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Last active May 7, 2021 08:37
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extension CGColor {
/// カラーコード (#RRGGBB形式) からCGColor生成
/// - Parameters:
/// - code: 変換対象のカラーコード文字列
/// - Returns: カラーコードから生成したCGColor?
public static func fromHexCode(_ code: String) -> CGColor{
let code = code.replacingOccurrences(of: "#", with: "")
guard code.count == 6 else {return .clear}
// 各色成分に分割し、CGFloatに変換
let splittedComponents =
code // codeを
.split(each: 2) // 2文字ずつ分割して
.map({Double(Int($0, radix: 16) ?? 0)}) // 10進数に変換し
.map({CGFloat($0 / 255.0)}) // 0.0~1.0に変換
return CGColor(red: splittedComponents[0], green: splittedComponents[1], blue: splittedComponents[2], alpha: 1)
extension String{
// n文字ずつ分割
func split(each: Int) -> [String]{
var elements: [String] = []
var presentIndex = self.startIndex
while true {
guard let currentIndex = self.index(presentIndex, offsetBy: each, limitedBy: self.endIndex) else {break}
presentIndex = currentIndex
return elements
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