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Created January 24, 2015 13:09
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Save Enelar/12bc90278f8b7e17fcaf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
One friend asked help with home work. Its crappy snippet perform selection sort.
.model flat
data segment "data"
data ends
; stack:
; pointer to compare
; pointer to array end
; pointer to array start
; EDX - pointer to compare
; EBX - array end
; ECX - swap candidate
; ESI - array current position
; EDI - array current base
sort_kb3 PROC
cmp ESI, EBX ; until not pointing at end of array
jne begin ; begin
mov EDI, ESI
mov ECX, ESI
cmp EDI, EBX
je loop_end
; save registers
push EDX
push EBX
; prepare call
push EDI
push ECX
call EDX
pop ECX
pop EDI
pop EBX
pop EDX
cmp EAX, 1
jne not_minimal
mov ECX, EDI
add EDI, 4
jmp loop_begin
; swap to minimal
mov EAX, dword ptr [ESI]
mov EDI, dword ptr[ECX]
mov dword ptr[ESI], EDI
mov dword ptr[ECX], EAX
add ESI, 4 ; move base, first element sorted already
jmp sort_kb3 ; restart snippet
sort_kb3 ENDP
; (pointer to struct, pointer to compate)
_sort_kb3 PROC
push EBP
mov EBP, ESP
mov EAX, [ESP+8] ; pointer to struct
mov EDX, [ESP+12] ; pointer to compate
push ESI
push EDI
mov ESI, dword ptr [EAX] ; pointer to array
mov ECX, dword ptr [EAX+4] ; pointer to size
mov EAX, ESI
shl ECX, 2 ; multiptly to int size
add EAX, ECX
mov EBX, EAX ; set array end
call sort_kb3
pop EDI
pop ESI
mov ESP, EBP
pop EBP
_sort_kb3 ENDP
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