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Created May 7, 2022 11:33
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module Gists.FSharp.SilkNetSdl
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open Gists.CSharp
open Microsoft.FSharp.NativeInterop
open Silk.NET.SDL
open Silk.NET.Maths
let fillRect (api: Sdl) (screen: nativeptr<Surface>) color =
let nullref = &Unsafe.NullRef<Rectangle<int>>()
api.FillRect(screen, &nullref, color) // picks byref overload
//public static unsafe class NativePtr
// public static T* toValuePtr<T>(void* ptr)
// where T: unmanaged
// => (T*) ptr;
let fillRect2 (api: Sdl) (screen: nativeptr<Surface>) color =
let nullref = &Unsafe.NullRef<Rectangle<int>>()
let ptr2 = NativePtr.toValuePtr<Rectangle<int>> (Unsafe.AsPointer &nullref)
api.FillRect(screen, ptr2, color)
//public static T* zero<T>()
// where T: unmanaged
// => (T*) IntPtr.Zero;
let fillRect3 (api: Sdl) (screen: nativeptr<Surface>) color =
let ptr =<Rectangle<int>>()
api.FillRect(screen, ptr, color)
// define C# to F# helpers if needed
module NativePtr =
let zeroFSharp<'a when 'a: (new: unit -> 'a) and 'a : struct and 'a :> System.ValueType> =<'a>()
let fillRect4 (api: Sdl) (screen: nativeptr<Surface>) color =
let ptr = NativePtr.zeroFSharp<Rectangle<int>>
api.FillRect(screen, ptr, color)
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