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Created June 6, 2021 23:24
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CS1428 Project 1
Ship name: Starfinder
Designer name: Albert Einstein
Ship mass: 500
Engine thrust: 1000
File written for Starfinder
Designed By: Albert Einstein
Ship mass: 500kg
Accleration: 2.0m/s2
Delta V: 679.3m/s
Max Altitude: 147.9km
File saved at: 1623021677
// Name: Erich Ellsworth
// netID: wqi7
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// variables setup.
string shipName, designerName;
float shipMass, engineThrust, shipAcceleration, shipDeltaV, maxAltitude;
cout << "Ship name: ";
cin >> shipName;
// We need to flush out the newline character, or else getLine will read it.
cout << "Designer name: ";
getline(cin, designerName);
cout << "Ship mass: ";
cin >> shipMass;
cout << "Engine thrust: ";
cin >> engineThrust;
ofstream out_file; + ".txt");
// Calcuate values from values given by user.
shipAcceleration = engineThrust / shipMass;
shipDeltaV = (100000 / engineThrust) * 9.8 * log(2);
maxAltitude = 100 + (shipDeltaV - 200) / 10;
cout << "File written for " << shipName;
out_file << "##########" << shipName << "##########" << endl;
out_file << "Designed By: \t\t" << designerName << endl;
out_file << "Ship mass: \t\t" << shipMass << "kg" << endl;
out_file << "Accleration: \t\t" << setprecision(1) << fixed << shipAcceleration << "m/s2" << endl;
out_file << "Delta V: \t\t" << setprecision(1) << fixed << shipDeltaV << "m/s" << endl;
out_file << "Max Altitude: \t\t" << setprecision(1) << fixed << maxAltitude << "km" << endl;
out_file << endl << "File saved at:\t\t" << time(NULL);
return 0;
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