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Last active March 20, 2023 11:21
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Type Advance types - array intersection
// Construct a type that checks if 2 array are interscting
type ToUnion<T extends unknown[]> = T[number];
type IntersectionArrays<T extends any[], U extends any[]> = T["length"] extends 0 ? true :
{ [K in ToUnion<T>]: K extends ToUnion<U> ? false : true }[ToUnion<T>] extends true ? true : never
// Will resolve true since no intersection found
type A = IntersectionArrays<[1], [2]>
// Will resolve never since both array have the item "1" inside
type B = IntersectionArrays<[1], [1]>
// You can also twick the type to aslo return the actual araay passed as a type
type IntersectionArrays<T extends any[], U extends any[]> =
{ [K in ToUnion<T>]: K extends ToUnion<U> ? false : true }[ToUnion<T>] extends true ? T extends (infer U)[] ? U[] : never : never
// will resolve to (1)[]
type A = IntersectionArrays<[1], [2]>
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