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Finnie Wallet Integration

Finnie Wallet

Table of Contents

What is Finnie?

The Finnie Wallet is the newest tool from the Koii Network, where you can create NFTs
in under 1 minute, for less than $0.01.

The Finnie wallet is a Chrome extension, much like Metamask, providing its users with an easy-to-use user experience for interacting with their wallets

Finnie Wallet exposes an object to the global window object under window.koiiWallet

What Can Finnie Do?

  • Minting Atomic NFTs is extremely affordable.
  • Finnie uses Arweave to store your content forever.
  • Content posted earns KOII tokens for every view.
  • Cross-publish your NFTs to traditional sites like facebook, youtube, or instagram (Coming soon).
  • Create custom galleries and sell your NFTs direct to collectors with 0% commission (Coming soon).
  • Multiple blockchain networks in one (Coming soon).


We noticed that MetaMask doesn't use a poll to initialize, they just use a conditional. (See Basic Considerations in MetaMask Docs). Example:

if (typeof window.ethereum !== 'undefined') {
console.log('MetaMask is installed!');

Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 4 29 20 PM

Change successful Koii Wallet Connect => Might be worth responding from isConnected: true

In order to initialise your connection with the extension, we recommend implementing a polling function that continously
checks for the existence of the the global koiiWallet object for at least 5 seconds.

Here's a simple polling function to get you started

 * @param {Function} fn Function to poll for result
 * @param {Number} timeout How long to poll for
 * @param {Number} interval Polling interval
 * @returns {Promise}
const poll = (fn, timeout, interval) => {
  const endTime = Number(new Date()) + (timeout || 2000);
  interval = interval || 100;

  const checkCondition = function (resolve, reject) {
    // If the condition is met, we're done!
    const result = fn();
    if (result) {
    // If the condition isn't met but the timeout hasn't elapsed, go again
    else if (Number(new Date()) < endTime) {
      setTimeout(checkCondition, interval, resolve, reject);
    // Didn't match and too much time, reject!
    else {
      reject(new Error("timed out for " + fn + ": " + arguments));

  return new Promise(checkCondition);

You can proceed to check for the extension's existence in your browser window by simply calling the above poll()

  // Does it exist?
  let extensionObj = await poll(() => window.koiiWallet, 5000, 200);

Connecting to Finnie

Once you've confirmed that the extension exists, we will be faced with 2 possibilities

  • User is connected to Finnie
  • User is NOT connected to Finnie

We can check the status of the user by calling the following method on the Finnie wallet

 // Is it connected?
  let isConnected = await extensionObj.getPermissions();

User is Connected to Finnie

For both connected and not connected, just include if (isConnected.status === 200). It seems confusing to have a status or just return a data.length. An error code is easy to understand and work with.

One possibility is that the user has already set up the extension and has connected the Finnie wallet to your site. This can be confirmed by making sure that the response from isConnected is a 200 OK response. The response also returns an array of user permissions.

 if (isConnected.status === 200) // Finnie is connected to website
  /* ---- OR ---- */
 if ( // Finnie is connected to website

User is NOT Connected to Extension

The other possibility is that the user has Finnie installed but is not connected to your site

As a result, isConnected will return a status of 401 and an empty array

if (isConnected.status === 401) // Finnie is disconnected from the website
 /* ---- OR ---- */
if (! // Finnie is disconnected from the website

Connect the User

This could maybe be at the beginning of this section. That way, they see how to connect first then if the user is connected.

Once we've established the user's connection status, we can programatically connect our site to the Finnie Wallet by calling the following method on the extensionObj we initialised above

  // Returns a promise
  let res = extensionObj.connect()
If the user has not previously connected to the site

The Finnie wallet will greet them with a pop-up window and a 2 step authorisation process that confirms the user wants to add your site to the connected sites on their Finnie wallet.

Once the user completes the process of accepting the connection request, a promise is then returned from the .connect() method with the following value:

  {status: 200, data: "Connected."}

If the user rejects the connection, the response value is:

{status: 401, data: "Connection rejected."}
If the user has previously authorised your site to their Finnie wallet

Calling the connect() method will then attempt to automatically connect to the Finnie extension returning the following:

  {status: 200, data: "Connected."}

Recommended Method of Connecting to the Finnie Wallet

The recommended method of creating a seamless UX for users is to follow the steps below:

  • Poll for Finnie wallet
    • If it doesn't exist, promp user to install it
  • If extension exists, attempt to getPermissions()
    • If user has permissions, attempt to connect() them automatically
    • Otherwise, provide a way for the user to manually connect via a link/button on your site

Interacting with the Finnie Wallet Methods (after connecting)



The Finnie wallet exposes a window.koiiWallet.disconnect() method or if using the extensionObj from above
we would call extensionObj.disconnect()

This disconnects Finnie wallet from your website and doing so would result in getting a 401 status from the getPermissions() method described earlier.

After disconnecting the user will be prompted with a pop-up when attempting to connect() to the site again

Get Address


Change all responses to say message or something more explanatory than "data". The response object could be organized in a way that is more developer friendly. This could be something we could further discuss for examples on what would be nice to have on the dev side.

This is just a start to what we looked into, but we may have more suggestions has we dive deeper into the code.

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