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Created November 16, 2020 10:54
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module Benchmarks.FSharp.FormatBenchmark
open System
open System.Text
open BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes
open BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs
let ignoreFormatting = String.Equals("abc", "ABC", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
let inline ignoreAndReturnDefault _ = Unchecked.defaultof<'b>
type T = T with
static member inline ($) (T, arg: unit) = ()
static member inline ($) (T, arg: int) = 0 // mandatory second terminal case; is unused in runtime but is required for the code to compile
static member inline ($) (T, func: ^a -> ^b) : ^a -> ^b = fun (_ : 'a) -> T $ Unchecked.defaultof<'b>
let inline negate() : 'a = T $ Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
let inline debugLog format : 'a =
if ignoreFormatting then
T $ Unchecked.defaultof<'a>
Printf.kprintf (printfn "%A: %s" DateTime.Now) format
type Formatter() =
let someNum = DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
let someString = DateTime.Now.ToString()
let someDate = DateTime.Now
let sb = StringBuilder(128)
member _.FormatSprintf() = sprintf "%i %s %O" someNum someString someDate
member _.FormatStringFormat() = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", someNum, someString, someDate)
member _.FormatSB() = Printf.bprintf sb "%i %s %O" someNum someString someDate
let result = sb.ToString()
sb.Clear() |> ignore
member _.FormatInterpolation() = $"{someNum} {someString} {someDate}"
member _.DebugLogCustomFormat() = debugLog "%i %s %O %A" someNum someString someDate (Exception "")
member _.DebugLogStringFormat() = debugLog "sdassda"
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