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Sam EloneSampaio

View GitHub Profile
namespace models;
use InvalidArgumentException;
* @Entity
* @Table(name="categories")
class Categories {
* Create a web friendly URL slug from a string.
* Although supported, transliteration is discouraged because
* 1) most web browsers support UTF-8 characters in URLs
* 2) transliteration causes a loss of information
* @author Sean Murphy <>
* @copyright Copyright 2012 Sean Murphy. All rights reserved.
jQuery.validator.addMethod("cnpj", function (cnpj, element) {
cnpj = jQuery.trim(cnpj);
cnpj = cnpj.replace('/', '');
cnpj = cnpj.replace('.', '');
cnpj = cnpj.replace('.', '');
cnpj = cnpj.replace('-', '');
var numeros, digitos, soma, i, resultado, pos, tamanho, digitos_iguais;
EloneSampaio / app.css
Created July 20, 2016 22:57 — forked from rdtsc/app.css
NW.js Windows PDF Printing Demo
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
section {
margin-bottom: 40px;
h1 {
font-size: 20px;
EloneSampaio / handlebars-helper-x.js
Created July 30, 2016 00:29 — forked from akhoury/handlebars-helper-x.js
Handlebars random JavaScript expression execution, with an IF helper with whatever logical operands and whatever arguments, and few more goodies.
// for demo:
// for detailed comments, see my SO answer here
/* a helper to execute an IF statement with any expression
-- Yes you NEED to properly escape the string literals, or just alternate single and double quotes
-- to access any global function or property you should use window.functionName() instead of just functionName()
-- this example assumes you passed this context to your handlebars template( {name: 'Sam', age: '20' } ), notice age is a string, just for so I can demo parseInt later
{{#xif " == 'Sam' && this.age === '12' " }}
EloneSampaio / auth.js
Created August 19, 2016 00:42 — forked from katowulf/auth.js
Auth with Firebase 3.x and Cordova/Ionic using ngCordova oauth.
this.$cordovaOauth.facebook("your_client_id", ["email"])
.then(function (result) {
var credentials = firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider.credential(result.access_token);
return firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credentials);
.then(function (firebaseUser) {
console.log("Signed in as:", firebaseUser.uid);
.catch(function (error) {
console.error("Authentication failed:", error);
EloneSampaio / genymotionwithplay.txt
Created December 13, 2016 18:18 — forked from wbroek/genymotionwithplay.txt
Genymotion with Google Play Services
Download the following ZIPs:
ARM Translation Installer v1.1 (
Download the correct GApps for your Android version:
Google Apps for Android 6.0 ( -
Google Apps for Android 5.1 ( -
Google Apps for Android 5.0 ( -
Google Apps for Android 4.4.4 ( -
Google Apps for Android 4.3 ( -
sudo adduser --system --quiet --shell=/bin/bash --home=/opt/odoo --gecos 'odoo' --group odoo
sudo mkdir /etc/odoo && mkdir /var/log/odoo/
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.3 build-essential python-imaging python-lxml python-ldap python-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev npm nodejs git python-setuptools libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libjpeg-dev python-pip gdebi -y
git clone --depth=1 --branch=8.0 /opt/odoo/odoo
sudo chown odoo:odoo /opt/odoo/ -R && sudo chown odoo:odoo /var/log/odoo/ -R && cd /opt/odoo/odoo && sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css -y && sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
cd /tmp && wget && sudo gdebi -n wkhtmltox- && rm wkhtmltox-
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/bin/ && sudo ln -s /usr
EloneSampaio /
Created August 26, 2018 20:59 — forked from faniska/
Install wkhtmltopdf with patched QT on Ubuntu Linux
# Uncomment the next line if you have installed wkhtmltopdf
# sudo apt remove wkhtmltopdf
cd ~
# Select an appropriate link for your system (32 or 64 bit) from the page and past to the next line
tar xvf wkhtmltox*.tar.xz
sudo mv wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmlto* /usr/bin
sudo apt-get install -y openssl build-essential libssl-dev libxrender-dev git-core libx11-dev libxext-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev fontconfig
EloneSampaio /
Created August 31, 2018 21:02 — forked from mracos/
Matemática simbólica com octave

Matemática simbólica com Octave.

  • Aquecimento
  • [Introdução] (#introdução)
  • [Exemplos] (#exemplos)
    • [Derivadas] (#derivadas)
      • [Gradiente] (#gradiente)
    • [Integrais] (#integrais)
    • [Máximos e Mínimos] (#máximos e mínimos)