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Last active May 22, 2022 10:29
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  • Save Eliastik/1e2b944c3eaf0205c3a85e2700ffe1a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Eliastik/1e2b944c3eaf0205c3a85e2700ffe1a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updates the snapd desktop files of the installed Snap applications to use the system icons instead of the bundled ones. The Snap applications icons are usually stored into /snap/[Application Name]/[Number]/[Path to the icon file]. This script replace this path with [Application Name] only in the desktop file to use the system icon. This script n…
# Filename:
# Author: Eliastik ( )
# Version 1.1 (22 may 2022) - Eliastik
# Changelog:
# Version 1.1 (22 may 2022):
# - Added possibility to ignore certain icons name
# - Added possibility to replace certain icon name with other
# Version 1.0 (11 june 2021):
# - Initial version
# Description: Updates the snapd desktop files of the installed Snap applications to use the system icons instead of the bundled ones.
# The Snap applications icons are usually stored into /snap/[Application Name]/[Number]/[Path to the icon file]
# This script replace this path with [Application Name] only in the desktop file to use the system icon
# This script need root access.
# Configuration variables:
SNAPD_PATH="/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications" # The path to the desktop files
declare -A association_replace # Declare an association to replace certain icon with other
association_replace=( ["codium"]="code" ) # Replace certain icon name
ignore_icons=( "pycharm-community" "snap-store" "flutter" "zoom" ) # Ignore certain icon if your icon theme doesn't have them
function check_root() {
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root. Exiting..." 1>&2
exit 1
if [ ! -d "${SNAPD_PATH}" ]; then
echo "The path doesn't exists: $SNAPD_PATH"
echo "Exiting..."
exit 1
echo "Creating temporary directory..."
TEMP_DIR=`mktemp -d`
if [[ ! "$TEMP_DIR" || ! -d "$TEMP_DIR" ]]; then
echo "The temporary directory could not have been created. Exiting securely..."
exit 1
cd "$TEMP_DIR"
echo "Created temporary directory at $(pwd)"
for filename in "$SNAPD_PATH"/*.desktop; do
echo "Processing: $filename"
fileLines=$(cat "$filename" | tr '\t' ' ' | tr '\r' ' ')
cat "$filename">>"$filename.bak"
echo "Backed up file to: $filename.bak"
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^Icon=.* ]]; then
iconName=$(echo "$line" | awk -F / '{ print $3; }')
if [[ " ${ignore_icons[*]} " =~ " ${iconName} " ]]; then
echo "Ignored: ignored file $filename with icon $iconName"
echo "$line">>"$tmpFilename"
if [ ! -z "$iconName" ]; then
if [ ! -z "${association_replace[$iconName]}" ]; then
echo "Icon=$iconName">>"$tmpFilename"
echo "Replaced: $line with Icon=$iconName"
echo "$line">>"$tmpFilename"
echo "$line">>"$tmpFilename"
done <<< "$fileLines"
cat "$tmpFilename">"$filename"
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