9.81; %I will convert to negative acceleration as needed.
%initial conditions:
yStart = initials(1);
vStart = initials(2);
%theoretical last bouncing point before (or at) start
%(negative solution to constant-acceleration equation)
t0 = (vStart - sqrt(vStart^2 + 2*g*yStart))/g;
%Theoretical post-bounce velocity at t0.
v0 = vStart-g*t0;
%vn = v0*k^(n-1);
%Time calculations:
%dtn is the time between bounce n and bounce n+1
%dtn = 2*vn/g = 2*(v0*k^n)/g = (2*v0/g)*k^n
dt0 = (2*v0/g);
%then dtn = dt0*k^n
%tn = t0 + sum(dtn, 0, n-1) = t0 + dt0*sum(k^n, 0, n-1)
% = t0 + dt0*(1-k^(n-1))/(1-k)
tnfun = @(n) t0 + dt0*(1-k^(n-1))/(1-k);
%Note that if k<1 (which it should be), this will converge to:
T = t0 + dt0/(1-k);
%That means the velocity will be exactly 0 for t>=T
%(after infinite bouncing before T).
%To find the right tn, I will need the inverse function n(t):
%t - t0 = dt0*(1-k^(n(t)-1))/(1-k)
nfun = @(t) floor(log(1-(t-t0)*(1-k)/dt0)/log(k)+1);
%Allocate space for output:
y = zeros(1,length(tt(1,:)));
v = zeros(1,length(tt(1,:)));
for i = 1:length(tt(1,:))
t = tt(i);
if (t>=T)
y(1,i) = 0;
v(1,i) = 0;
n = nfun(t);
tn = tnfun(n);
dt = t-tn;
vn = v0*k^(n-1);
y(1,i) = vn*dt - 0.5*g*dt^2;
v(1,i) = vn - g*dt;
values = [y;v];
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