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Created September 24, 2021 11:56
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struct Test1 {
var ww: Int
var xx: String
struct Partial<T> {
internal var values: [PartialKeyPath<T>: Any] = [:]
subscript<V>(key: KeyPath<T, V>) -> V? {
get {
values[key] as? V
set {
values[key] = newValue
struct PatchablePropertyDescriptor<T> {
internal let applicator: (inout T, Any) -> ()
init<V>(keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, V>) {
applicator = { this, value in
if let v = value as? V {
this[keyPath: keyPath] = v
protocol Patchable {
static var patchableProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Self>: PatchablePropertyDescriptor<Self>] { get }
extension Patchable {
mutating func apply(partial: Partial<Self>) {
partial.values.forEach { (k, v) in
if let property = Self.patchableProperties[k] {
property.applicator(&self, v)
} else {
print(type(of: k))
extension Test1: Patchable {
static let patchableProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Test1>: PatchablePropertyDescriptor<Test1>] = [
\Test1.ww: PatchablePropertyDescriptor(keyPath: \Test1.ww),
\Test1.xx: PatchablePropertyDescriptor(keyPath: \Test1.xx)
var t = Test1(ww: 1, xx: "aa")
var patch = Partial<Test1>()
patch[\Test1.xx] = "bb"
t.apply(partial: patch)
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