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Last active August 10, 2022 06:11
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lens-aeson madness
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Main where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import Data.Aeson.QQ
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Unsound
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lens
import Data.Text (Text)
requests :: [Value]
requests =
[ [aesonQQ|{name: {forename: "hoho1", surname: "haha1", middleName: "hehe1"}}|]
, [aesonQQ|{name: {forename: "hoho2", surname: "haha2", patronymic: "hehe2"}}|]
responses =
[ [aesonQQ|{id: "name_id1", name: {forename: "hoho1", surname: "haha1", patronymic: "hehe1"}}|]
, [aesonQQ|{id: "name_id2", name: {forename: "hoho2", surname: "haha2", patronymic: "hehe2"}}|]
aliases = [aesonQQ|
patronymic: "middleName",
middleName: "patronymic"
schema = [aesonQQ|
forename: "string",
surname: "string",
patronymic: "string",
middleName: "string"
schemaToLenses :: [ReifiedTraversal' Value Text]
schemaToLenses = fmap toLens $ schema ^@.. _Object . itraversed . _String
toLens (fld,tp) = Traversal $ keySyn fld . typeToLens tp
typeToLens "string" = _String
keySyn fld = runTraversal $
adjoinAll $ [Traversal $ key fld] <> (aliases ^.. key fld . _String . to reifyKey)
reifyKey :: Text -> ReifiedTraversal' Value Value
reifyKey t = Traversal $ key t
adjoinAll :: [ReifiedTraversal' s a] -> ReifiedTraversal' s a
adjoinAll = foldl adjoin' (Traversal $ const pure)
adjoin' :: ReifiedTraversal' s a -> ReifiedTraversal' s a -> ReifiedTraversal' s a
adjoin' t1 t2 = Traversal $ adjoin (runTraversal t1) (runTraversal t2)
eqSchema this that = schemaToLenses
& map
(\fld -> all id
[ this & has (runTraversal fld)
, that & has (runTraversal fld)
, this ^? runTraversal fld == that ^? runTraversal fld
& all id
main :: IO ()
main = do
withIds = map attachId requests
traverse_ printPretty withIds
attachId rq = rq & _Object . at "id" .~ lookupId (rq ^?! key "name")
lookupId rq = responses ^? traversed . filteredBy (key "name" . to (eqSchema rq) . only True) . key "id"
printPretty =
view $ to encodePretty . unpackedChars . to putStrLn
-- result:
-- {
-- "name": {
-- "surname": "haha1",
-- "forename": "hoho1",
-- "middleName": "hehe1"
-- },
-- "id": "name_id1"
-- }
-- {
-- "name": {
-- "surname": "haha2",
-- "forename": "hoho2",
-- "patronymic": "hehe2"
-- },
-- "id": "name_id2"
-- }
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