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Created November 13, 2019 06:02
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module Main where
-- from "monoidal-containers" package
import qualified Data.IntMap.Monoidal.Strict as M
-- The thing with this IntMap is that whenever
-- its elements form a semigroup, the IntMaps
-- containing those elements themselves form
-- a monoid that works "pointwise"
-- Just type synonyms
type Height = Int
type Width = Int
data Cell = Bomb | Number Int
deriving Eq
data Board = Board
{ height :: Height
, width :: Width
, cells :: M.MonoidalIntMap Cell
instance Show Cell where
show Bomb = "b"
show (Number a) = show a
instance Show Board where
show board@Board{height = h, width = w} =
concatMap showRow [0..h-1]
showRow y = show row <> "\n"
where row = map (\x -> cellAt board x y) [0..w-1]
-- Hopefully you've heard of semigroups?
instance Semigroup Cell where
Bomb <> _ = Bomb
_ <> Bomb = Bomb
Number a <> Number b = Number $ a + b
instance Semigroup Board where
boardA <> boardB = if hA /= hB || wA /= wB
then error "Cannot concatenate boards with different dimensions"
else Board hA wA $ cA <> cB
hA = height boardA
hB = height boardB
wA = width boardA
wB = width boardB
cA = cells boardA
cB = cells boardB
-- Now we can take two boards and (<>) them together
-- try: sampleBoard <> sampleBoard
-- An example board with two bombs
sampleBoard :: Board
sampleBoard = Board 3 3 $
M.fromList $ [0..8] `zip`
[ Number 0, Number 0, Number 0
, Number 0, Bomb , Number 0
, Number 0, Number 0, Bomb
-- A board filled with zeroes
nullBoard :: Height -> Width -> Board
nullBoard h w = Board h w $
M.fromList $ [0..h*w-1] `zip`
repeat (Number 0)
-- Coords origin on a board is its left upper corner
-- 0---------> x
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- v
-- y
-- Transform coords into IntMap index
flattenCoords :: Board -> Int -> Int -> Int
flattenCoords Board{width = w} x y =
x + (y * w)
-- Transform IntMap index into coords
unFlattenCoords :: Board -> Int -> (Int, Int)
unFlattenCoords Board{height = h} i =
(i `mod` h, i `div` h)
-- Pick a cell in a given board at given coords
cellAt :: Board -> Int -> Int -> Cell
cellAt board x y =
cells board M.! (flattenCoords board x y)
-- At given coords in a given board, apply a function
-- that transforms a cell at that coords
modifyCellAt :: Board -> Int -> Int -> (Cell -> Cell) -> Board
modifyCellAt board x y f =
board { cells = M.adjust f i (cells board) }
where i = flattenCoords board x y
-- Get adjacent squares around given coords
adjacent :: Int -> Int -> [(Int, Int)]
adjacent x y = [(x + a, y + b) | a <- [-1..1], b <- [-1..1]]
-- Create a board with given height and width that
-- consists of zeroes everywhere except around given
-- coords, where it's filled with a given cell
-- Example:
-- surroundedBy 3 3 Bomb 0 0
-- [b,b,0]
-- [b,b,0]
-- [0,0,0]
surroundedBy :: Height -> Width -> Cell -> Int -> Int -> Board
surroundedBy h w c x y = foldl go (nullBoard h w) adj
adj = filter
(\(x,y) -> x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < w && y < h) $
adjacent x y
go :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Board
go board (x,y) = modifyCellAt board x y (const c)
-- Return all bombs' coords in a board
getBombs :: Board -> [(Int,Int)]
getBombs board =
map (unFlattenCoords board) .
map fst .
filter (\(i,c) -> c == Bomb) $ cellsList
cellsList = M.toList $ cells board
-- Speaks for itself
markBombs :: Board -> Board
markBombs unMarkedBoard =
foldl (<>) unMarkedBoard .
map surround .
getBombs $ unMarkedBoard
surround = uncurry $
surroundedBy h w (Number 1)
h = height unMarkedBoard
w = width unMarkedBoard
main = do
putStrLn "Unmarked board:"
print sampleBoard
putStrLn "Marked board:"
print $ markBombs sampleBoard
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