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import pandas as pd
import os
from google_drive_downloader import GoogleDriveDownloader as gdd
def make_slug(title):
long = ''.join([
s if s in '0123456789-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
else '-'
for s in title.lower().strip()
-- Daft Punk
wmdm = ["work it ","make it ","do it ","makes us "]
hbfs = ["harder","better","faster","stronger"]
mteha = [("more than ", "ever"), ("hour ", "after")]
hwino = [("hour ", "work is"), ("never ", "over")]
intro = wmdm ++ hbfs ++ map fst (mteha ++ hwino) ++ map snd (mteha ++ hwino) ++ wmdm ++ hbfs
chorus = zipWith (++) wmdm hbfs ++ fmap combine (mteha ++ hwino)
chorusalt = zipWith (++) wmdm ("":tail hbfs) ++ fmap combine (mteha ++ hwino)
outro = evens (zipWith (++) wmdm hbfs) ++ fmap combine (head mteha:hwino)