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Created June 17, 2024 00:42
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Europe Map with Image Map</title>
img {z-index:0;position:absolute;max-width:100%;height:auto;}
#svg-overlay{z-index:-0 !important;position:relative;}
area {
cursor: pointer;
/* Hover effect for the areas */
area:hover {
outline: 2px solid yellow;
<h1>Map of Europe with Image Map</h1>
<!-- Replace the src attribute with the provided image URL -->
<img id="world-map" src="" usemap="#europe-map" alt="Map of Europe">
<!-- SVG overlay for drawing lines -->
<svg id="svg-overlay"></svg>
<map name="europe-map" id="map-areas">
<!-- No static <area> elements here -->
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
const map = document.getElementById('world-map');
const mapAreas = document.getElementById('map-areas');
const svgOverlay = document.getElementById('svg-overlay');
// Define the areas data with names and coordinates
const areasData = [
{ name: "Portugal", coords: "70,240,90,230,80,220,60,230" },
{ name: "Spain", coords: "120,220,140,210,150,230,130,240" },
{ name: "France", coords: "180,190,200,200,220,180,200,170" },
{ name: "Monaco", coords: "240,190,250,200,260,190,250,180" },
{ name: "Italy", coords: "270,230,290,240,300,230,290,220" },
{ name: "Switzerland", coords: "260,170,280,160,290,180,270,180" },
{ name: "Germany", coords: "280,130,300,120,310,140,290,150" },
{ name: "Luxembourg", coords: "290,150,310,140,320,150,310,160" },
{ name: "Belgium", coords: "280,160,300,150,310,160,300,170" },
{ name: "Netherlands", coords: "300,140,320,130,330,140,320,150" },
{ name: "Austria", coords: "310,180,330,190,340,180,330,170" },
{ name: "Liechtenstein", coords: "320,180,330,170,340,180,330,190" },
{ name: "Slovenia", coords: "330,210,350,220,360,210,350,200" },
{ name: "Croatia", coords: "350,200,370,210,380,200,370,190" },
{ name: "Bosnia and Herzegovina", coords: "360,190,380,200,390,190,380,180" },
{ name: "Montenegro", coords: "380,190,390,200,400,190,390,180" },
{ name: "Albania", coords: "390,180,400,190,410,180,400,170" },
{ name: "North Macedonia", coords: "400,170,410,180,420,170,410,160" },
{ name: "Kosovo", coords: "410,160,420,170,430,160,420,150" },
{ name: "Serbia", coords: "390,160,400,170,410,160,400,150" },
{ name: "Hungary", coords: "330,160,350,150,360,170,340,180" },
{ name: "Slovakia", coords: "330,170,350,160,360,180,340,190" },
{ name: "Poland", coords: "310,120,330,110,340,130,320,140" },
{ name: "Czech Republic", coords: "300,140,320,130,330,150,310,160" },
{ name: "Estonia", coords: "390,50,410,60,420,50,410,40" },
{ name: "Latvia", coords: "370,60,390,70,400,60,390,50" },
{ name: "Lithuania", coords: "360,70,380,80,390,70,370,60" },
{ name: "Sweden", coords: "174,78,174,79,174,80,174,81,174,82,174,83,174,84,174,85,174,86,174,87,174,88,174,89,175,89,176,89,177,89,178,89,179,89,180,89,181,89,182,89,183,89,184,89,184,88,184,87,184,86,185,86,185,85,185,84,185,83,185,82,185,81,185,80,185,79,185,78,184,78,183,78,182,78,181,78,180,78,179,78,178,78" },
{ name: "Finland", coords: "170,20,190,30,200,10,180,0" },
{ name: "Norway", coords: "50,40,70,50,80,30,60,20" },
{ name: "Denmark", coords: "120,70,140,80,150,60,130,50" },
{ name: "Iceland", coords: "30,60,50,70,60,50,40,40" }
// Function to create <area> elements dynamically
areasData.forEach(areaData => {
const areaElement = document.createElement('area');
areaElement.setAttribute('shape', 'poly');
areaElement.setAttribute('coords', areaData.coords);
areaElement.setAttribute('href', '#');
// Parse coordinates
const coords = areaData.coords.split(',').map(Number);
// Draw lines between each coordinate point
for (let i = 0; i < coords.length; i += 2) {
const x = coords[i];
const y = coords[i + 1];
// Draw line to next point
if (i + 2 < coords.length) {
const nextX = coords[i + 2];
const nextY = coords[i + 3];
drawLine(x, y, nextX, nextY, '#000'); // Replace '#000' with desired line color
areasData.forEach(areaData => {
console.log(; // Output each country name to console (you can replace this with any other logic you need)
// Function to draw a line between two points
function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
const line = document.createElementNS('', 'line');
line.setAttribute('x1', x1);
line.setAttribute('y1', y1);
line.setAttribute('x2', x2);
line.setAttribute('y2', y2);
line.setAttribute('stroke', color);
line.setAttribute('stroke-width', '2');
// Optional JavaScript for interactivity
document.querySelectorAll('area').forEach(area => {
area.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
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