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Created September 19, 2019 16:53
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Lightstreams Voter.sol example powered by GSN
// Full source code:
// This is for formating reasons of Medium.
require('dotenv').config({ path: `${__dirname}/.env` });
const chai = require('chai');
const assert = chai.assert;
const { fundRecipient } = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-helpers');
const { fromConnection } = require('@openzeppelin/network');
const { utils } = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-provider');
const { isRelayHubDeployedForRecipient, getRecipientFunds } = utils;
const Voter = artifacts.require("Voter");
// TODO: Move the file to examples.
contract('Voter', (accounts) => {
const ROOT_ACCOUNT = process.env.NETWORK === 'ganache' ? accounts[0] : process.env.ACCOUNT;
const RELAY_HUB = process.env.RELAYHUB;
let gsnCtx;
let emptyAcc;
let gasPrice;
let voter;
it('should deploy Voter', async () => {
voter = await;
gasPrice = await web3.eth.getGasPrice();
emptyAcc = await web3.eth.accounts.create("secret");
it('should initialize the GSN for Voter by configuring its RelayHub and funding it', async () => {
let txHub = await voter.initialize(RELAY_HUB);
assert.equal(txHub.receipt.status, true);
let hubAddr = await voter.getHubAddr();
assert.equal(hubAddr, RELAY_HUB);
const voterAddr = await voter.address;
// Register the Recipient in RelayHub
const voterFundingPHTs = "10";
const balance = await fundRecipient(web3, {
recipient: voterAddr,
relayHubAddress: RELAY_HUB,
amount: web3.utils.toWei(voterFundingPHTs, "ether"),
assert.equal(balance, web3.utils.toWei(voterFundingPHTs, "ether"));
it('should execute upVote TX for FREE from a user without any funds', async () => {
const isVoterReady = await isRelayHubDeployedForRecipient(web3, voter.address);
assert.equal(isVoterReady, true);
gsnCtx = await fromConnection(, {
gsn: {
dev: false,
signKey: emptyAcc.privateKey
web3 = gsnCtx.lib;
const voterGSN = await new gsnCtx.lib.eth.Contract(voter.abi, voter.address);
const tx = await voterGSN.methods.upVote().send({
from: emptyAcc.address,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gasLimit: "1000000",
assert.equal(tx.status, true);
const lastVoter =['Voted'].returnValues['account'];
const newCount =['Voted'].returnValues['newCount'];
assert.equal(lastVoter, emptyAcc.address);
assert.equal(newCount, 1);
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