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Last active January 16, 2020 20:22
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OPR V4 Update
The new release has a few hardforks:
- OPR version goes to v4. Includes additional assets
- Ecdsa signatures for Pegnet transactions
Use branch `rcd-e` on `FactomProject/` + factom-walletd, factom, and factom-cli
- PEG Limit per block increases by 500 per block where pUSD is under $0.99, down by 500 when above $0.99
Use branch `larger_limit` on pegnetd and pegnet
Run pegnetd and pegnet with --testing --testingact=ACT_HEIGHT
Will need to modify `pegnet` miner to manually change pUSD price, it will pull from pegnetmarketcap
FactomProject/factom rcd-e
FactomProject/factom-cli rcd-e
FactomProject/factom-walletd rcd-e
pegnet/pegnet larger_limit
pegnet/pegnetd larger_limit
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