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Created April 23, 2019 00:41
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import json
def colorize(a, indent=1, seenobjects=None):
if a is True: return color('true') + 'true' + color('reset')
if a is False: return color('false') + 'false' + color('reset')
if a is None: return color('none') + 'null' + color('reset')
if isinstance(a, int): return color('int') + str(a) + color('reset')
if isinstance(a, float): return color('float') + str(a) + color('reset')
#if seenobjects is None: seenobjects = []
if isinstance(a, basestring):
return color('stro') + '"' + color('stri') + json.dumps(a)[1:-1] + color('stro') + '"' + color('reset')
if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
#if a in seenobjects:
# raise ValueError('Already seen object of type list or tuple')
startstring = color('array') + '[' + ('\n' if indent else '') + ' ' * indent
joinstring = color('comma') +', ' + ('\n' if indent else '') + (' ' * indent) + color('reset')
endstring = ('\n' if indent else '') + (' ' * (indent - 1) if indent else '') + color('array') + ']' + color('reset')
return startstring + joinstring.join(colorize(b, indent=indent + 1 if indent else 0, seenobjects=seenobjects) for b in a) + endstring
if isinstance(a, dict):
out = color('obj') + '{' + color('reset')
for key, value in a.iteritems():
out += '\n' if indent else ''
out += ' ' * indent
out += color('kstro')
out += '"'
out += color('kstri')
out += json.dumps(key)[1:-1]
out += color('kstro')
out += '"'
out += color('colon')
out += ': '
out += color('reset')
out += colorize(value, indent=indent + 1 if indent else 0)
out += color('commo')
out += ','
out = out[:-1]
out += '\n' if indent else ''
out += ' ' * (indent - 1)
out += color('obj')
out += '}'
out += color('reset')
return out
return str(a)
def color(name):
if name == 'reset': return '\x1b[0m'
return '\x1b[%s;%sm' % colors[name]
colors = dict(
colon = (0, 31),
stro = (0, 32),
stri = (0, 33),
kstro = (0, 34),
kstri = (0, 35),
array = (0, 37),
obj = (1, 37),
true = (1, 32),
false = (0, 31),
comma = (0, 33),
commo = (0, 34),
none = (0, 34),
coa = (0, 35),
int = (0, 36),
float = (0, 33),
if __name__ == '__main__':
print colorize([None,False,True,0,0.0,'test', [1,2,3, dict(a=1, b=[1,2,3, [4,5,6, 'test a']])]], indent=1)
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