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Created June 28, 2012 10:05
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SomaFM -> MQTT
# script to parse out the metadata from soma fm and send to mqtt
xmlurl = ''
mqtt_broker = ''
import mosquitto
import collections
import time
import signal
from lxml import etree
# Connect to broker
mqttc = mosquitto.Mosquitto('pubclient_PUBNAME')
mqttc.connect(mqtt_broker, 1883, 60, True)
metadata = collections.defaultdict(dict)
# Handle ctrl-c gracefully and unpublish
def handler(signum, frame):
print "Caught SIG, cleaning up"
for chan in metadata.keys():
for key in metadata[chan].keys():
print chan, key
mqttc.publish("somafm/%s/%s" % (chan,key), '', retain=True)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
while True:
tree = etree.parse(xmlurl)
interesting = ('title','description','image','twitter','listeners','dj')
for chan in tree.getiterator('channel'):
for thing in interesting:
for key in chan.iterchildren(tag=thing):
#print "somafm/%s/%s %s" % (chan.attrib['id'], key.tag, key.text)
if metadata[chan.attrib['id']][key.tag] != key.text:
metadata[chan.attrib['id']][key.tag] = key.text
print "UPDATE somafm/%s/%s %s" % (chan.attrib['id'], key.tag, key.text)
# Since this is a dynamic value, remove retention
mqttc.publish("somafm/%s/%s" % (chan.attrib['id'], key.tag), '', retain=True)
mqttc.publish("somafm/%s/%s" % (chan.attrib['id'], key.tag), key.text, retain=False)
except KeyError:
metadata[chan.attrib['id']][key.tag] = key.text
print "ADDED somafm/%s/%s %s" % (chan.attrib['id'], key.tag, key.text)
mqttc.publish("somafm/%s/%s" % (chan.attrib['id'], key.tag), key.text, retain=True)
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