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NASM-MIPS Translations

This is a WIP. Please notify me of any mistakes or possible improvements.
I have ignored any 64-bit differences due to Moore seeming to be a 32-bit system.


Basic Instructions
Data Instructions
Bitwise Instructions
Logic Instructions


Purpose of Register MIPS NASM
Stack Pointer $sp esp
Stack Frame Pointer / Base Pointer $fp ebp
Return Value $v0-$v1 eax
Return Value (floating point) $f0 st0
Arguments $a0-$a3 NONE - In stack
Free (32-bit integer) $t0-$t9, $s0-$s8 eax, ecx, ebx, edx, esi, edi(ebx if not in a shared library)
Free (16-bit integer) NONE ax, bx, cd, dx
Free (8-bit integer) NONE ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl, dh, dl
Free (floating point) $f0-$f31 st0,st1,...,st?
Return Address $ra NONE - In stack
Product and Remainder $LO, $HI eax, edx
Quotient and High 32 Bits $LO, $HI eax, edx

Basic Instructions

Arbitrarily chosen names are shown in italics.
There are several more pseduoinstructions that are combinations of the ones shown here.

Description MIPS NASM
Load immediate value into register. li $t0, 4 mov eax,4
Move value of one register into another. move $t0, $t1 mov eax,ecx
Add 2 registers. add $t0, $t1, $t2 add eax,ebx (Sum saved in first register)
Add register and immediate. addi $t0, $t1, 4 add eax,4 (Sum saved in first register)
Subtract 2 registers. sub $t0, $t1, $t2 sub eax,ebx (Difference saved in first register)
Subtract register and immediate. subi $t0, $t1, 4 sub eax,4 (Difference saved in first register)
Multiply. mult $t1, $t2 (Result in $HI and $LO) mul ebx (Multiply eax by ebx and put product into eax.)
Multiply by an immediate. multi $t1, 3 (Result in $HI and $LO) imul ebx, 3 (Multiply ebx by 3 and put product into ebx.)
Divide. div $t1, $t2 (Result in $HI and $LO) div ebx (Divide eax by ebx and put quotient into eax.)
Divide by an immediate. divi $t1, 3 (Result in $HI and $LO) idiv ebx, 3 (Divide ebx by 3 and put quotient into ebx.)
Add 1 to a register. addi $t1, $t1, 1 inc eax
Subtract 1 from a register. subi $t1, $t1, 1 dec eax
Call a function. jalr address of function call name of function
Import an external function. .global name of function extern name of function
Return jr $ra ret (Returns to the last jump instruction called.)

Data Instructions

Description MIPS NASM
Push a value into the stack. subi $sp, $sp, 4; sw $t0, ($sp) push eax
Pop a value from the stack. lw $t0, ($sp); addi $sp, $sp, 4 pop eax
Declare initialized variable. (Word) variableName: .word 3 variableName: dw 3
Declare uninitialized variable. (Word) NONE - Must initialize. variableName: resd 1 (1 is # of words)
Declare initialized variable. (Byte) variableName: .byte 3 variableName: db 3
Declare uninitialized variable. (Byte) NONE - Must initialize. variableName: resb 1 (1 is # of bytes)
Declare initialized variable. (Array) NONE - Initialize after. variableName: db 3
Declare uninitialized variable. (Array) variableName: .space 10 (Array of 10 words) variableName: resq 10 (Array of 10 reals)

Bitwise Instructions

Description MIPS NASM
Shift logical left << sll $t0, $t0, 4 shl eax, 4
Shift logical right >> srl $t0, $t0, 4 shr eax, 4
Bitwise NOT not $t0, $t0 not eax
Bitwise AND not $t0, $t0, $t1 not eax, ebx
Bitwise OR xor $t0, $t0, $t1 xor eax, ebx
Bitwise XOR or $t0, $t0, $t1 or eax, ebx

Logic Instructions


Instruction Description
b label Unconditional branch.
beq $t0, $t1, label Branch if $t0 = $t1
bgez $t0, label Branch if $t0 >= 0
bgezal $t0, label Branch if $t0 >= 0 and set $ra
bgtz $t0, label Branch if $t0 > 0
bgtz $t0, label Branch if $t0 < 0
bgtzal $t0, label Branch if $t0 < 0 and set $ra
bne $t0, $t1, label Branch if $t0 != $t1
j address Jump to address.
jr $t0 Jump to address stored in register.
jal address Jump to address and set $ra.
jalr $t0 Jump to address stored in register and set $ra.
labelname: Define a label.


Instruction Description
cmp eax, ebx Set comparison flags for two values.
jl label Jump to label if eax < ebx
jle label Jump to label if eax <= ebx
je label Jump to label if eax = ebx
jge label Jump to label if eax >= ebx
jg label Jump to label if eax > ebx
jne label Jump to label if eax != ebx
labelname: Define a label.


A - Getting the program counter in MIPS.

  bgezal $zero, getpc
  move $v0, $ra  
  j $ra

B - NASM setup instructions.

Instruction Definition
pusha Push all registers.
popa Pop all registers.
enter Create the stack frame. (Gives you a place to push)
leave Destroy the stack frame. (Frees up the memory taken by enter)

C - NASM Calling Procedure


push ARGUMENT#N  ;Push arguments
call FUNCTION         ;Call function
add esp, 4*N          ;Essentially pops arguments.


enter 0,0 ;Create stack frame

mov ARGUMENT#1, dword [ebp+8]       ;Load arguments.
mov ARGUMENT#2, dword [ebp+12]
mov ARGUMENT#3, dword [ebp+16]
mov ARGUMENT#N, dword [ebp+4+N*4]


leave   ;Destroy stack frame
ret     ;Return to caller


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