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a C/C++ example of solving a Bitcoin block #100000
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include "sha256.h"
typedef struct _block
unsigned int version;
unsigned char prevhash[32];
unsigned char merkle_root[32];
unsigned int ntime;
unsigned int nbits;
unsigned int nonce;
unsigned char decode(char c)
case 'a'...'f':
return 0x0a + c - 'a';
case 'A'...'F':
return 0x0a + c - 'A';
case '0'...'9':
return c - '0';
//out: output array (size=len/2)
//in: input string
//len: length of input string
void convert_string_to_little_endian_bytes(unsigned char *out,
char *in,
size_t len)
assert(len % 2 == 0);
size_t s = 0;
size_t b = len/2-1;
for(s, b; s<len; s+=2, --b)
out[b] = (unsigned char)(decode(in[s])<<4) + decode(in[s+1]);
void print_hex(unsigned char *hex, size_t len)
for(size_t i=0;i<len;++i)
printf("%02x", hex[i]);
void print_hex_inverse(unsigned char *hex, size_t len)
for(size_t i=len-1;i<len;--i)
printf("%02x", hex[i]);
int little_endian_bit_comparison(const unsigned char *a,
const unsigned char *b,
size_t byte_len)
for(size_t i=byte_len-1; i<byte_len; --i)
if(a[i] < b[i])
return -1;
else if(a[i] > b[i])
return 1;
return 0;
void double_sha256(SHA256 *sha256_ctx, unsigned char *bytes, size_t len)
SHA256 tmp;
sha256(&tmp, (BYTE*)bytes, len);
sha256(sha256_ctx, (BYTE*)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
void calc_merkle_root(unsigned char *root, int count, char branch[][65])
size_t total_count = count;
unsigned char *raw_list = new unsigned char[(total_count+1)*32];
unsigned char **list = new unsigned char *[total_count+1];
for(int i=0;i<total_count;++i)
list[i] = raw_list + i * 32;
convert_string_to_little_endian_bytes(list[i], branch[i], 64);
list[total_count] = raw_list + total_count*32;
while(total_count > 1)
int i, j;
if(total_count % 2 == 1) //odd
memcpy(list[total_count], list[total_count-1], 32);
for(i=0, j=0;i<total_count; i+=2, ++j)
double_sha256((SHA256*)list[j], list[i], 64);
total_count = j;
memcpy(root, list[0], 32);
delete[] raw_list;
delete[] list;
void decode_nbits(unsigned char *target, unsigned int nbits)
unsigned int exp = nbits >> 24;
unsigned int mant = nbits & 0xffffff;
unsigned int shift = 8 * (exp - 3);
unsigned int sb = shift / 8;
unsigned int rb = shift % 8;
// little-endian
target[sb] = (mant << rb);
target[sb + 1] = (mant >> (8-rb));
target[sb + 2] = (mant >> (16-rb));
target[sb + 3] = (mant >> (24-rb));
void solve()
// **** data ***
unsigned int version = 1;
char prevhash[] = "000000000002d01c1fccc21636b607dfd930d31d01c3a62104612a1719011250";
unsigned int ntime = 1293623863;
unsigned int nbits = 453281356;
char merkle_branch[][65] = {
// *** merkle root ***
unsigned char merkle_root[32];
calc_merkle_root(merkle_root, 4, merkle_branch);
printf("merkle root: "); print_hex_inverse(merkle_root, 32); printf("\n");
HashBlock block;
block.version = version;
convert_string_to_little_endian_bytes(block.prevhash, prevhash, 64);
memcpy(block.merkle_root, merkle_root, 32);
block.nbits = nbits;
block.ntime = ntime;
block.nonce = 0;
// *** target value ***
unsigned char target_hex[32] = {};
decode_nbits(target_hex, block.nbits);
printf("target value: "); print_hex_inverse(target_hex, 32); printf("\n");
// *** solve block ***
SHA256 sha256_ctx;
for(block.nonce=0x00000000; block.nonce<=0xffffffff;++block.nonce)
double_sha256(&sha256_ctx, (unsigned char*)&block, sizeof(block));
if(block.nonce % 100000 == 0)
printf("nonce: %10u\n", block.nonce);
if(little_endian_bit_comparison(sha256_ctx.b, target_hex, 32) < 0)
printf("Solved! nonce=%10u\n", block.nonce);
printf("Hash (Big-endian): "); print_hex_inverse(sha256_ctx.b, 32); printf("\n");
int main(void)
return 0;
// This sha256 implementation is based on sha256 wiki page
// please refer to:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sha256.h"
// circular shift - wiki:
#define _rotl(v, s) ((v)<<(s) | (v)>>(32-(s)))
#define _rotr(v, s) ((v)>>(s) | (v)<<(32-(s)))
#define _swap(x, y) (((x)^=(y)), ((y)^=(x)), ((x)^=(y)))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#endif //__cplusplus
static const WORD k[64] = {
void sha256_transform(SHA256 *ctx, const BYTE *msg)
WORD a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
WORD i, j;
// Create a 64-entry message schedule array w[0..63] of 32-bit words
WORD w[64];
// Copy chunk into first 16 words w[0..15] of the message schedule array
for(i=0, j=0;i<16;++i, j+=4)
w[i] = (msg[j]<<24) | (msg[j+1]<<16) | (msg[j+2]<<8) | (msg[j+3]);
// Extend the first 16 words into the remaining 48 words w[16..63] of the message schedule array:
WORD s0 = (_rotr(w[i-15], 7)) ^ (_rotr(w[i-15], 18)) ^ (w[i-15]>>3);
WORD s1 = (_rotr(w[i-2], 17)) ^ (_rotr(w[i-2], 19)) ^ (w[i-2]>>10);
w[i] = w[i-16] + s0 + w[i-7] + s1;
// Initialize working variables to current hash value
a = ctx->h[0];
b = ctx->h[1];
c = ctx->h[2];
d = ctx->h[3];
e = ctx->h[4];
f = ctx->h[5];
g = ctx->h[6];
h = ctx->h[7];
// Compress function main loop:
WORD S0 = (_rotr(a, 2)) ^ (_rotr(a, 13)) ^ (_rotr(a, 22));
WORD S1 = (_rotr(e, 6)) ^ (_rotr(e, 11)) ^ (_rotr(e, 25));
WORD ch = (e & f) ^ ((~e) & g);
WORD maj = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c);
WORD temp1 = h + S1 + ch + k[i] + w[i];
WORD temp2 = S0 + maj;
h = g;
g = f;
f = e;
e = d + temp1;
d = c;
c = b;
b = a;
a = temp1 + temp2;
// Add the compressed chunk to the current hash value
ctx->h[0] += a;
ctx->h[1] += b;
ctx->h[2] += c;
ctx->h[3] += d;
ctx->h[4] += e;
ctx->h[5] += f;
ctx->h[6] += g;
ctx->h[7] += h;
void sha256(SHA256 *ctx, const BYTE *msg, size_t len)
// Initialize hash values:
// (first 32 bits of the fractional parts of the square roots of the first 8 primes 2..19):
ctx->h[0] = 0x6a09e667;
ctx->h[1] = 0xbb67ae85;
ctx->h[2] = 0x3c6ef372;
ctx->h[3] = 0xa54ff53a;
ctx->h[4] = 0x510e527f;
ctx->h[5] = 0x9b05688c;
ctx->h[6] = 0x1f83d9ab;
ctx->h[7] = 0x5be0cd19;
WORD i, j;
size_t remain = len % 64;
size_t total_len = len - remain;
// Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks
// For each chunk:
sha256_transform(ctx, &msg[i]);
// Process remain data
BYTE m[64] = {};
for(i=total_len, j=0;i<len;++i, ++j)
m[j] = msg[i];
// Append a single '1' bit
m[j++] = 0x80; //1000 0000
// Append K '0' bits, where k is the minimum number >= 0 such that L + 1 + K + 64 is a multiple of 512
if(j > 56)
sha256_transform(ctx, m);
memset(m, 0, sizeof(m));
// Append L as a 64-bit bug-endian integer, making the total post-processed length a multiple of 512 bits
unsigned long long L = len * 8; //bits
m[63] = L;
m[62] = L >> 8;
m[61] = L >> 16;
m[60] = L >> 24;
m[59] = L >> 32;
m[58] = L >> 40;
m[57] = L >> 48;
m[56] = L >> 56;
sha256_transform(ctx, m);
// Produce the final hash value (little-endian to big-endian)
// Swap 1st & 4th, 2nd & 3rd byte for each word
_swap(ctx->b[i], ctx->b[i+3]);
_swap(ctx->b[i+1], ctx->b[i+2]);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__cplusplus
#undef _rotl
#undef _rotr
#ifndef __SHA256_HEADER__
#define __SHA256_HEADER__
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#endif //__cplusplus
//--------------- DATA TYPES --------------
typedef unsigned int WORD;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef union _sha256_ctx{
WORD h[8];
BYTE b[32];
//----------- FUNCTION DECLARATION --------
void sha256_transform(SHA256 *ctx, const BYTE *msg);
void sha256(SHA256 *ctx, const BYTE *msg, size_t len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //__cplusplus
#endif //__SHA256_HEADER__
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