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Last active March 20, 2018 19:08
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Updated Challenge for Platform Engineers

Platform Engineering Coding Assignment

Thank you for your interest in the position with CloudApp! For us to be able to assess your skills, we kindly ask you to provide a solution to the assignment below. You should not spend more than a day on it.


In order to help showcase your full-stack talents, we’re asking you a create and deploy a small service that allows a user to collect images and gifs from a web URL, and view them on a web page.

We encourage the use of

  • Google Cloud Platform's free tier or similar for deploying your work
  • Your choice of preferred languages, tools, frameworks, libraries and services
  • Microservices Architecture

To help organize the prompt we'll evaluate the project in 3 parts:

Part 1:

Write an endpoint that takes a valid public Url as input and outputs a JSON payload with at least the following information:

  • The webpage that was scraped
  • A list of assets on the webpage with the name of the file and the source url

Bonus points for additional file types or meta data of your choosing.

Part 2:

Create a simple webpage that presents the user with a input field for collecting a Url, and uses the service from Part 1 to display the collected assets to the user.

Again, feel free to use whatever tools, or frameworks you see fit, and take whatever creative liberties with the prompt you'd like.

Part 3:

Deploy your services from Parts 1 & 2 to GCP's Free Tier (or equivalent) to submit your assignment. When you finish, provide access to a GCP project you have created to and

Evaluation Criteria

We are aware that this assignment has some ambiguity!

There is no single correct solution: the purpose is not only to assess your capabilities in meeting business needs, but also to see your skills and creativity in action.

When receiving this email, tell us when you think you will complete this assignment, and very shortly outline your initial approach as well as when you will be able to provide access.

Please respond directly to the evaluators listed above.

Please document and share the time spent and your approach to solving this assessment as part of your submission (via email).

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