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Radical menu system fix for Awesome 4.3
diff --git a/radical/box.lua b/radical/box.lua
index 197b5cc..75ff7f7 100644
--- a/radical/box.lua
+++ b/radical/box.lua
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ local function new(args)
local s = w.screen
w:connect_signal("property::geometry", function()
if w.screen ~= s then
- w:move_by_parent()
+ w:move_next_to()
diff --git a/radical/context.lua b/radical/context.lua
index 0fc1abe..fb1578d 100644
--- a/radical/context.lua
+++ b/radical/context.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local wibox = require( "wibox" )
local beautiful = require( "beautiful" )
local layout = require( "radical.layout" )
local arrow_style = require( "" )
-local smart_wibox = require( "radical.smart_wibox" )
+local popup = require( "awful.popup" )
local common = require( "radical.common" )
local capi, module = { keygrabber = keygrabber },{}
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ local function set_visible(i, value)
local w, pg = i.w, i.private_data.parent_geometry
if value and pg then
- w:move_by_parent(pg, "widget")
+ w:move_next_to(pg, "widget")
w.visible = value
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ local function new(args)
local data = base(args)
data:connect_signal("parent_geometry::changed", function()
- args.internal.w:move_by_parent(data.parent_geometry, "widget")
+ args.internal.w:move_next_to(data.parent_geometry, "widget")
local internal = data._internal
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ local function new(args)
internal.margin = wibox.container.margin(internal.layout)
-- Init
- internal.w = smart_wibox(internal.margin, {
+ internal.w = popup {
+ widget = internal.margin ,
visible = false ,
ontop = true ,
opacity = data.opacity ,
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ local function new(args)
or beautiful.menu_outline_color
or beautiful.menu_border_color
or beautiful.fg_normal
- })
+ }
-- Accessors
data.get_wibox = function() return internal.w end
diff --git a/radical/impl/taglist/init.lua b/radical/impl/taglist/init.lua
index e195860..44f3bb8 100644
--- a/radical/impl/taglist/init.lua
+++ b/radical/impl/taglist/init.lua
@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ module.buttons = { [1] = function(t) t:view_only() end,
[3] = function(t,menu,item,button_id,mod,geo)
local m = tag_menu(t)
m.parent_geometry = geo
+ m._internal.w:move_next_to(geo)
m.visible = true
- m._internal.w:move_by_parent(geo, "cursor")
+ print("\n\nHERE", geo.x, geo.drawable)
[4] = function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen) end,
[5] = function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen) end,
@@ -299,9 +300,9 @@ local function new(s)
- instances[capi.screen[s]]:connect_signal("button::press",function(m,item,button_id,mod)
+ instances[capi.screen[s]]:connect_signal("button::press",function(m,item,button_id,mod,geo)
if module.buttons and module.buttons[button_id] then
- module.buttons[button_id](item.tag[1],m,item,button_id,mod)
+ module.buttons[button_id](item.tag[1],m,item,button_id,mod,geo)
@@ -317,6 +318,9 @@ function module.get_positions(s)
if not taglist then return end
local wb = wiboxes[taglist]
+ if not wb then return end
local geo = wb:geometry()
local add_x, add_y = geo.x, geo.y
diff --git a/radical/impl/tasklist/init.lua b/radical/impl/tasklist/init.lua
index 56d5c07..2702c66 100644
--- a/radical/impl/tasklist/init.lua
+++ b/radical/impl/tasklist/init.lua
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ module.buttons = {
local m = client_menu()
-- menu.parent_geometry = geo
m.visible = not m.visible
- m._internal.w:move_by_parent(nil, "cursor")
+ print("\n\nTASKLIST", geo, geo.x)
+ m._internal.w:move_next_to(geo)
[4] = function(c,menu,item,button_id,mod, geo)
diff --git a/radical/init.lua b/radical/init.lua
index 5296f55..b53bea2 100644
--- a/radical/init.lua
+++ b/radical/init.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ end
-- @tparam[opt="button1::pressed"] string event The event trigger for showing
-- the menu.
-- @tparam[opt=1] button_id The mouse button 1 (1= left, 3=right)
--- @tparam[opt=widget] The position mode (see `radical.placement`)
+-- @tparam[opt=widget] The position mode (see `awful.placement.next_to`)
local function set_menu(self,menu, event, button_id, mode)
if not menu then return end
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ local function set_menu(self,menu, event, button_id, mode)
if not m then return end
m.parent_geometry = geo
- m._internal.w:move_by_parent(geo, mode)
+ m._internal.w:move_next_to(geo, mode)
m.visible = not m.visible
diff --git a/radical/layout/grid.lua b/radical/layout/grid.lua
index a3608f8..7a2b396 100644
--- a/radical/layout/grid.lua
+++ b/radical/layout/grid.lua
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ end
local function new(data)
return wibox.layout {
- column_count = data.column,
- row_count = data.row or (not data.column and 2 or nil),
+ forced_num_cols = data.column,
+ forced_num_rows = data.row or (not data.column and 2 or nil),
item_fit = item_fit,
setup_key_hooks = module.setup_key_hooks,
- layout = wibox.layout.grid --FIXME this is monkeypatched
+ layout = wibox.layout.grid.vertical
diff --git a/radical/style/arrow.lua b/radical/style/arrow.lua
index 3e32992..995bc00 100644
--- a/radical/style/arrow.lua
+++ b/radical/style/arrow.lua
@@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ local function gen_arrow_x(data, direction, width, height)
if direction == "left" then
elseif direction == "right" then
- data._internal.w:set_yoffset(-(20) + arrow_height)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset {y = -(20) + arrow_height , x = 0 }
elseif direction == "bottom" then
- data._internal.w:set_xoffset(-(20) - arrow_height)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset {x = -(20) + arrow_height , y = 0 }
elseif direction == "top" then
- data._internal.w:set_xoffset(-data._internal.w.width + (20) + arrow_height)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset {x = -data._internal.w.width + (20) + arrow_height, y = 0}
elseif at == base.arrow_type.CENTERED then
if direction == "left" or direction == "right" then
data._arrow_x = height/2 - arrow_height
- data._internal.w:set_yoffset(data._internal.w.height/2 - arrow_height)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset { y = data._internal.w.height/2 - arrow_height }
data._arrow_x = width/2 - arrow_height
if pg then
- data._internal.w:set_xoffset(-data._internal.w.width/2 + arrow_height + pg.width/2)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset { x = -data._internal.w.width/2 + arrow_height + pg.width/2 }
- data._internal.w:set_xoffset(data._internal.w.width/2 - arrow_height)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset { x = data._internal.w.width/2 - arrow_height }
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ local function draw_roundedrect_path(cr, width, height, rad, data, direction)
if data.arrow_type == base.arrow_type.NONE then
if direction == "left" then
- data._internal.w:set_yoffset(-rad)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset {y = -rad, x = 0 }
elseif direction == "right" then
- data._internal.w:set_yoffset(rad)
+ data._internal.w:set_offset {y = rad, x = 0 }
return shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, rad)
@@ -124,11 +124,14 @@ end
local function draw(data)
if not data._internal.arrow_setup then
- data._internal.w:set_shape_border_width(data.border_width or 1)
- data._internal.w:set_shape_border_color(color(beautiful.menu_outline_color or beautiful.menu_border_color or beautiful.fg_normal))
+ data._internal.w.border_width = data.border_width or 1
+-- data._internal.w.border_color = color(beautiful.menu_outline_color or beautiful.menu_border_color or beautiful.fg_normal)
data._internal.w:set_shape(data.shape or shape.infobubble, unpack(data.shape_args or {}))
- data._internal.w:connect_signal("property::direction", function(_, dir)
+ data._internal.w:connect_signal("property::current_position", function(_, dir)
+ print("\n\n\nANAHCOR!!!", dir)
+ dir = "top" --FIXME
data.direction = dir
data._internal.w:set_shape(function(cr, w, h) draw_roundedrect_path(cr, w, h, data.radius or radius, data, dir) end)
update_margins(data, dir)
diff --git a/radical/theme/init.lua b/radical/theme/init.lua
index 4dbe8b0..759d9c1 100644
--- a/radical/theme/init.lua
+++ b/radical/theme/init.lua
@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ function module.update_colors(item, current_state_override)
item.widget:set_bg ( item.bg_focus )
item.widget:set_bgimage( item.bgimage_focus )
item.widget:set_fg ( item.fg_focus )
- item.widget:set_shape_border_color(item.border_color_focus
- or item["border_color"])
+ item.widget.border_color = item.border_color_focus
+ or item["border_color"]
elseif state_name then
item.widget:set_bg (item["bg_"..state_name] )
item.widget:set_bgimage(item["bgimage_"..state_name] )
item.widget:set_fg (item["fg_"..state_name] )
- item.widget:set_shape_border_color(item["border_color_"..state_name]
- or item["border_color"])
+ item.widget.border_color = item["border_color_"..state_name]
+ or item["border_color"]
item.widget:set_bg ( nil )
item.widget:set_bgimage( nil )
item.widget:set_fg ( item["fg"] )
- item.widget:set_shape_border_color(item["border_color"])
+ item.widget.border_color = item["border_color"]
diff --git a/radical/widgets/grid.lua b/radical/widgets/grid.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c5165..0000000
--- a/radical/widgets/grid.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
--- A two dimension layout disposing the widgets in a grid pattern.
--- @author Emmanuel Lepage Valle
--- @copyright 2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
--- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@
--- @classmod wibox.layout.grid
-local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- luacheck: globals unpack (compatibility with Lua 5.1)
-local base = require("wibox.widget.base")
-local table = table
-local pairs = pairs
-local util = require("awful.util")
-local grid = {}
-local function get_cell_sizes(self, context, orig_width, orig_height)
- local width, height = orig_width, orig_height
- local max_col, max_row = {}, {}
- --TODO include spacing
- --TODO compute the current sum for each column to have a "less wrong"
- -- widget width.
- local max_h = 0
- for row_idx, row in ipairs(self._private.rows) do
- for col_idx, v in ipairs(row) do
- local w, h = base.fit_widget(self, context, v, width, height)
- max_col[col_idx] = math.max(max_col[col_idx] or 0, w)
- max_row[row_idx] = math.max(max_row[row_idx] or 0, h)
- max_h = math.max(max_h, h)
- end
- height = height - max_h
- end
- return max_col, max_row
--- TODO
--- @param context The context in which we are drawn.
--- @param width The available width.
--- @param height The available height.
-function grid:layout(context, width, height)
- local max_col, max_row = get_cell_sizes(self, context, width, height)
- local result = {}
- local spacing = self._private.spacing --TODO support spacing
- local y = 0
- for row_idx = 1, #max_row do -- Vertical
- local x = 0
- for col_idx = 1, #max_col do -- Horizontal
- local v = self._private.rows[row_idx][col_idx]
- if v then
- table.insert(result, base.place_widget_at(v, x, y, max_col[col_idx], max_row[row_idx]))
- x = x + max_col[col_idx]
- else
- break
- end
- end
- y = y + max_row[row_idx]
- end
- return result
-local function get_next_empty(self, row, column)
- row, column = row or 1, column or 1
- local cc = self._private.column_count
- for i = row, math.huge do
- local r = self._private.rows[i]
- if not r then
- r = {}
- self._private.rows[i] = r
- self._private.row_count = i
- end
- for j = column, cc do
- if not r[j] then
- return i, j
- end
- end
- end
-local function index_to_point(data, index)
- return math.floor(index / data._private.row_count) + 1,
- index % data._private.column_count + 1
---- Add some widgets to the given grid layout
--- @param ... Widgets that should be added (must at least be one)
-function grid:add(...)
- -- No table.pack in Lua 5.1 :-(
- local args = { n=select('#', ...), ... }
- assert(args.n > 0, "need at least one widget to add")
- local row, column
- for i=1, args.n do
- row, column = get_next_empty(self, row, column)
- base.check_widget(args[i])
- self._private.rows[row][column] = args[i]
- end
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
-function grid:set_cell_widget(row, column, widget)
- if row < self._private.row_count then
- grid:set_row_count(row)
- end
- if column < self._private.column_count then
- grid:set_column_count(column)
- end
- self._private.rows[row] = self._private.rows[row] or {}
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
-function grid:set_row_count(count)
- self._private.row_count = count
-function grid:set_column_count(count)
- self._private.column_count = count
---- Re-pack all the widget according to the current `row_count` and `column_count`.
-function grid:reflow()
- --TODO
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
---- Remove a widget from the layout
--- @tparam number index The widget index to remove
--- @treturn boolean index If the operation is successful
-function grid:remove(index, reclaim)
- local TODO_TOTAL = math.huge --FIXME
- if not index or index < 1 or index > TODO_TOTAL then return false end
- local r, c = index_to_point(data, index)
- self._private.rows[r][c] = nil
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- return true
---- Remove one or more widgets from the layout
--- The last parameter can be a boolean, forcing a recursive seach of the
--- widget(s) to remove.
--- @param widget ... Widgets that should be removed (must at least be one)
--- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
-function grid:remove_widgets(...)
- local args = { ... }
- local recursive = type(args[#args]) == "boolean" and args[#args]
- local ret = true
- for k, rem_widget in ipairs(args) do
- if recursive and k == #args then break end
- local idx, l = self:index(rem_widget, recursive)
- if idx and l and l.remove then
- l:remove(idx, false)
- else
- ret = false
- end
- end
- return #args > (recursive and 1 or 0) and ret
-function grid:get_children()
- --TODO
- return self._private.rows
-function grid:set_children(children)
- self:reset()
- if #children > 0 then
- self:add(unpack(children))
- end
---- Replace the first instance of `widget` in the layout with `widget2`
--- @param widget The widget to replace
--- @param widget2 The widget to replace `widget` with
--- @tparam[opt=false] boolean recursive Digg in all compatible layouts to find the widget.
--- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
-function grid:replace_widget(widget, widget2, recursive)
- local idx, l = self:index(widget, recursive)
- if idx and l then
- l:set(idx, widget2)
- return true
- end
- return false
-function grid:swap_widgets(widget1, widget2, recursive)
- base.check_widget(widget1)
- base.check_widget(widget2)
- local idx1, l1 = self:index(widget1, recursive)
- local idx2, l2 = self:index(widget2, recursive)
- if idx1 and l1 and idx2 and l2 and (l1.set or l1.set_widget) and (l2.set or l2.set_widget) then
- if l1.set then
- l1:set(idx1, widget2)
- elseif l1.set_widget then
- l1:set_widget(widget2)
- end
- if l2.set then
- l2:set(idx2, widget1)
- elseif l2.set_widget then
- l2:set_widget(widget1)
- end
- return true
- end
- return false
-function grid:set(index, widget2)
- if (not widget2) or (not self._private.rows[index]) then return false end
- base.check_widget(widget2)
- self._private.rows[index] = widget2
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- return true
---- Insert a new widget in the layout at position `index`
--- @tparam number index The position
--- @param widget The widget
--- @treturn boolean If the operation is successful
-function grid:insert(index, widget)
- local TODO_TOTAL = math.huge --FIXME
- if not index or index < 1 or index > TODO_TOTAL then return false end
- base.check_widget(widget)
- table.insert(self._private.rows, index, widget) --FIXME
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- return true
--- Fit the grid layout into the given space
--- @param context The context in which we are fit.
--- @param orig_width The available width.
--- @param orig_height The available height.
-function grid:fit(context, orig_width, orig_height)
- local max_col, max_row = get_cell_sizes(self, context, orig_width, orig_height)
- -- Now that all fit is done, get the maximum
- local used_max_h, used_max_w = 0, 0
- for row_idx = 1, #max_row do
- -- The other widgets will be discarded
- if used_max_h + max_row[row_idx] > orig_height then
- break
- end
- used_max_h = used_max_h + max_row[row_idx]
- end
- for col_idx = 1, #max_col do
- -- The other widgets will be discarded
- if used_max_w + max_col[col_idx] > orig_width then
- break
- end
- used_max_w = used_max_w + max_col[col_idx]
- end
- return used_max_w, used_max_h
-function grid:reset()
- self._private.rows = {}
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
---- Set the layout's fill_space property. If this property is true, the last
--- widget will get all the space that is left. If this is false, the last widget
--- won't be handled specially and there can be space left unused.
--- @property fill_space
-function grid:set_fill_space(val)
- if self._private.fill_space ~= val then
- self._private.fill_space = not not val
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
-local function get_layout(dir, widget1, ...)
- local ret = base.make_widget(nil, nil, {enable_properties = true})
- util.table.crush(ret, grid, true)
- ret._private.widgets = {}
- ret:set_spacing(0)
- ret:set_fill_space(false)
- if widget1 then
- ret:add(widget1, ...)
- end
- return ret
---- Add spacing between each layout widgets
--- @property spacing
--- @tparam number spacing Spacing between widgets.
-function grid:set_spacing(spacing)
- if self._private.spacing ~= spacing then
- self._private.spacing = spacing
- self:emit_signal("widget::layout_changed")
- end
-function grid:get_spacing()
- return self._private.spacing or 0
-return setmetatable(grid, {__call=function(_, ...) return get_layout(...) end})
--- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
diff --git a/radical/widgets/init.lua b/radical/widgets/init.lua
index 7da9887..fe89568 100644
--- a/radical/widgets/init.lua
+++ b/radical/widgets/init.lua
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
-- Do some evil monkeypatching for upstreamable widgets
local wibox = require("wibox")
---wibox.layout.grid = require( "radical.widgets.grid" )
--- wibox.widget.checkbox = require( "radical.widgets.checkbox" )
--- wibox.widget.slider = require( "radical.widgets.slider" )
return {
scroll = require( "radical.widgets.scroll" ),
filter = require( "radical.widgets.filter" ),
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