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Last active September 24, 2019 09:49
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{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Lib where
data Console k =
Done k |
PrintLine String (Console k) |
ReadLine (String -> Console k)
instance Functor Console where
fmap f (Done a) = Done (f a)
fmap f (PrintLine str next) = PrintLine str (fmap f next)
fmap f (ReadLine rf) = ReadLine (\line -> fmap f (rf line))
-- fmap: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- <*>: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance Applicative Console where
pure a = Done a
(<*>) func (Done a) = fmap (\f -> f a) func
(<*>) func (PrintLine str next) = PrintLine str (func <*> next)
(<*>) func (ReadLine rf) = ReadLine (\line -> func <*> rf line)
instance Monad Console where
(Done k) >>= f = f k
(PrintLine str next) >>= f = PrintLine str (next >>= f)
(ReadLine rf) >>= f = ReadLine (\l -> (rf l) >>= f)
helloWorld :: Console ()
helloWorld = PrintLine "Hello World" (Done ())
helloWorldTwice :: Console ()
helloWorldTwice = PrintLine "Hello" (PrintLine "World" (Done ()))
helloWorldTwice' :: Console ()
helloWorldTwice' = do
PrintLine "Hello" (Done ())
PrintLine "World" (Done ())
ask :: String -> Console String
ask question = PrintLine question (ReadLine (\line -> (PrintLine ("I got " ++ line) (Done line))))
-- ask' :: String -> Console String
-- ask' question = do
-- PrintLine question (Done ())
-- line <- ReadLine (\l -> Done l)
-- return line
interpreter :: Console k -> IO k
interpreter (PrintLine str next) = (putStrLn str) *> interpreter next
interpreter (ReadLine func) = getLine >>= (interpreter . func)
interpreter (Done k) = return k
data Free (f:: * -> *) (k :: *) =
Pure k |
Impure (f (Free f k))
instance Functor (Free f) where
fmap = undefined
instance Applicative (Free f) where
pure = undefined
(<*>) = undefined
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
-- (>>=) :: (Free f a) -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b
free >>= func = undefined
data Console' k =
PrintLine' String k |
ReadLine' (String -> k)
instance Functor Console' where
fmap = undefined
printLine :: String -> Free Console' ()
printLine line = Impure (PrintLine' line (Pure ()))
readLine :: Free Console' String
readLine = Impure (ReadLine' (\line -> (Pure line)))
helloTwiceFree :: Free Console' ()
helloTwiceFree = do
printLine "Hello"
printLine "World"
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