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Last active August 26, 2016 00:00
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Save Ema4rl/9bbc53633c8b2113e6f0690eb397a232 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A custom UIkit component for scrollable images on hover
(function(addon) {
var component;
if (window.UIkit) {
component = addon(UIkit);
if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) {
define("uikit-aspect-ratio", ["uikit"], function(){
return component || addon(UIkit);
"use strict";
// helper utility
UI.Utils.crossMultiply = function(data) {
var $return = 0;
data = UI.Utils.options(data);
// Eg: x1 {1_1} == y1 {1_2}
// x2 {2_1} == y2 {2_2}
data = UI.$.extend({
'x1': null,
'y1': null,
'x2': null,
'y2': null
}, data);
if (data['x1'] == null) {
$return = (data['y1'] * data['x2']) / data['y2'];
else if (data['y1'] == null) {
$return = (data['x1'] * data['y2']) / data['x2'];
else if (data['x2'] == null) {
$return = (data['x1'] * data['y2']) / data['y1'];
else if (data['y2'] == null) {
$return = (data['y1'] * data['x2']) / data['x1'];
return Math.ceil($return);
UI.component('aspectRatio', {
defaults: {
'ratio': '16:9',
'fix': 'height',
'speed': '2.5s',
'animation': 'linear'
boot: function() {
// init code
UI.ready(function(context) {
UI.$("[data-uk-aspect-ratio]", context).each(function(){
var ele = UI.$(this);
if (!"aspectRatio")) {
UI.aspectRatio(ele, UI.Utils.options(ele.attr("data-uk-aspect-ratio")));
init: function() {
var $this = this;
// init + on resize & orientationchange event
UI.$win.on('resize orientationchange', (function() {
var fn = function() {
UI.$(function() {
UI.$win.on("load", fn);
return UI.Utils.debounce(fn, 20);
})());"aspectRatio", this);
process: function() {
var $this = this,
element = this.element,
arHoverElem = this.element.children('.uk-aspect-ratio-hover').first();
this.ratio = this.options.ratio.split(":");
this.fix = this.options.fix;
if (this.fix == 'height') {
this.origWidth = element.width();
this.origHeight = null;
element.css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
else if (this.fix == 'width') {
this.origWidth = null;
this.origHeight = element.height();
element.css('overflow-x', 'hidden');
var calcData = UI.Utils.crossMultiply({
'x1': this.ratio[0], // ratio mini-width
'y1': this.ratio[1], // ratio mini-height
'x2': this.origWidth,
'y2': this.origHeight
// Sets the width/height
if (arHoverElem) {
// Sets the animation type & speed
arHoverElem.css('transition', 'transform '+this.options.speed+' '+this.options.animation);
element.hover(function() {
if ($this.fix == 'height') {
arHoverElem.css('transform', 'translateY(-'+(arHoverElem.height()-calcData)+'px)');
else if ($this.fix == 'width') {
arHoverElem.css('transform', 'translateX(-'+(arHoverElem.width()-calcData)+'px)');
}, function() {
if ($this.fix == 'height') {
arHoverElem.css('transform', 'translateY(0)');
else if ($this.fix == 'width') {
arHoverElem.css('transform', 'translateX(0)');
//arHoverElem.attr('data-uk-ar', arHoverElem[this.fix]()-calcData+'px');
return this;
return UI.aspectRatio;
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Ema4rl commented Jun 19, 2016



  1. Minify aspect-ratio.js to aspect-ratio.min.js
  2. Add both files to your components sub-folder in assets/js/components/
  3. Include the minified js after your UIkit script tag or automatically load with: $O.test('[data-aspect-ratio]').js('aspect-ratio.min.js'); using Only.js!

Build process:

1: Include aspect-ratio.js to your src/js/components/ sub-folder.
2. Add ./src/js/components/aspect-ratio.js to your gulpfile (probably depends on your setup)
3. Run gulp dist -m -c (also depends on your setup)

# In your HTML... ## For long images (scroll by height):
<div class="uk-width-1-1" data-uk-aspect-ratio="{'ratio':'3:1'}">
   <img src="image.jpg" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-aspect-ratio-hover">

For wide images (scroll by width):

<div class="uk-width-1-1" data-uk-aspect-ratio="{'ratio':'3:1', 'fix': 'width'}">
   <img src="image.jpg" class="uk-width-1-1 uk-aspect-ratio-hover">


Check the article on for live demos.

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