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Last active June 12, 2021 16:42
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jQuery Clone Global File
* The $ function
* It takes in a param which can either be a string like class selector .active or
* an element selector like div
* @param param
* @returns ElementCollection
function $(param) {
* Return an ElementCollection instance with a querySelectorAll of the param like $('.active')
* else
* Return an ElementCollection instance with the param which is an element like $('div')
if (typeof param === "string" || param instanceof String) {
* querySelectorAll returns HTMLElement collection
* we need to use the spread syntax ... to convert it to an array.
return new ElementCollection(...document.querySelectorAll(param))
} else {
* The param here in this case is converted to an array through literal constructor
* Essentially this is similar to doing this [param] sinces ElementCollection extends Array class
return new ElementCollection(param)
* ElementCollection class extends a generic Array class which provides a
* number of array methods which allows us to encapsulate the array functionalities.
class ElementCollection extends Array {
* The ready function is to check if the DOM Elements are loaded before selecting them.
* It receives a callback function cb which is called when the DOM is already fully loaded.
* @param {*} cb
* @returns ElementCollection
ready(cb) {
* The ready function is called on an element like document e.g. $(document).ready(),
* so we need to check if some of the element in the collection is ready.
* We are using the some array method which runs through all the elements and
* ruturns true if some of elements from the DOM gets loaded
const isReady = this.some(e => {
return e.readyState != null && e.readyState != "loading"
if (isReady) {
* Call the callback (cb) immediately if DOM content is ready
} else {
* Add an event listener of DOMContentLoaded and then call the callback (cb)
* So let's define the on function?
this.on("DOMContentLoaded", cb)
return this
* The on function takes in the following parameters
* @param {*} event this is the event the element or selector should listen to
* @param {*} cbOrSelector the second parameter can either be a callback or a selector
* @param {*} cb the third element is always an optional callback which is used when the second parameter is a selector
* @returns ElementCollection
on(event, cbOrSelector, cb) {
* Check if the second parameter is a function.
* If yes, then it's a callback
* else
* It's a selector
if (typeof cbOrSelector === "function") {
* Run through each individual element and add the event listener with the callback
this.forEach(e => e.addEventListener(event, cbOrSelector))
} else {
* Again run through each individual element and add the event listener but for this time,
* for every event listener you add to an element, check if the target which is what's clicked for example matches the selector #cbOrSelector,
* then call the callback (cb) and pass in the event (e).
* Example code
* <code>
* $('.table').on('click','.tr-btn', function(e) {})
* </code>
* Essentially meaning, for every tr-btn inside the table,
* check which tr-btn is clicked and call the callback (cb) with the event
this.forEach(element => {
element.addEventListener(event, e => {
if (
return this
* The next function returns the next sibling in the collection.
* In this case it will return the next sibling in $('.active') selector
* @returns Array
next() {
* Create a new collection with next element siblings and only return the elements which are not null
return this
.map(e => e.nextElementSibling)
.filter(e => e != null)
* The prev function returns the previous sibling in the collection.
* In this case it will return the previous sibling in $('.active') selector
* @returns Array
prev() {
* Create a new collection with previous element siblings and only return the elements which are not null
return this
.map(e => e.previousElementSibling)
.filter(e => e != null)
* This function takes in the class name and removes it from the element(s)
* @param {*} className
* @returns ElementCollection
removeClass(className) {
* Run through the elements collection and for each element,
* locate the classList object then remove the class name
this.forEach(e => e.classList.remove(className))
return this
* This function takes in the class name and adds it to the element(s)
* @param {*} className
* @returns ElementCollection
addClass(className) {
* Run through the elements collection and for each element,
* locate the classList object then add the class name
this.forEach(e => e.classList.add(className))
return this
* The function takes in the css property to modify and then the value
* NOTE: jQuery accepts the normal css property like font-size, but then
* the style property of an element accepts camel case style like fontSize,
* so we need to convert the normal style to camel case before applying the value to it.
* @param {*} property
* @param {*} value
* @returns ElementCollection
css(property, value) {
* Check for anytime there is a an hythen(-) followed by any letter between a to z,
* then select the hythen(-) and the first letter after the hythen(-) and return to the group.
* After this, get the group, replace the hythen(-) with nothing/empty string and
* then convert the first letter to uppercase
const camelProp = property.replace(/(-[a-z])/, group => {
return group
.replace("-", "")
* Run through the elements and apply the value to the selected property.
this.forEach(e => ([camelProp] = value))
return this
* A list of all the custom functions with its signatures and implementation
* This function gets the color property of the selected element
* and applies the value of green to it.
* @returns ElementCollection
greenify() {
this.css("color", "green")
return this
* This function gets the font-weight property of the selected element
* and applies the value of bold to it.
* @returns ElementCollection
bold() {
this.css("font-weight", "bold")
return this
*This function gets the font-size property of the selected element
* and applies the value to it.
* @param {*} value
* @returns ElementCollection
size(value) {
this.css("font-size", value)
return this
* This function gets the text-decoration property of the selected element
* and applies the value of underline to it.
* @returns ElementCollection
underline() {
this.css("text-decoration", "underline")
return this
//End ElementCollection class
* The get function takes in a number of object parameters as object properties,
* In this case, we shall use the following parameters.
* url: this is the endpoint we query
* data: this is the data we send to the endpoint and since this is a get method, we shall use query string structure of url rewriting
* success: this is the callback function called when operation is successful and response sent to it as a parameter.
* dataType: this is the type of data we want returned to the client, e.g. json
* @param {url,data,success,dataType}
* @returns AjaxPromise
$.get = function ({
data = {},
success = () => {},
}) {
* Since data is passed in as a JavaScript Object,
* We need to convert it to query string. So
* We loop through object entries and return key value pairs of the format key=value&key=value etc.
const queryString = Object
.map(([key, value]) => {
return `${key}=${value}`
* Instantiate the AjaxPromise class and pass in the fetch API promise to it
return new AjaxPromise(fetchGetPromise(url, queryString, dataType, success))
* This function calls the fetch API with the given parameters.
* @param {*} url
* @param {*} queryString
* @param {*} dataType
* @param {*} success
* @returns Promise
function fetchGetPromise(url, queryString, dataType, success) {
return fetch(`${url}?${queryString}`, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": dataType
}).then(res => {
if (res.ok) {
return res.json()
} else {
throw new Error(res.status)
}).then(data => {
return data
* AjaxPromise class accepts a promise in it's constructor then performs all the specified
* defined function operations to the promise
class AjaxPromise {
constructor(promise) {
this.promise = promise
* The done function gets the promise and calls the then function to get the data, it then sends it to a callback
* then returns a new promise
* @param {*} cb
* @returns AjaxPromise
done(cb) {
this.promise = this
.then(data => {
return data
return this
* The fail function gets the promise and calls the catch function to get the error incase of an error,
* it then sends it to a callback then returns a new promise
* @param {*} cb
* @returns AjaxPromise
fail(cb) {
this.promise = this.promise.catch(cb);
return this
* The always function gets the promise and calls the finally function and calls a callback then returns a new promise
* Once this function is called on the promise, it will always be called regardless there is an error or not.
* @param {*} cb
* @returns AjaxPromise
always(cb) {
this.promise = this
. finally(cb)
return this
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