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Last active March 4, 2020 17:47
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Save EmileSonneveld/7e7053068fd481729b91 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Make a sound representation of the last commit hash
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# python c6951a1048d39d28610d491cb10f2b12d4169c02
import wave, base64, struct, random, sys, os, math;
import subprocess, re
#print each individual sample to console, used for understanding
def print_sound(filename, cap=0):
wave_read =, 'rb');
print "---------------------------------------"
print filename
print "getnchannels " + str( wave_read.getnchannels() );
print "getsampwidth " + str( wave_read.getsampwidth() );
print "getframerate " + str( wave_read.getframerate() );
print "getnframes " + str( wave_read.getnframes() );
print "getparams " + str( wave_read.getparams() );
# (2, 2, 44100, 192386, 'NONE', 'not compressed')
print "---------------------------------------"
counter = 0;
# range is [-128,128]
for i in wave_read.readframes(wave_read.getnframes()):
counter += 1
#print base64.b64encode(i)
#print int.from_bytes(i, byteorder='big')
#print str(type(i)) + str(len(i))
value = int(struct.unpack("<b", i)[0]/3)
offset = 60
if value < 0:
print (" "*(offset+value) + u"⬛"*(-value) + u"│")
elif value > 0:
print (" "*(offset) + u"│" + u"⬛"*(value)) #u2B1B u25A0 ⬛■
print (" "*(offset) + u"│")
if cap and counter>cap:
print " "*(offset-1) + "..."
def sample_herts(time, herts, amplitude):
return math.sin(time * herts + 500) * amplitude
def sample_noise(amplitude):
return random.random()*2*amplitude - amplitude
def hexa_range(hex_str, mini, maxi):
hexa = int(hex_str, 16) + 0.0
return int(mini + (maxi - mini) * (hexa / 16.0))
def hexa_percent(hex_str):
return int(hex_str, 16) / 16.0
fps = 44100.0
def generate_segment(noise_output, percent1, percent2, percent3, percent4):
SAMPLE_LEN = int(fps); # one second seems good to me
curve_1_herts = 600 + (5000 - 600) * percent1
curve_2_herts = 400 + (9000 - 400) * percent2
curve_3_aplit = 1 + (50-1) * percent3
melody_tone = 880 + 1760 * percent4
for i in range(0, SAMPLE_LEN):
time_percent = (i +0.0 )/ SAMPLE_LEN
time = i/fps
value = 0
value += sample_herts( time, curve_1_herts, 10 + 100 * (time_percent-0.5) )
value += sample_herts( time, curve_2_herts, 50*(0.1 + ( math.modf(time *3)[0])) )
#value += sample_noise( curve_3_aplit )
# long during tunes:
value += sample_herts( time, 880 + (math.ceil(time*6)*456*percent4 %20)/20 * 1760, 90 )
value = max(-128, min(value, 127))
packed_value = struct.pack('<b', value)
#noise_output.writeframesraw(packed_value) only if 2 chanels
input_hashes = {}
process = subprocess.Popen(['git', "log", "--pretty=format:'%H'"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = process.communicate()
input_hashes = re.findall(r"[0-9a-z]{40}", out)
if len(sys.argv)>=2:
if sys.argv[1].find('.wav') != -1:
print_sound(sys.argv[1], 10)
elif sys.argv[1] == "test":
input_hashes = {}
input_hashes = re.findall(r"[0-9a-z]{40}", out)
print "listen to last commit"
input_hashes = {input_hashes[0]}
noise_output ='noise.wav', 'w')
noise_output.setparams((1, 2, fps, 0, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))
if len(input_hashes)>0:
print input_hashes
for hash_itt in input_hashes:
print "generate a randome sound te prove something works"
os.system("cat noise.wav | aplay") # heerlijk platform afhankelijk
#print_sound('noise.wav', 10)
# Encoding structs to string
# Frmt C Type Python type Standard size Notes
# x pad byte no value
# c char string of length 1 1
# b signed char integer 1 (3)
# B unsigned char integer 1 (3)
# ? _Bool bool 1 (1)
# h short integer 2 (3)
# H unsigned short integer 2 (3)
# i int integer 4 (3)
# I unsigned int integer 4 (3)
# l long integer 4 (3)
# L unsigned long integer 4 (3)
# q long long integer 8 (2), (3)
# Q unsigned long long integer 8 (2), (3)
# f float float 4 (4)
# d double float 8 (4)
# s char[] string
# p char[] string
# P void * integer
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fps = 44100.0
SAMPLE_LEN = int(fps); # one second seems good to me

noise_output ='noise.wav', 'w')
noise_output.setparams((1, 2, fps, SAMPLE_LEN, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))

def sample_herts(time, herts, amplitude):
return math.sin(time * herts + 500) * amplitude

tones = [0] * 32
nrTones = len(tones)
for i in range (0,nrTones):
tones[i] = 880 + i*55

def oneNote(string):
value = sum(map(ord, string))
pitch1 = tones[value % nrTones]
pitch2 = tones[(value * 7) % nrTones]
pitch3 = tones[(value * 11) % nrTones]
return (pitch1, pitch2, pitch3)

for i in range(0,len(input_hash)-3):
part = input_hash[i:i+3](pitch1, pitch2, pitch3) = oneNote(part)
for i in range(0, SAMPLE_LEN/2):
time_percent = (i +0.0 )/ SAMPLE_LEN
time = i/fps
value = sample_herts(time, pitch1, 127)
value += sample_herts(time + 0/fps, pitch2, 127)
value += sample_herts(time + 0/fps, pitch3, 127)

    value = max(-128, min(value, 127))

    packed_value = struct.pack('<b', value)
    #noise_output.writeframesraw(packed_value) only if 2 chanels


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