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Last active October 17, 2023 20:30
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Transparent proxy for rewriting web pages to include The Hoff
Install twisted (pip install twisted) and PIL (pip install PIL), and run the script.
On your gateway, run the following commands:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -s ! -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o br0 -s -d -j SNAT --to
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d -i br0 -o br0 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT
Substitute for the computer running the proxy.
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web import proxy, http
from PIL import Image
import StringIO
import zlib
img ="hoff.png")
class LoggingProxyClient(proxy.ProxyClient):
def __init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father):
del headers["accept-encoding"]
proxy.ProxyClient.__init__(self, command, rest, version, headers, data, father)
self.isImage = False
self.isHtml = False
self.buffer = ""
def handleStatus(self, version, code, message):
proxy.ProxyClient.handleStatus(self, version, code, message)
def handleHeader(self, key, value):
if key.lower() == "content-type" and value.startswith("image/"):
self.isImage = True
self.isHtml = False
self.imageType = value
elif key.lower() == "content-type" and value.startswith("text/html"):
self.isHtml = True
self.isImage = False
proxy.ProxyClient.handleHeader(self, key, value)
def handleResponsePart(self, buffer):
#proxy.ProxyClient.handleResponsePart(self, buffer)
self.buffer += buffer
def handleResponseEnd(self):
if not self._finished:
if self.isImage:
oldBuffer = StringIO.StringIO(self.buffer)
oldImg =
w, h = oldImg.size
if w > 50 and h > 50 and w >= h:
print "Inserting the hoff into image of size: ", str(oldImg.size)
nh = h/2
nw = nh * img.size[0] / img.size[1]
mask ="RGBA", oldImg.size)
maskData = mask.load()
for x in xrange(0, w):
for y in xrange(0, h):
maskData[x, y] = (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)
newImg = oldImg.copy().convert("RGBA")
pasteImg = img.copy().resize((nw, nh))
newImg = Image.blend(newImg, mask, 0.5)
newImg.paste(pasteImg, (w - nw, h - nh), pasteImg)
newBuffer = StringIO.StringIO()
if self.imageType == "image/png":, "PNG")
elif self.imageType in ("image/jpg", "image/jpeg"):, "JPEG")
self.buffer = newBuffer.getvalue()
self.father.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Cache-Control", ["no-cache"])
except Exception as e:
print repr(e)
elif self.isHtml:
print "Hoffifying HTML"
# newBuffer = zlib.decompress(self.buffer)
# newBuffer = self.buffer
newBuffer = self.buffer
self.buffer = newBuffer \
.replace("He ", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("She ", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("Jag", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("Han ", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("han ", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("Honom", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("honom", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("Hon ", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("hon ", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("Henne", " The Hoff ") \
.replace("henne", " The Hoff ")
#print self.buffer
self.father.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders("Content-Length", [str(len(self.buffer))])
class LoggingProxyClientFactory(proxy.ProxyClientFactory):
protocol = LoggingProxyClient
class LoggingProxyRequest(proxy.ProxyRequest):
protocols = { "http": LoggingProxyClientFactory }
def process(self):
# when the client isn't aware it's talking to a proxy, it won't send
# the full path to the web server. here we prepend http:// and the server
# host to the uri
if not self.uri.startswith("http://") and not self.uri.startswith("https://"):
self.uri = "http://" + self.getHeader("Host") + self.uri
print "Request from %s for %s" % (self.getClientIP(), self.uri)
except KeyError:
print "HTTPS is not supported at the moment!"
class LoggingProxy(proxy.Proxy):
requestFactory = LoggingProxyRequest
class LoggingProxyFactory(http.HTTPFactory):
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return LoggingProxy()
reactor.listenTCP(8080, LoggingProxyFactory())
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Ah, I had completely missed .fit(). Thanks for the tip, @madr. :)

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