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Created September 29, 2020 22:28
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A BaseX uri resolver
(ns rainbowfish.uri-resolver
"Extends saxon's standard URI resolver to open BaseX documents when an
URI has the `basex://` scheme."
:name rainbowfish.UriResolver
:extends net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardURIResolver
:exposes-methods {resolve resolveSuper})
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[rainbowfish.xmldb :as xmldb]
[ring.util.codec :as c])
(defn resolve-basex
"Attempt to open a document from BaseX. href should contain a url like
`basex://db-name/db-path`. `base` will typically be the .xq file
where the document is being opened, and is ignored on this
method (url should always include db name and be absolute)."
[href base]
(let [uri ( href)
uri-host (.getHost uri)
uri-path (.getPath uri)
uri-query (.getQuery uri)
;; Peform a BaseX query to retrieve the doc. Unfortunatelly
;; this opens an additional network request but should be ok
;; for now.
query (and uri-query (c/form-decode uri-query))
list-filter (and (map? query) (query "list-topics"))
limit (or (and (map? query) (query "limit")) "")
src (if (= list-filter "true")
{:xmldb uri-host
:path uri-path
:limit limit})
;; Return a single topic.
"declare variable $db external;
declare variable $path external;
db:open($db, $path)"
[["$db" uri-host] ["$path" uri-path] ["$limit" limit]]))
bais (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes src "UTF-8"))
is (InputSource. bais)]
(doto (SAXSource. is)
(.setSystemId href))))
(defn ^Source -resolve
"Override `resolve` to handle `basex://` URIs"
[this ^String href ^String base]
(if (str/starts-with? href "basex://")
(resolve-basex href base)
(.resolveSuper this href base)))
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