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Created August 19, 2014 20:00
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Super quick and very dirty memory benchmark of Immutable JS.
heapdump = require "heapdump"
Immutable = require "immutable"
pixels = 256 * 256
iterations = 1000
# Immutable
testImmutable = ->
# Simulate a pixel grid
grid = Immutable.Vector()
for [0...pixels]
grid = grid.push 0
history = Immutable.Vector grid
for i in [0...iterations]
grid = grid.set Math.round(Math.random() * pixels), Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215) # FFFFFF
history = history.push grid
if process.env.HEAP_DUMP?.toString() is "true"
# Vanilla Morph
testVanillaMorph = ->
grid = for [0...pixels]
for i in [0...iterations]
index = Math.round(Math.random() * pixels)
value = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215) # FFFFFF
grid[index] = value
if process.env.HEAP_DUMP?.toString() is "true"
# Vanilla Immutable
testVanillaImmutable = ->
grid = for [0...pixels]
history = [grid]
for i in [0...iterations]
index = Math.round(Math.random() * pixels)
value = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215) # FFFFFF
grid[index] = value
history.push grid.slice()
if process.env.HEAP_DUMP?.toString() is "true"
# Vanilla Diff
testVanillaDiff = ->
grid = for [0...pixels]
history = [grid]
for i in [0...iterations]
index = Math.round(Math.random() * pixels)
value = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215) # FFFFFF
grid[index] = value
history.push index: index, value: value
if process.env.HEAP_DUMP?.toString() is "true"
if process.env.VANILLA_MORPH?.toString() is "true"
if process.env.VANILLA_IMMUTABLE?.toString() is "true"
if process.env.VANILLA_DIFF?.toString() is "true"
if process.env.IMMUTABLE?.toString() is "true"
module.exports = immutable: testImmutable, vanillaDiff: testVanillaDiff, vanillaImmutable: testVanillaImmutable
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