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Created March 25, 2020 23:46
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Pawel Szulc
Table of Contents
1 Install Nix
2 Install Brew :(
3 Zsh and Oh my zsh
.. 3.1 Install zsh and zsh-completions
.. 3.2 Install Oh my Zsh
.. 3.3 TODO Configure plugins for zsh
4 Install things with Nix
.. 4.1 Install git
.. 4.2 Install bat
.. 4.3 Install docker-compose
.. 4.4 Install Emacs
.. 4.5 Install git-crypt
.. 4.6 Install watch
5 Install things with Brew
.. 5.1 Install Java JDK 8
.. 5.2 Install Docker
6 Haskell envionment
.. 6.1 Install stack
.. 6.2 Install hasktags
.. 6.3 Installing stylish-haskell
7 Configure SSH public keys
8 GPG Sign keys
9 Chrome setup
1 Install Nix
2 Install Brew :(
| /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
3 Zsh and Oh my zsh
3.1 Install zsh and zsh-completions
| brew install zsh zsh-completions
To set zsh as your default shell
| chsh -s /bin/zsh
3.2 Install Oh my Zsh
| sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
3.3 TODO Configure plugins for zsh
| . $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
| export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
4 Install things with Nix
4.1 Install git
| nix-env -i git
Setup user name and email
| git config --global "Pawel Szulc"
| git config --global ""
4.2 Install bat
| nix-env -i bat
4.3 Install docker-compose
note: you get python for free...
| nix-env -i docker-compose
4.4 Install Emacs
| nix-env -i emacs-26.3
4.5 Install git-crypt
| nix-env -i git-crypt
4.6 Install watch
| nix-env -i watch
5 Install things with Brew
5.1 Install Java JDK 8
| brew tap caskroom/versions
| brew cask install java8
| brew cask install adoptopenjdk8
5.2 Install Docker
| brew cask install dockerh
6 Haskell envionment
6.1 Install stack
| nix-env -i stack
6.2 Install hasktags
| stack install hasktags
hasktags can generate proper etags for the Haskell project.
| hasktags --etags .
6.3 Installing stylish-haskell
| stack install stylish-haskell
7 Configure SSH public keys
| ssh-keygen -t rsa
8 GPG Sign keys
Get the GPG tool at [] Create new key using GPG
Git should sign all your commits
| git config commit.gpgsign true
9 Chrome setup
- [Vimium]
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