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Last active March 20, 2021 09:54
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import Data.Void
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
type Parser = Parsec Void String
main :: IO ()
main = case runParser p "bruh" "\"123\", \"321\" , ," of
Left err -> print err
Right res -> print res
p :: Parser [String]
p = do
res <- (spaced $ inQuotes anyStringUntilQuote)
char ','
pure res
spaced = between space space
inQuotes = between (char '\"') (char '\"')
anyStringUntilQuote = many $ anySingleBut '\"'
{- examples:
> parseTest p "\"1\" , \"2,2\" , \"\""
> parseTest p "\"1\" \"2,2\" , \"\""
1 | "1" "2,2" , ""
| ^
unexpected '"'
expecting ',', end of input, or white space
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