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Created April 9, 2019 22:43
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[2019-04-09 17:46:01] → Joined channel #dolphin-dev
[2019-04-09 17:46:02] * Channel mode is +nst
[2019-04-09 17:46:28] <CrankySupertoon> Anyways im looking for a tech support question on how to compile dolphin. changing the version number
[2019-04-09 17:46:33] <irrawaddy> Update 2 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Billiard26 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:46:36] <CrankySupertoon> For linux you can edit the cmake your fine
[2019-04-09 17:46:50] <CrankySupertoon>
[2019-04-09 17:47:20] <CrankySupertoon> which gets reset when you edit it
[2019-04-09 17:47:59] <Billiard> pastebin deleted
[2019-04-09 17:48:07] <CrankySupertoon> sorry dont go there
[2019-04-09 17:48:15] <CrankySupertoon> it was a typo
[2019-04-09 17:48:21] <CrankySupertoon> im a newb to irc
[2019-04-09 17:48:32] <CrankySupertoon> how do i compile windows dolphin to change the version number
[2019-04-09 17:48:35] <CrankySupertoon> it uses a git repo
[2019-04-09 17:48:40] <JosJuice> I guess I'll crosspost this from #dolphin-emu since there's other discussion going on there too
[2019-04-09 17:48:44] <JosJuice> You can edit Source/Core/Common/make_scmrev.h.js
[2019-04-09 17:48:48] <CrankySupertoon> its already there?
[2019-04-09 17:48:49] <JosJuice> But why do you want to do this?
[2019-04-09 17:49:02] <CrankySupertoon> can you help me i was editing
[2019-04-09 17:49:08] <CrankySupertoon> its for a fork
[2019-04-09 17:49:11] <CrankySupertoon> for my personal proejct
[2019-04-09 17:49:13] <JosJuice> .im?
[2019-04-09 17:49:38] <JosJuice> I can't recall us having any file that ends with .im
[2019-04-09 17:49:58] <CrankySupertoon>
[2019-04-09 17:50:10] <CrankySupertoon> .in sorry
[2019-04-09 17:50:35] <JosJuice> Ah
[2019-04-09 17:50:44] <CrankySupertoon> let me look at this .js
[2019-04-09 17:50:45] <delroth> not used on windows
[2019-04-09 17:50:50] <JosJuice> Well, either way, you need to edit make_scmrev.h.js on Windows
[2019-04-09 17:52:08] <Billiard> could also directly edit Version.cpp
[2019-04-09 17:52:24] <JosJuice> I guess so
[2019-04-09 17:52:25] <Billiard> (probably easier)
[2019-04-09 17:52:40] <CrankySupertoon> i tried the version.cpp
[2019-04-09 17:52:42] <CrankySupertoon> it didnt work
[2019-04-09 17:52:45] <spycrab0> I think I threw up a little in my mouth:
[2019-04-09 17:52:49] <Billiard> CrankySupertoon: you did it wrong
[2019-04-09 17:52:52] <Billiard> show what you tried
[2019-04-09 17:52:57] * WinterMute_ → WinterMute
[2019-04-09 17:53:25] <CrankySupertoon>
[2019-04-09 17:53:26] <Billiard> spycrab0: what is a black frame insertion.. is it just what it sounds like?
[2019-04-09 17:53:46] <spycrab0> Billiard: Pretty much, supposed to reduce flicker IIRC
[2019-04-09 17:53:49] <spycrab0> (don't quote me)
[2019-04-09 17:54:04] <CrankySupertoon> Dolphin should just get a discord smh
[2019-04-09 17:54:16] <delroth> we don't have a discord to avoid people like you
[2019-04-09 17:54:17] <Billiard> CrankySupertoon: ah. you don't know c++
[2019-04-09 17:54:19] <delroth> it usually works well
[2019-04-09 17:54:19] <JosJuice> We're not going to make an official Discord
[2019-04-09 17:54:27] <CrankySupertoon> Okay....
[2019-04-09 17:54:33] <CrankySupertoon> `we don't have a discord to avoid people like you`
[2019-04-09 17:54:36] <CrankySupertoon> Wow
[2019-04-09 17:54:41] <CrankySupertoon> im pretty smart
[2019-04-09 17:54:48] <irrawaddy> Update 3 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:55:14] <Billiard> CrankySupertoon: your syntax is incorrect. lines 32-35 are probably what you want to change. not sure which change you are actually trying to change.
[2019-04-09 17:55:40] <delroth> spycrab0: the best thing about that change is how it's half clang-format too
[2019-04-09 17:55:48] <irrawaddy> Update 4 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03JMC4789 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:55:53] <CrankySupertoon>
[2019-04-09 17:55:57] <spycrab0> delroth: Wait. He started using that?
[2019-04-09 17:56:00] <delroth> because hey, who cares about reviewable diffs when you don't review code and you never rebase anyway
[2019-04-09 17:56:02] <delroth> well looks like it
[2019-04-09 17:56:04] <irrawaddy> Update 5 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:56:23] <irrawaddy> Update 6 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Billiard26 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:56:27] <CrankySupertoon> Pretty much i want the 9311 to show the date
[2019-04-09 17:56:39] <CrankySupertoon> that would be a 5.0-93211
[2019-04-09 17:56:41] <CrankySupertoon> 9311
[2019-04-09 17:56:44] <CrankySupertoon> for comparison
[2019-04-09 17:57:49] <JosJuice> First, if you want to set an std::string to something hardcoded, you have to do it like this: const std::string scm_desc_str = "4/9/19";
[2019-04-09 17:57:51] <Billiard> CrankySupertoon: you need to quote your string.
[2019-04-09 17:57:58] <JosJuice> Note the quotation marks, they're important
[2019-04-09 17:58:08] <irrawaddy> Update 7 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:58:20] <JosJuice> Second, do you want to set it up so it shows the date the build was compiled or the date the last commit was made?
[2019-04-09 17:58:26] <irrawaddy> Update 8 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Billiard26 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:58:30] <CrankySupertoon> Compiled
[2019-04-09 17:58:36] <spycrab0> CrankySupertoon: If you're struggling with this you *really* shouldn't release your own Dolphin fork. Just saying...
[2019-04-09 17:58:36] <CrankySupertoon> or whatever is easier
[2019-04-09 17:58:50] <CrankySupertoon> i mean im not doing that many modifications
[2019-04-09 17:59:14] <CrankySupertoon> i just need a different MD5 slug so it would shows a different set of netplay browsing list via the new thing you made and figured i would name it
[2019-04-09 17:59:27] <CrankySupertoon> aka so the thing thinks its a different version
[2019-04-09 17:59:45] <irrawaddy> Update 2 to issue 11668 ("Gecko (Harmless) Error on every launch") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 17:59:51] <Billiard> you'll need to run your own netplay session server.
[2019-04-09 18:00:05] <CrankySupertoon> nope it already works
[2019-04-09 18:00:10] <booto> why do you want a different netplay browsing list?
[2019-04-09 18:00:17] <Billiard> spycrab0: you still hav eto ban forks on the session server. :P
[2019-04-09 18:00:33] <CrankySupertoon> because it only shows it for the same "version"
[2019-04-09 18:00:40] <CrankySupertoon> i think a MD5 is a different version
[2019-04-09 18:00:44] <CrankySupertoon> i dont know for sure
[2019-04-09 18:00:51] <spycrab0> 1) you can disable this now
[2019-04-09 18:00:56] <CrankySupertoon> basically we are making a build for netplay
[2019-04-09 18:00:59] <JMC47> What specific modifications are you making that are so necessary?
[2019-04-09 18:01:02] <spycrab0> 2) it's because you actually can't connect to other versions
[2019-04-09 18:01:18] <CrankySupertoon> We want it to only be able to use our version
[2019-04-09 18:01:18] <Billiard> JMC47: dates instead of revision numbers, yo!
[2019-04-09 18:01:25] <irrawaddy> Update 9 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 18:01:27] <JMC47> That already happens
[2019-04-09 18:01:31] <irrawaddy> Update 3 to issue 11668 ("Gecko (Harmless) Error on every launch") by 03JosJuice - 02
[2019-04-09 18:01:59] <CrankySupertoon> Pretty much we are providing custom cheats lists and a few modifications to dolphin to play the games we netplay
[2019-04-09 18:02:09] <CrankySupertoon> and i want our build to be branded
[2019-04-09 18:02:19] <CrankySupertoon> so it only loads games in our netplay group
[2019-04-09 18:02:25] <CrankySupertoon> via because dolphin thinks its a different version
[2019-04-09 18:02:27] <JMC47> So you're branding a build based on a couple of minor modifications and cheats?
[2019-04-09 18:02:30] <CrankySupertoon> and it only shows game for the said version
[2019-04-09 18:02:35] <CrankySupertoon> Correct
[2019-04-09 18:02:53] <JMC47> Why not just submit the new cheats to master and not worry about it? We've added new cheats to INIs for netplay groups before
[2019-04-09 18:03:04] <JosJuice> Don't cheats sync over netplay anyway?
[2019-04-09 18:03:06] <CrankySupertoon> I mean i guess i could
[2019-04-09 18:03:09] <JMC47> lol yeah they do
[2019-04-09 18:03:12] <JosJuice> Not sure what your other modifications are
[2019-04-09 18:03:21] <CrankySupertoon> we are doing something similar to this project
[2019-04-09 18:03:33] <CrankySupertoon> there is a replace batch file so you all have the same saves
[2019-04-09 18:03:38] <CrankySupertoon> there is built in cheat lists
[2019-04-09 18:03:40] <spycrab0> Also it wouldn't work anyway, as currently only the version number is taken into account.
[2019-04-09 18:03:48] <spycrab0> IIRC
[2019-04-09 18:03:48] <CrankySupertoon> and a few other minor things
[2019-04-09 18:03:52] <Techjar> saves are synced anyways
[2019-04-09 18:03:59] <Techjar> so only the hosts needs the correct saves
[2019-04-09 18:04:02] <JMC47> I think this guide is outdated
[2019-04-09 18:04:06] <JMC47> Based on how Dolphin works now
[2019-04-09 18:04:07] <CrankySupertoon> it didnt in their 5.0-321 build
[2019-04-09 18:04:11] <CrankySupertoon> they dont update dolphin
[2019-04-09 18:04:15] <Techjar> well yes
[2019-04-09 18:04:17] <JMC47> Tell them to update lmao
[2019-04-09 18:04:20] <CrankySupertoon> they are using ancient version
[2019-04-09 18:04:22] <CrankySupertoon> trust me we have tried
[2019-04-09 18:04:24] <Techjar> this guide is ancient now
[2019-04-09 18:04:38] <JMC47> How are you going to use the netplay server browser on an ancient build
[2019-04-09 18:04:41] <irrawaddy> Update 10 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03JosJuice - 02
[2019-04-09 18:04:48] <irrawaddy> Update 4 to issue 11668 ("Gecko (Harmless) Error on every launch") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 18:04:51] <JMC47> This is insanity caused by shit like faster melee
[2019-04-09 18:04:53] <CrankySupertoon> we arent
[2019-04-09 18:05:02] <JMC47> these people obsessed over magic builds
[2019-04-09 18:05:04] <CrankySupertoon> we are using the latest
[2019-04-09 18:05:06] <JMC47> Yeah
[2019-04-09 18:05:09] <JMC47> I get that now
[2019-04-09 18:05:17] <JMC47> But anyone on an old build like that
[2019-04-09 18:05:19] <JMC47> is just madness
[2019-04-09 18:05:21] <JMC47> especially for netplay
[2019-04-09 18:05:22] <spycrab0> JMC47: 321 rolls of the tounge though.
[2019-04-09 18:05:26] <CrankySupertoon> go to their discord
[2019-04-09 18:05:35] <CrankySupertoon> i actually got banned from their server for a few reasons
[2019-04-09 18:05:35] <JMC47> It's the build I recommended to anther's ladder
[2019-04-09 18:05:40] <JMC47> because it was the latest build at the time
[2019-04-09 18:05:43] <Techjar> lol
[2019-04-09 18:05:44] <JMC47> and that's why it's used for netplay
[2019-04-09 18:05:49] <JMC47> no special reason, it's not optimized for netplay
[2019-04-09 18:05:49] <CrankySupertoon> one was that they were complaining about me telling them they are using an older build
[2019-04-09 18:06:10] <Techjar> CrankySupertoon: maybe the ban is a sign :P
[2019-04-09 18:06:14] <CrankySupertoon> The developer Is Celerizer#4127
[2019-04-09 18:06:18] <booto> JMC47: lol D:
[2019-04-09 18:06:24] <JMC47> If they're willing to ban people over that
[2019-04-09 18:06:28] <JMC47> then maybe they just want to make their life hard
[2019-04-09 18:06:28] <CrankySupertoon> i said "one"
[2019-04-09 18:06:37] <JMC47> the last time I tried to talk with a group
[2019-04-09 18:06:38] <spycrab0> CrankySupertoon: I don't think anyone here is interested in convincing them
[2019-04-09 18:06:40] <JMC47> Faster Melee happened
[2019-04-09 18:06:45] <JMC47> so I'm not going to work with netplay groups anymore
[2019-04-09 18:06:54] <spycrab0> They're clearly inept.
[2019-04-09 18:06:59] <spycrab0> JMC47: Huh. never knew that.
[2019-04-09 18:07:01] <irrawaddy> Update 11 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 18:07:02] <JMC47> Yeah
[2019-04-09 18:07:07] <CrankySupertoon> i modified ours a little
[2019-04-09 18:07:14] <CrankySupertoon> but this is what they are using currently to replace saves
[2019-04-09 18:07:17] <CrankySupertoon>
[2019-04-09 18:07:26] <JMC47> CrankySupertoon: You don't need to do any of that
[2019-04-09 18:07:28] <Techjar> so i assume you've now formed your own group?
[2019-04-09 18:07:28] <CrankySupertoon> ik
[2019-04-09 18:07:34] <Techjar> and are using latest?
[2019-04-09 18:07:35] <JMC47> Okay, I get it now
[2019-04-09 18:07:39] <CrankySupertoon> yup
[2019-04-09 18:07:43] <Techjar> okay
[2019-04-09 18:07:44] <CrankySupertoon> we are upgrading our standards
[2019-04-09 18:07:45] <spycrab0> If someone is interested in upgrading we're more than willing to help (even though we wasted our time with that more often then not)
[2019-04-09 18:07:47] <JMC47> You're trying to make modifications for your own (mario party?) netplay group
[2019-04-09 18:07:51] <Techjar> but i'm still confused about these changes you want to make
[2019-04-09 18:07:52] <CrankySupertoon> correct
[2019-04-09 18:07:56] <CrankySupertoon> but all mario related
[2019-04-09 18:08:01] <CrankySupertoon> since their AQZ Plugin is outdated to crap
[2019-04-09 18:08:06] <JMC47> So, tell us what cheats you need in the INIs, we can get them in master
[2019-04-09 18:08:07] <Techjar> AQZ plugin???
[2019-04-09 18:08:12] <JMC47> That way you do less work
[2019-04-09 18:08:14] <CrankySupertoon> AQZ Netplay
[2019-04-09 18:08:18] <CrankySupertoon> they are using v0.15
[2019-04-09 18:08:18] <Techjar> oh for n64?
[2019-04-09 18:08:21] <CrankySupertoon> yup
[2019-04-09 18:08:32] <JMC47> wait am I on this server already
[2019-04-09 18:08:37] <Techjar> for a second i thought you meant someone ported AQZ to dolphin
[2019-04-09 18:08:46] <CrankySupertoon> @JMC47 what server?
[2019-04-09 18:08:46] <spycrab0> *Steinfeld theme plays*
[2019-04-09 18:08:48] <JMC47> ah no
[2019-04-09 18:08:48] <booto> mjpopcorn.gif
[2019-04-09 18:08:51] <spycrab0> *Sein
[2019-04-09 18:08:56] <JMC47> I'm on the other netplay server
[2019-04-09 18:09:09] <CrankySupertoon> MPN?
[2019-04-09 18:09:46] <JMC47> Yeah, no, I'm there
[2019-04-09 18:09:50] <JMC47> I must have joined years ago
[2019-04-09 18:10:00] <JMC47> Do I say something and get banned
[2019-04-09 18:10:06] <CrankySupertoon> its not that easy
[2019-04-09 18:10:15] <CrankySupertoon> but their dolphin is ancient
[2019-04-09 18:10:21] <CrankySupertoon> they are more toxic then Smash Ladder
[2019-04-09 18:10:31] <JMC47> I kinda get it?
[2019-04-09 18:10:36] <JMC47> It's not a one sided argument
[2019-04-09 18:10:47] <JMC47> Changing versions means breaking your workflow, getting used to different quirks, etc.
[2019-04-09 18:10:52] <CrankySupertoon> correct
[2019-04-09 18:11:05] <CrankySupertoon> The biggest Flaw is your AutoUpdater
[2019-04-09 18:11:09] <CrankySupertoon> that screwed things up so badly
[2019-04-09 18:11:10] <Techjar> yeah but is it that hard to update every once in a while?
[2019-04-09 18:11:16] <JMC47> What do you mean?
[2019-04-09 18:11:19] <CrankySupertoon> since everyone desyncs
[2019-04-09 18:11:24] <Techjar> what?
[2019-04-09 18:11:25] <CrankySupertoon> since no one was on the same exact version
[2019-04-09 18:11:25] <JMC47> no
[2019-04-09 18:11:40] <Techjar> you can't even join netplay with different versions
[2019-04-09 18:11:41] <JMC47> you can provide a config file that turns it off by default
[2019-04-09 18:11:46] <spycrab0> delroth: I was about to scold you before and I want to apologize.
[2019-04-09 18:11:47] <JMC47> they probably disabled it
[2019-04-09 18:11:59] <spycrab0> You were right all along!
[2019-04-09 18:12:12] <JMC47> Discord is a disaster for trying to talk about topics in big areas lol
[2019-04-09 18:12:27] <CrankySupertoon> are the INIs on Github?
[2019-04-09 18:12:35] <JMC47> they're part of the source code
[2019-04-09 18:12:37] <JMC47> yeah
[2019-04-09 18:12:37] <delroth> spycrab0: I mean, yeah
[2019-04-09 18:12:40] <delroth> what did you expect
[2019-04-09 18:12:50] <CrankySupertoon> care linking it i cant find where to PR too
[2019-04-09 18:13:10] <JMC47> I wonder how much work it'd be to manage our own netplay communities at this point because the all the big ones are incompetent
[2019-04-09 18:13:37] <JMC47> Ummm, let me find them
[2019-04-09 18:13:53] <JMC47> Source/Data/Sys/GameSettings
[2019-04-09 18:14:27] <JosJuice> Isn't the auto updater even off by default?
[2019-04-09 18:14:31] <CrankySupertoon> On
[2019-04-09 18:14:35] <CrankySupertoon> we disabled that
[2019-04-09 18:14:45] <JosJuice> Alright, I'm probably misremembering then
[2019-04-09 18:14:56] <CrankySupertoon> all of our codes are Gecko Based
[2019-04-09 18:14:59] <Techjar> well it's off by default on linux
[2019-04-09 18:15:04] <Techjar> and you can't turn it on :P
[2019-04-09 18:15:04] <JMC47> We should have it auto-update to beta by default
[2019-04-09 18:15:10] <JMC47> that way everyone would get updated once a month
[2019-04-09 18:15:14] <spycrab0> It is
[2019-04-09 18:15:14] <JMC47> and get the latest netplay features and whatnot
[2019-04-09 18:15:26] <JMC47> then I don't know how people get it screwed up with the autoupdater
[2019-04-09 18:15:44] <Techjar> because they change it to dev
[2019-04-09 18:15:48] <JMC47> whty
[2019-04-09 18:15:48] <JosJuice> It looks like it's off by default when I make a fresh User folder...
[2019-04-09 18:16:06] <Techjar> because dev is fun :D
[2019-04-09 18:16:31] <CrankySupertoon> maybe i was wrong
[2019-04-09 18:16:43] <JMC47> I think you are
[2019-04-09 18:16:47] <JMC47> I just checked a portable build too
[2019-04-09 18:17:05] <spycrab0> Hm should probably fix that tomorrow
[2019-04-09 18:17:28] <JosJuice> We should have it off by default tbh
[2019-04-09 18:17:30] <JMC47> Anyway, the INIs are in the data folder, they're plain text files
[2019-04-09 18:17:32] <CrankySupertoon> These are the way our cheats look is this fine for the PR
[2019-04-09 18:17:50] <CrankySupertoon> That is the Gecko Codes Panel
[2019-04-09 18:17:54] <JMC47> What you'll want to do
[2019-04-09 18:18:03] <Billiard> "Important!!! No Music" :/
[2019-04-09 18:18:09] <Techjar> but i like the music :(
[2019-04-09 18:18:11] <JosJuice> I don't think we should label stuff "Important!!!", since that'll show up for everyone, even players who aren't in your netplay community
[2019-04-09 18:18:13] <JMC47> There's some formatting things
[2019-04-09 18:18:18] <JosJuice> And same with recommended
[2019-04-09 18:18:24] <JMC47> But, there's nothing wrong with the cheats themselves
[2019-04-09 18:18:36] <JMC47> Like all the bottom ones are fine
[2019-04-09 18:18:43] <JosJuice> You could do what we do for Melee and have a "Netplay Community Settings" code that enables the stuff you want for netplay
[2019-04-09 18:18:55] <JosJuice> (Or, well, I guess the Melee community doesn't use that anymore with FM and all...)
[2019-04-09 18:19:01] <JosJuice> (But it's still there in Dolphin)
[2019-04-09 18:19:03] <JMC47> Yeah, combine all of your major desired settings into one bigger cheat "blah blah community netplay code"
[2019-04-09 18:19:10] <Techjar> i think the idea is that you can pick what you want
[2019-04-09 18:19:18] <CrankySupertoon> ^
[2019-04-09 18:19:20] <Techjar> not have it all bundled together
[2019-04-09 18:19:29] <CrankySupertoon> That is why i didnt want to merge a PR
[2019-04-09 18:19:36] <CrankySupertoon> I mean ill do it
[2019-04-09 18:19:50] <JMC47> If you think it's better for you to have your own branch, go for it
[2019-04-09 18:19:51] <JosJuice> Techjar: If you can pick whatever you want it's not "Important!!!"
[2019-04-09 18:19:57] <spycrab0> Couldnt that cause desyncs?
[2019-04-09 18:19:59] <Techjar> :P
[2019-04-09 18:20:00] <JMC47> but, don't expect explicit support :P
[2019-04-09 18:20:04] <JMC47> we sync cheats in latest builds
[2019-04-09 18:20:06] <JMC47> so it should be ok
[2019-04-09 18:20:13] <Techjar> cheats are synced by default yeah
[2019-04-09 18:20:14] <CrankySupertoon> The way the catagorys work is Recommended is always leave on
[2019-04-09 18:20:22] <CrankySupertoon> and important is stuff you should keep note of
[2019-04-09 18:20:34] <JMC47> You don't actually need to modify the source code of Dolphin to change INI settings though
[2019-04-09 18:20:35] <booto> I guess the cheats list needs to be a tree :>
[2019-04-09 18:20:42] <Techjar> but yeah if you're just going to maintain your own set of cheats anyways there probably isn't much point to merging it to master
[2019-04-09 18:20:44] <JMC47> you can literally just include an INI file in a user folder
[2019-04-09 18:20:53] <CrankySupertoon> That is what we are doing
[2019-04-09 18:21:05] <JosJuice> JMC47: I just realized
[2019-04-09 18:21:14] <spycrab0> JMC47: i could extend resource packs to cheats
[2019-04-09 18:21:20] <JMC47> heh
[2019-04-09 18:21:20] <spycrab0> N stuff
[2019-04-09 18:21:21] <JosJuice> I think the default value for the update setting is different if you download from the buildbot
[2019-04-09 18:21:25] <JosJuice> I was using a build I made myself
[2019-04-09 18:21:29] <JMC47> same
[2019-04-09 18:21:31] <CrankySupertoon> We just want your new Netplay Browser to function and not show stuff from the main branch, only our fork
[2019-04-09 18:21:32] <Techjar> that makes sense
[2019-04-09 18:21:42] <CrankySupertoon> and since its techionally another version it does so
[2019-04-09 18:21:42] <Techjar> would be silly for a local build to try to update itself
[2019-04-09 18:21:50] <JosJuice> The build script checks an environment variable:
[2019-04-09 18:21:56] <JosJuice> And I'm guessing that's set on the Windows buildbot
[2019-04-09 18:21:58] <JosJuice> Techjar: Yeah
[2019-04-09 18:21:59] <JMC47> I'm not sure we want to allow forks on the server browser though :P
[2019-04-09 18:22:02] <CrankySupertoon> you do
[2019-04-09 18:22:05] <JMC47> I mean, there's not much activity there yet so it doesn't matter
[2019-04-09 18:22:13] <JMC47> If you compile a new version of Dolphin
[2019-04-09 18:22:17] <spycrab0> You really can't currently. Except if you plaster your modification name into the version itself
[2019-04-09 18:22:19] <JMC47> with your changes to the source
[2019-04-09 18:22:22] <JMC47> it'll be a new build
[2019-04-09 18:22:26] <CrankySupertoon> Aka if i make a game in your stock build it will only show stuff from your build
[2019-04-09 18:22:38] <spycrab0> So stupidname-5.0-xxx
[2019-04-09 18:22:40] <CrankySupertoon> but if i use my newly compiled one it only shows stuff from my binary i compiled
[2019-04-09 18:22:44] <JMC47> yeah
[2019-04-09 18:22:48] <CrankySupertoon> i think it is checking the MD5 code to find similar matches
[2019-04-09 18:22:49] <JMC47> that's correct
[2019-04-09 18:22:52] <CrankySupertoon> not sure if that is intended
[2019-04-09 18:22:55] <CrankySupertoon> but that is what it is doing
[2019-04-09 18:22:56] <JMC47> it is intended
[2019-04-09 18:23:02] <spycrab0> It is not using md5.
[2019-04-09 18:23:03] <JMC47> because usually when someone modifies Dolphin... Dolphin is modified
[2019-04-09 18:23:09] <JMC47> and won't sync with other builds
[2019-04-09 18:23:09] <spycrab0> It's using the version string
[2019-04-09 18:23:23] <JMC47> Your changes are so minor that you can sync I guess
[2019-04-09 18:23:26] <spycrab0> And not the complete one
[2019-04-09 18:23:37] <Techjar> spycrab0: perhaps we should use the scm_rev_str instead?
[2019-04-09 18:23:46] <CrankySupertoon> How do i change the labeling now
[2019-04-09 18:23:54] <CrankySupertoon>
[2019-04-09 18:24:04] <JMC47> okay
[2019-04-09 18:24:16] <Billiard> CrankySupertoon: Version.cpp
[2019-04-09 18:24:19] <CrankySupertoon> k
[2019-04-09 18:24:25] <JMC47> why not just make a branch name
[2019-04-09 18:24:27] <JMC47> and commit to it
[2019-04-09 18:24:37] <CrankySupertoon> on the main dolphin? or a fork
[2019-04-09 18:24:39] <CrankySupertoon> since i had one
[2019-04-09 18:24:44] <CrankySupertoon> on my fork
[2019-04-09 18:24:53] <JMC47> git checkout -b MarioNetplayFork git commit-a
[2019-04-09 18:24:58] <spycrab0> Techjar: I'll probably just add another field tbh.
[2019-04-09 18:25:04] <Techjar> that works too
[2019-04-09 18:25:16] <Techjar> JMC47: branch names aren't included in the scm_git_rev_str
[2019-04-09 18:25:18] <CrankySupertoon> so i download my fork
[2019-04-09 18:25:19] <spycrab0> For the application name or whatever we call it
[2019-04-09 18:25:21] <CrankySupertoon> make a new branch
[2019-04-09 18:25:35] <CrankySupertoon> and then merge the code from the master to MarioNetplayfork?
[2019-04-09 18:26:02] ⇐ JosJuice quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer
[2019-04-09 18:26:35] <JMC47> Techjar: but they'll be on a different commit, so only their builds will show up on the server browser
[2019-04-09 18:26:35] <CrankySupertoon> Im going to start fresh
[2019-04-09 18:26:40] <CrankySupertoon> im going to make a new fork
[2019-04-09 18:26:49] <CrankySupertoon> and then what, clone it into Visual Studio im assumbing
[2019-04-09 18:26:52] <Techjar> JMC47: it doesn't check commit hash
[2019-04-09 18:26:59] <Techjar> it uses the scm_rev_git_str
[2019-04-09 18:27:13] <Techjar> which is the 5.0-#### thing
[2019-04-09 18:27:26] <Techjar> soon be ##### :P
[2019-04-09 18:27:54] <irrawaddy> Update 5 to issue 11668 ("Gecko (Harmless) Error on every launch") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 18:28:01] <irrawaddy> Update 12 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 18:28:22] <irrawaddy> [13dolphin-emu/dolphin] 038times9 edited a comment on #7969 (Qt/NetPlayBrowser: Fix radio button spacing): 02
[2019-04-09 18:28:22] <CrankySupertoon> do you want me to fork the repo?
[2019-04-09 18:29:12] <irrawaddy> [13dolphin-emu/dolphin] 03Techjar commented on #7969 (Qt/NetPlayBrowser: Fix radio button spacing): 02
[2019-04-09 18:30:17] <irrawaddy> [13dolphin-emu/dolphin] 03Techjar edited a comment on #7969 (Qt/NetPlayBrowser: Fix radio button spacing): 02
[2019-04-09 18:31:04] <JMC47> CrankySupertoon: I have a fork of my own, I can create branches on my fork, and add commits. Right now I don't know if that's enough to make non-fork builds show up
[2019-04-09 18:31:11] <JMC47> but it's something that can be fixed on our end if it doesn't
[2019-04-09 18:31:24] <CrankySupertoon> on what your buildbot?
[2019-04-09 18:31:29] <CrankySupertoon> or netplay
[2019-04-09 18:31:29] <Techjar> it'll still get mixed in with any matching version numbers
[2019-04-09 18:31:33] <Techjar> in the browser
[2019-04-09 18:31:40] <spycrab0> Anyway the server browser is not fit for forks right now.
[2019-04-09 18:31:47] <CrankySupertoon> but it works
[2019-04-09 18:31:52] <spycrab0> Because it was never intended to handle them.
[2019-04-09 18:32:03] <shuffle2> LOL @ backlog
[2019-04-09 18:32:03] <CrankySupertoon> but it works like i tested and it worked correctly
[2019-04-09 18:32:19] <JMC47> Yeah, but you're having a problem, right?
[2019-04-09 18:32:22] <JMC47> that it shows other builds
[2019-04-09 18:32:25] <Techjar> line 21 of Version.cpp is the actual name btw
[2019-04-09 18:32:26] <CrankySupertoon> no it doesnt
[2019-04-09 18:32:30] <spycrab0> shuffle2: more like weep @ blacklist
[2019-04-09 18:32:37] <CrankySupertoon> i want to name it because
[2019-04-09 18:32:42] <CrankySupertoon> i dont have to name it but i want to
[2019-04-09 18:32:45] <spycrab0> CrankySupertoon: because you are using a dirty build
[2019-04-09 18:32:53] <spycrab0> Of course it's not showing up
[2019-04-09 18:32:55] <CrankySupertoon> aka compiled from source
[2019-04-09 18:33:06] <Techjar> -dirty means you have uncommitted changes
[2019-04-09 18:33:48] <CrankySupertoon> im forking this right now when i change my version.cpp
[2019-04-09 18:33:59] <CrankySupertoon> do i merge into master
[2019-04-09 18:34:02] <Techjar> compiled from source on its own doesn't make it dirty
[2019-04-09 18:34:02] <CrankySupertoon> or a brand new branch
[2019-04-09 18:34:25] <Techjar> i prefer to leave my fork's master branch alone
[2019-04-09 18:34:49] <CrankySupertoon> can i do this from inside visual studio
[2019-04-09 18:34:53] <CrankySupertoon> or do i have to go externally
[2019-04-09 18:34:59] <CrankySupertoon> like onto github
[2019-04-09 18:35:19] <irrawaddy> [13dolphin-emu/dolphin] 038times9 commented on #7969 (Qt/NetPlayBrowser: Fix radio button spacing): 02
[2019-04-09 18:35:20] <Techjar> though if you're distributing a build and you don't want it to say [blah-blah-branch-name] in the title you can use master
[2019-04-09 18:35:44] <Techjar> just don't make changes you intend to merge on master, that gets messy
[2019-04-09 18:35:47] <spycrab0> Please stop. You clearly don't know what you are doing.
[2019-04-09 18:35:53] <Billiard> :P
[2019-04-09 18:35:55] <CrankySupertoon> me?
[2019-04-09 18:36:12] <spycrab0> Yes.
[2019-04-09 18:36:12] <CrankySupertoon> Lets put it simple i want the tile to be like this but for dolphin
[2019-04-09 18:36:25] <CrankySupertoon> someone on one of my servers
[2019-04-09 18:36:32] <Techjar> i hate macos
[2019-04-09 18:36:33] <CrankySupertoon> compiled it for linux by modifying the cmakelists
[2019-04-09 18:36:48] <CrankySupertoon> but that was linux only
[2019-04-09 18:37:02] <spycrab0> You don't understand c++ nor Git. This is clearly headed for disaster.
[2019-04-09 18:37:26] <Techjar> putting in a date automatically would require modifying the script that injects the build number
[2019-04-09 18:37:31] <CrankySupertoon> can you just walk me through
[2019-04-09 18:37:48] <Billiard> Techjar: I think he just manually wants to set the date
[2019-04-09 18:37:48] <CrankySupertoon> i want this but on windows
[2019-04-09 18:37:54] <CrankySupertoon> one of my friends compiled that
[2019-04-09 18:38:01] <CrankySupertoon> by adding this
[2019-04-09 18:38:05] <Techjar> Billiard: that could be done by just modifying Version.cpp
[2019-04-09 18:38:08] <CrankySupertoon> he was trying to debug it
[2019-04-09 18:38:10] <Billiard> damn. they are hackers.
[2019-04-09 18:38:12] <shuffle2> have you tried asking on the dolphin discord channel
[2019-04-09 18:38:18] <Billiard> straight up hacking that title bar
[2019-04-09 18:38:27] <CrankySupertoon> There is no discord channel @shuffle2
[2019-04-09 18:38:33] <CrankySupertoon> or is there?
[2019-04-09 18:38:40] <CrankySupertoon> im on the unoffical one
[2019-04-09 18:38:54] <Billiard> we should make a discord and fill it with bots to confuse people
[2019-04-09 18:39:06] <JMC47> If you can compile Dolphin, just change the line they said earlier
[2019-04-09 18:39:09] <JMC47> that should be all you need to do
[2019-04-09 18:39:20] <CrankySupertoon> can you post that i dont want to scroll all the way up
[2019-04-09 18:39:31] <spycrab0> CrankySupertoon: we can't help you to learn programming...
[2019-04-09 18:39:44] <spycrab0> Or fundamental version contodl
[2019-04-09 18:39:47] <spycrab0> *control
[2019-04-09 18:39:50] <booto> a person can only have so much popcorn
[2019-04-09 18:39:58] <shuffle2> lol
[2019-04-09 18:40:05] <CrankySupertoon> he literally just modified the CMakeLists.txt
[2019-04-09 18:40:11] <shuffle2> its taking a lot to hold back
[2019-04-09 18:40:13] <CrankySupertoon> but that is linux only
[2019-04-09 18:40:17] <CrankySupertoon> and that worked on my VM
[2019-04-09 18:40:21] <CrankySupertoon> but i cannot compile for windows
[2019-04-09 18:40:31] <CrankySupertoon> on linux
[2019-04-09 18:40:37] <Billiard> CrankySupertoon: Version.cpp has the version string for the 3rd? time
[2019-04-09 18:40:41] <JMC47> version.cpp controls how the titlebar is generated
[2019-04-09 18:40:55] <CrankySupertoon> okay
[2019-04-09 18:40:56] <irrawaddy> Update 6 to issue 11668 ("Gecko (Harmless) Error on every launch") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
[2019-04-09 18:40:57] <CrankySupertoon> thanks
[2019-04-09 18:41:07] <CrankySupertoon> i cant do much until this clones tho
[2019-04-09 18:41:13] <irrawaddy> Update 13 to issue 11669 ("Dolphin Crashes after closing game") by 03Roadhog360-2 - 02
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