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Created February 8, 2015 10:10
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data manipulation using dplyr
### Some extended examples re dplyr using the Lahman baseball database
### Problem 1:
### Get the season batting statistics for the 2013 Los Angeles Dodgers,
### including slugging percentage, on-base percentage and their sum OPS.
### Restrict to players with at least 50 official at bats and sort by
### descending OPS.
batting <- tbl_df(Batting) %>%
select(playerID, yearID, teamID, lgID, G, AB:SB, BB:SF)
player_names <- tbl_df(Master) %>%
select(playerID, nameFirst, nameLast, bats, throws)
LAD13 <- batting %>%
filter(yearID == 2013, teamID == "LAN", AB > 50) %>%
mutate(BA = round(H/AB, 3),
TB = H + X2B + 2 * X3B + 3 * HR,
SLG = round(TB/AB, 3),
OBP = round((H + BB + HBP)/(AB + BB + HBP), 3),
OPS = SLG + OBP) %>%
LAD13btg <- inner_join(player_names, LAD13) %>%
select(-throws, -contains("ID")) %>%
### Problem 2:
### Get the season pitching statistics for the 2012 Colorado Rockies,
### sorted by ERA.
pitching <- tbl_df(Pitching) %>%
select(playerID, yearID, teamID:GS, SV:SO, ERA:HBP)
COL12 <- pitching %>%
filter(yearID == 2012, teamID == "COL")
COL12ptch <- inner_join(player_names, COL12) %>%
select(-bats, -contains("ID")) %>%
### Problem 3:
### Season attendance per game by team from 2006-2010, National League,
### sorted by team abbreviation
teams <- tbl_df(Teams) %>%
select(teamID, yearID, lgID, Ghome, attendance)
NLattend <- teams %>%
filter(yearID %in% 2006:2010, lgID == "NL") %>%
mutate(teamID = factor(teamID),
APG = round(attendance/Ghome)) %>%
select(-lgID, -Ghome, -attendance)
## Use the spread() function to show the table in 'wide' form
NLattend %>% spread(yearID, APG)
## Plot these over time
ggplot(NLattend, aes(x = yearID, y = APG, color = teamID)) +
# theme_bw() +
geom_line(size = 1) +
scale_color_manual(values = rainbow(16)) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "black"),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey60"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey50"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "grey90"),
legend.key = element_rect(fill = "black")) +
labs(x = "Year", y = "Average attendance per game",
color = "Team ID")
# Packages to load
# Install first if necessary
# Uncomment and edit as necessary
# install.packages(c("Lahman", "ggplot2", "plyr", "reshape2",
"data.table", "tidyr"))
# Download and install latest version of dplyr
# On Windows and Macs, you need to install from source at present
# On Windows, this means you need to have Rtools3.1
# installed from CRAN before installing dplyr. Should be OK on MacOS.
# The installation takes a couple of minutes since C++ files
# must be compiled.
install.packages("dplyr", type = "source")
# Load packages
# Toy data frame for basic illustrations
DF <- data.frame(gp = gl(3, 4, labels = LETTERS[1:3]),
x = sample(seq(12)),
y = rnorm(12))
## Examples of how to use the tbl_*() functions
DT <- data.table(DF, key = "gp")
dft <- tbl_df(DF) # data frame to dplyr tbl
dtt <- tbl_dt(DT) # data table to dplyr tbl
rm(DT, dtt) # won't use data.table again
detach(package:data.table, unload = TRUE)
## One-table verbs
# arrange(): sorting
arrange(dft, gp, y)
dft %>% arrange(gp, y) # data pipeline version
dft %>% arrange(gp, desc(x)) # reverse sort by x w/i gp
# filter(): row subsetting
dft %>% filter(gp == "A")
dft %>% filter(gp %in% c("A", "B") & y > 0)
# count(): frequency tabulation
dft %>% count(gp)
dft %>% count(gp, y > 0)
# tally(): sums numeric vars
dft %>% group_by(gp) %>% tally(y) # sum of y by gp
# select(): selects columns to retain
dft %>% select(-x) # remove column named x
dft %>% select(starts_with("g")) # returns gp
### Better idea of how the function works:
# summarise(): one-number summar[y/ies] of a variable
dft %>% group_by(gp) %>% summarise(mean_y = mean(y), sd_y = sd(y), n = n())
# mutate(): transforms or creates variables within a tbl object
dft %>%
group_by(gp) %>%
mutate(abs_y = abs(y), norm_y = scale(y, scale = TRUE),
z = x + 2 * y)
# transmute(): like mutate() except that it drops unused existing variables
# New in version 0.3
dft %>% mutate(abs_y = abs(y), z = 1 + y/2)
dft %>% transmute(abs_y = abs(y), z = 1 + y/2)
### transmute() can also operate groupwise
dft %>%
group_by(gp) %>%
transmute(norm_y = scale(y, scale = TRUE))
# slice(): row indexing operator in dplyr using vector positions
# rather than logical expressions
dft %>% slice(1:5)
dft %>% slice(c(2, 5, 7, 10))
dft %>% group_by(gp) %>% slice(n())
dft %>% group_by(gp) %>% slice(1)
# rename(): renames variables
rename(dft, xx = x, yy = y)
dft %>% rename(xx = x)
# Two-table verbs
t1 <- data.frame(name = c("Tom", "Rick", "Harriet", "Ralph",
"Noriko", "Tyrone", "Ingrid"),
position = c("VP", "AVP", "VP", "AVP",
"CFO", "CEO", "IT"))
t2 <- data.frame(name = c("Tom", "Harriet", "Ralph", "Noriko",
company = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "A"))
T1 <- tbl_df(t1)
T2 <- tbl_df(t2)
rm(t1, t2)
inner_join(T1, T2)
left_join(T1, T2)
left_join(T2, T1) # right join
semi_join(T1, T2)
anti_join(T1, T2)
# do() function
# Used to apply a non-verb function groupwise to a tbl object
# Particularly useful for model-fitting functions
teams <- tbl_df(Lahman::Teams)
teams1013 <- teams %>%
filter(yearID >= 2010) %>%
select(yearID, H, R, lgID)
# Reset the levels of lgID
teams1013 <- teams1013 %>% mutate(lgID = factor(lgID))
# Model runs scored vs. hits by team within season
mod1 <- teams1013 %>%
group_by(yearID, lgID) %>%
do(mod = lm(R ~ H, data = .))
# Some useful things to extract from this object
sapply(mod1, class)
# Utility functions to extract R^2 and the model coefficients
r2 <- function(m) summary(m)$r.squared
coef_df <- function(m)
sc <- coef(m)
names(sc) <- c("Intercept", "Slope")
## In this case, do() is working row-wise on mod1 because the
## mod component is a list, which is why we use [1] for the first
## two variables
mod1 %>% do(data.frame(year = .$yearID[1], league = .$lgID[1],
coef_df(.$mod), rsq = r2(.$mod)))
## Another approach, appending the results of do() to the first
## two columns of mod1
data.frame(mod1[, 1:2],
mod1 %>% do(data.frame(coef_df(.$mod),
rsq = r2(.$mod))))
# Alternative approach: all in one
summfun <- function(d)
rsq <-, lapply(d$mod, r2))
coeff <-, lapply(d$mod, coef))
dd <- data.frame(d$yearID, d$lgID, coeff, rsq)
names(dd) <- c("year", "league", "intercept", "slope", "rsq")
## tidyr
# parallels dplyr as reshape2 parallels plyr
### gather()
### stacks multiple columns into two
m1 <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5,
dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("x", 1:5)))
m2 <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 5,
dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("y", 1:5)))
DF1 <- data.frame(g = gl(2, 2, labels = LETTERS[1:2]),
m1, m2)
dft1 <- tbl_df(DF1)
dft2 <- dft1 %>%
gather(xvar, xvalue, x1:x5) %>%
gather(yvar, yvalue, y1:y5)
### spread() is the inverse function of gather():
### unstacks two columns into several
dft2 %>% spread(xvar, xvalue)
### separate() splits a variable name into two new ones
DF2 <- data.frame(smin = c(2, 4, 3), smax = c(3, 6, 7),
tmin = c(3, 0, 4), tmax = c(5, 1, 8))
DFT2 <- tbl_df(DF2)
( DFT3 <- DFT2 %>% gather(var, value, smin:tmax) %>%
separate(var, c("type", "stat"), 1) )
### unite() is the inverse function of separate
DFT3 %>% unite(type_stat, type, stat)
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