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Created October 10, 2019 09:58
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  • Save ElliottLandsborough/5a0c21a0d46393bbb8172b5883f6a441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ElliottLandsborough/5a0c21a0d46393bbb8172b5883f6a441 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Full Stack Test

We’d like you to build a simple message board. The message board is a single thread of posts and their comments. Users can post text messages. Users can also comment on these posts.


  • Message board
    • Sorted list of all threads
    • Input to start new thread
    • Bonus: pagination of messages
  • Single thread page
    • Any comments shown under the main message
    • Inputs to add comments
    • Bonus: new messages appearing in real time
  • Design
    • Demonstrate knowledge of CSS - any front end framework is fine, or some basic styling so that it's not just raw HTML forms. It's fine if it doesn't look great.
  • Deployment
    • Provide information about how you would deploy this to a live server
    • Bonus: Deploy it somewhere


For the 3 components (front, back, database) that make up this application please use a tool/language you’re comfortable with. We would prefer: Front End:

  • Bootstrap (React if you want, this test is more back end focused)

API Back End:

  • PHP


  • MySQL


Provide a private GitHub repository containing all source files/configs that you used along with a readme file with any notes. (add @ElliottLandsborough as a collaborator)

This exercise is intentionally open-ended. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Your goal is to impress us and show what you’re capable of so have fun with it!

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