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Created April 25, 2021 15:00
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Regression tree implementation
# Data wrangling
import pandas as pd
# Array math
import numpy as np
# Quick value count calculator
from collections import Counter
class NodeRegression():
Class to grow a regression decision tree
def __init__(
Y: list,
X: pd.DataFrame,
# Saving the data to the node
self.Y = Y
self.X = X
# Saving the hyper parameters
self.min_samples_split = min_samples_split if min_samples_split else 20
self.max_depth = max_depth if max_depth else 5
# Default current depth of node
self.depth = depth if depth else 0
# Extracting all the features
self.features = list(self.X.columns)
# Type of node
self.node_type = node_type if node_type else 'root'
# Rule for spliting
self.rule = rule if rule else ""
# Getting the mean of Y
self.ymean = np.mean(Y)
# Getting the residuals
self.residuals = self.Y - self.ymean
# Calculating the mse of the node
self.mse = self.get_mse(Y, self.ymean)
# Saving the number of observations in the node
self.n = len(Y)
# Initiating the left and right nodes as empty nodes
self.left = None
self.right = None
# Default values for splits
self.best_feature = None
self.best_value = None
def get_mse(ytrue, yhat) -> float:
Method to calculate the mean squared error
# Getting the total number of samples
n = len(ytrue)
# Getting the residuals
r = ytrue - yhat
# Squering the residuals
r = r ** 2
# Suming
r = np.sum(r)
# Getting the average and returning
return r / n
def ma(x: np.array, window: int) -> np.array:
Calculates the moving average of the given list.
return np.convolve(x, np.ones(window), 'valid') / window
def best_split(self) -> tuple:
Given the X features and Y targets calculates the best split
for a decision tree
# Creating a dataset for spliting
df = self.X.copy()
df['Y'] = self.Y
# Getting the GINI impurity for the base input
mse_base = self.mse
# Finding which split yields the best GINI gain
#max_gain = 0
# Default best feature and split
best_feature = None
best_value = None
for feature in self.features:
# Droping missing values
Xdf = df.dropna().sort_values(feature)
# Sorting the values and getting the rolling average
xmeans =[feature].unique(), 2)
for value in xmeans:
# Getting the left and right ys
left_y = Xdf[Xdf[feature]<value]['Y'].values
right_y = Xdf[Xdf[feature]>=value]['Y'].values
# Getting the means
left_mean = np.mean(left_y)
right_mean = np.mean(right_y)
# Getting the left and right residuals
res_left = left_y - left_mean
res_right = right_y - right_mean
# Concatenating the residuals
r = np.concatenate((res_left, res_right), axis=None)
# Calculating the mse
n = len(r)
r = r ** 2
r = np.sum(r)
mse_split = r / n
# Checking if this is the best split so far
if mse_split < mse_base:
best_feature = feature
best_value = value
# Setting the best gain to the current one
mse_base = mse_split
return (best_feature, best_value)
def grow_tree(self):
Recursive method to create the decision tree
# Making a df from the data
df = self.X.copy()
df['Y'] = self.Y
# If there is GINI to be gained, we split further
if (self.depth < self.max_depth) and (self.n >= self.min_samples_split):
# Getting the best split
best_feature, best_value = self.best_split()
if best_feature is not None:
# Saving the best split to the current node
self.best_feature = best_feature
self.best_value = best_value
# Getting the left and right nodes
left_df, right_df = df[df[best_feature]<=best_value].copy(), df[df[best_feature]>best_value].copy()
# Creating the left and right nodes
left = NodeRegression(
depth=self.depth + 1,
rule=f"{best_feature} <= {round(best_value, 3)}"
self.left = left
right = NodeRegression(
depth=self.depth + 1,
rule=f"{best_feature} > {round(best_value, 3)}"
self.right = right
def print_info(self, width=4):
Method to print the infromation about the tree
# Defining the number of spaces
const = int(self.depth * width ** 1.5)
spaces = "-" * const
if self.node_type == 'root':
print(f"|{spaces} Split rule: {self.rule}")
print(f"{' ' * const} | MSE of the node: {round(self.mse, 2)}")
print(f"{' ' * const} | Count of observations in node: {self.n}")
print(f"{' ' * const} | Prediction of node: {round(self.ymean, 3)}")
def print_tree(self):
Prints the whole tree from the current node to the bottom
if self.left is not None:
if self.right is not None:
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