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Last active August 29, 2020 03:23
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C++ mock test for competitive programming
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
void run(istream &in, ostream &out) {
// write your code here
int x;
while (in >> x) {
out << x * 2 << '\n';
void trimR(string &s) { s.erase(find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int ch) { return !isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end()); }
int main() {
// for CLion, add one line `add_definitions(-DMOCK)` in CMakeLists.txt
#ifdef MOCK
vector<vector<string>> examples = {
// add example inputs and outputs, or your custom test data
R"(2 3)", // input
6)", // output
R"(-5 -6)", // input
-12)", // output
bool passedAll = true;
for (int i = 0; i < examples.size(); i++) {
string rawIn = examples[i][0], expectedOut = examples[i][1];
istringstream mockIn(rawIn);
ostringstream mockOut;
run(mockIn, mockOut);
string actualOut = mockOut.str();
if (expectedOut != actualOut) {
passedAll = false;
cout << "WA " << i + 1 << endl;
cout << "Input:" << endl << rawIn << endl;
cout << "Expected:" << endl << expectedOut << endl;
cout << "Actual:" << endl << actualOut << endl << endl;
if (passedAll) {
cout << "OK! SUBMIT" << endl;
ios::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(nullptr);
run(cin, cout);
return 0;
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