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Last active November 28, 2016 00:56
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The Setting

You will inhabit a small, unexplored world. There are no maps. There are no empires. There are no institutions of grandeur.

You will live in a small town, surrounded by a forrest at the foot of a great mountain. You are aware of only 2 other towns in the world. Travel is severly limited by the wild-things in the forrest.

You must seek out powerful items and larger markets.


You may play any race except Elf. Elves are immortal, legendary creatures.

You may pick any humanoid species, but you must live in a human village fully believing that you are human.

You know no myths concerning dragons and you have never heard of such creatures. Do not build a character dependant on the existance of dragons.

Do not take advantage of the expanded mythology of Dungeons and Dragons to build your character. We can re-skin most of it to fit in this setting.

Character Creation

You are experienced roleplayers, so I've created arbitrary constraints to challenge you.

  1. Your character must have a developed family, of any size. You may not play an orphan.
  2. You may not play a character of the same gender as you.
  3. Your character must be passionate about something.
  4. You will gain a bonus point for having a love-interest or significant other.

Points will be given to players by the DM for adept role playing. Points may be used to break rules.

All martial adept classes are considered prestige classes.


Rolling for Stats: 4d6 drop the lowest Starting Level: 3 Starting Gold: 1000gp

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