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Last active January 1, 2018 23:46
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Factorio Rates
from collections import namedtuple
from fractions import Fraction
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from math import log, floor
class FractionDict(dict):
zero = Fraction()
def __init__(self, contents: dict):
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.get(item,
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if value:
if not isinstance(value, Fraction):
value = Fraction(value)
super().__setitem__(key, value)
elif key in self:
del self[key]
def __str__(self):
return ' + '.join(str(v) + ' ' + k for k, v in self.items() if v)
class Machine(namedtuple('Machine', ('time', 'inputs', 'outputs'))):
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.time} s + {FractionDict(self.inputs)} = {FractionDict(self.outputs)}'
def make(s, crafting_speed=1, **kwargs):
return Machine(Fraction(s) / crafting_speed,
tuple((k, -Fraction(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v < 0),
tuple((k, Fraction(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v > 0))
except TypeError:
print((s, crafting_speed))
am1 = partial(make, crafting_speed=Fraction(0.5))
am2 = partial(make, crafting_speed=Fraction(0.75))
am3 = partial(make, crafting_speed=Fraction(1.25))
chemical_plant = am3
centrifuge = am2
cokery = partial(make, crafting_speed=2)
class BlueprintPlan:
def __init__(self, machine: Machine, *more_machines):
self.machines = FractionDict({machine: Fraction(1)})
self.inputs = FractionDict({k: v / machine.time for k, v in machine.inputs})
self.partways = FractionDict({})
self.outputs = FractionDict({k: v / machine.time for k, v in machine.outputs})
for other in more_machines:
def add(self, machine: Machine, pivot: str = None):
if not pivot:
pivot = next(chain((p for p, _ in machine.inputs if p in self.outputs),
(p for p, _ in machine.outputs if p in self.inputs)), pivot)
# Calculate number of machines required to keep full use of pivot
if pivot in self.outputs:
machine_pivot_input = next(quantity for item, quantity in machine.inputs if item == pivot)
number_of_machines = self.outputs[pivot] * machine.time / machine_pivot_input
elif pivot in self.inputs:
machine_pivot_output = next(quantity for item, quantity in machine.outputs if item == pivot)
number_of_machines = self.inputs[pivot] * machine.time / machine_pivot_output
raise ValueError("Cannot find pivot: " + str(pivot))
# Find the rate of consumption relative to me
self.machines[machine] += number_of_machines
for item, quantity in machine.inputs:
self.inputs[item] += quantity * number_of_machines / machine.time
for item, quantity in machine.outputs:
self.outputs[item] += quantity * number_of_machines / machine.time
# Cancel out inputs and outputs
for item in set(i for i in self.outputs if i in self.inputs):
cancelled = min(self.inputs[item], self.outputs[item])
self.inputs[item] -= cancelled
self.outputs[item] -= cancelled
self.partways[item] += cancelled
# Normalize number of machines
factor = number_of_machines.denominator
if factor != 1:
for k, v in self.machines.items():
self.machines[k] = v * factor
for k, v in self.inputs.items():
self.inputs[k] = v * factor
for k, v in self.partways.items():
self.partways[k] = v * factor
for k, v in self.outputs.items():
self.outputs[k] = v * factor
def report(self):
print(f'Have {len(self.machines)} machine types, totaling {sum(self.machines.values())} machines:')
for machine, quantity in self.machines.items():
print(f'- {quantity} times: {machine}')
pairs = (('Inputs', self.inputs),
('Partways', self.partways),
('Outputs', self.outputs))
for kind, dictionary in pairs:
print(f'{kind} ({len(dictionary)} types, total {fmtrate(sum(dictionary.values()))} per second):')
for item, rate in dictionary.items():
print(f'- {fmtrate(rate)} {item} per second')
def fmtrate(value):
human_powers = ('', 'k', 'M')
if not isinstance(value, float):
value = float(value)
sign = suffix = ''
if value < 0:
sign = '-'
value = abs(value)
power = floor(log(value, 10))
for current_suffix in human_powers:
suffix = current_suffix
if value < 1000:
value /= 1000
power -= 3
rounded = round(value, 2 - power)
integer = int(rounded)
return sign + str(integer if integer == rounded else rounded) + suffix
from calc1 import BlueprintPlan
from mods import BioIndustries, Base
def main():
def nuclear_reactor():
def circuits():
def wood_to_coal():
def fertilizer():
def plastics_and_stuff():
plan = BlueprintPlan(BioIndustries.sulfur,
plan.add(BioIndustries.cellulose, 'cellulose')
def uranium_ammo():
if __name__ == '__main__':
from calc1 import make, chemical_plant, cokery, am3, centrifuge
class Base:
wire = am3(0.5, copper=-1, wire=2)
greenc = am3(0.5, iron=-1, wire=-3, greenc=1)
redc = am3(6, wire=-4, greenc=-2, plastic=-2, redc=1)
bluec = am3(10, redc=-2, greenc=-20, acid=-5, bluec=1)
ammo1 = am3(1, iron=-4, ammo1=1)
ammo2 = am3(3, copper=-5, ammo1=-1, steel=-1, ammo2=1)
ammo3 = am3(10, ammo2=-1, uranium=-1, ammo3=1)
coal_liquefaction = make(5, coal=-10, steam=-50, heavy=10, light=15, gas=20)
offshore_pump = make(1, water=1200)
nuclear_reactor = make(200, cell=-1, depleted=1)
fuel_reprocessing = centrifuge(50, depleted=-5, uranium=3)
sulfur = chemical_plant(1, water=-30, gas=-30, sulfur=2)
acid = chemical_plant(1, sulfur=-5, iron=-1, water=-100, acid=50)
class BioIndustries:
wood2pulp = cokery(5, wood=-2, pulp=6)
pulp2char = cokery(12.5, pulp=-40, charcoal=18)
char2coal = cokery(18, charcoal=-12, coal=10)
pulp2ash = cokery(5, pulp=-10, ash=10)
cellulose = chemical_plant(20, pulp=-10, acid=-10, cellulose=10)
cellulose_steam = chemical_plant(5, pulp=-10, steam=-10, acid=-20, cellulose=10)
gas = make(5, biomass=-10, water=-10, gas=20)
light = make(5, biomass=-100, water=-10, light=80, cellulose=2)
plastic1 = chemical_plant(1, wood=-10, steam=-10, light=-20, plastic=2)
plastic2 = chemical_plant(1, cellulose=-1, gas=-10, plastic=2)
fert1 = chemical_plant(5, sulfur=-1, ash=-10, nitrogen=-10, fert1=5)
fert2 = chemical_plant(50, fert1=-20, pulp=-10, biomass=-10, fert2=20)
nitrogen = chemical_plant(10, air=-20, nitrogen=20)
air = chemical_plant(1, air=10)
biomass2 = make(10, ash=-10, water=-90, air=-10, biomass=90)
sulfur = chemical_plant(10, ash=-10, acid=-10, sulfur=10)
acid = chemical_plant(10, cellulose=-5, water=-90, biomass=-10, acid=50)
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