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Created September 21, 2015 19:19
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SC 7 Practice Example

You have been tasked with creating a system that manages used cellphone sales. Create a Rails application that manages cellphones in a used phone store. Write acceptance tests that guide development of the application to satisfy the following user stories:

###User Story As a used cellphone salesperson I want to record a cellphone manufacturer So that I can keep track of the types of cellphones sold in my store

Acceptance Criteria:

  • I must specify a manufacturer name and country.
  • If I do not specify the required information, I am presented with errors.
  • If I specify the required information, the manufacturer is recorded and I am redirected to the index of manufacturers

###User Story As a used cellphone salesperson I want to record a newly acquired cellphone So that I can list it in my store

Acceptance Criteria:

  • I must specify the cell phone manufacturer, year and battery life (an association between the phone and an existing manufacturer should be created).
  • Only years from 2003 and above can be addedd.
  • I can optionally specify a description of the phone.
  • If I enter all of the required information in the required formats, the phone is recorded and I am presented with a notification of success.
  • If I do not specify all of the required information in the required formats, the phone is not recorded and I am presented with errors.
  • Upon successfully creating a phone, I am redirected back to the index of phones.


  • User authentication is NOT required
  • Do not nest routes
  • Make sure tests pass
  • Make sure that your app is usable by providing links to navigate between the different pages.
  • Make sure that your database has any necessary constraints.
  • Make sure that your models contain any necessary validations and associations.
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