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Strengths & Storytelling Reflection Guidelines

  • Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes stayed the same? How have they changed?

I think they've more or less stayed the same, but understanding my strengths has helped me embrase these qualities. Because the strengths finder indicated that I am an includer, I've been thinking about how to best grow into this quality. I've been initiating conversations with classmates on how things are going, if they need a sounding board or code review. Learner, Analytical, Intellectual...are all things I value in my personality. But I feel they've formed someone that often times can be over-analystical, and not in-the-moment. Through this understanding and reflection, I've been able to conciously force myself into appreciating the moment I'm in, who I'm with, and what I'm doing.

  • How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? How are you stronger now than on day 1? How have you struggled?

First off, I feel that I'm on a promising path towards getting my career back on track. I knew coming into the program with prior development experience that initially I would be going through some concepts review and reinforcing the foundation principles. I was not expecting to undergo this much personal reflection and growth. But in doing so, I've better learned about who I am, and how to embrase my good qualities. Over the past few years, I've been struggling to love myself, and this first mod at Turing has been a step in pulling me out of that negative mindset.

  • Considering how you describe these themes, how do you want others to see you as you continue to progress through Turing?

Lean on me...challenge me...use me as a resource. I'm naturally a leader, a coach, a mentor. I hope my cohort looks to their peers for assistance before reaching into the community for support.

  • Even though your Turing story isn't finished yet, what do you envision for your development in future mods? How will this story end?

I want to keep pushing past my comfort zone on interacting with others, and initiating interactions. I want to continue to understand what good qualities I have, and grow into someone that embrases these.

  • Finally, write a draft of your story here. This is a short paragraph, 4-6 sentences, describing who you are, why you came to Turing, and what you hope to accomplish while you're here:

I came into Turing with development experience, but reached a point in my career where I wanted to reinforce the foundation, sharpen existing skills, and branch into new technologies and tools. I also wanted to feel part of something. Something that others have the same passion for. I wanted to immerse myself into a collaborative environment where I'm challenged and can challenge others, as I transition back into my professional career as a web engineer.

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