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Last active October 29, 2018 23:11
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import botymcbotface.irc
# The server to connect to.
server = ""
# The main channel to join.
main_channel = "#BotyMcBotface"
# While we put other variables such as the server to connect to and
# the channel to join in vars directly in this file, doing the same
# with the bot's password would be a bad idea, seeing as how this file
# is publicly available on Github. So, read it from a local file
# instead (which never ends up on Github).
def load_var(var_name):
var = ""
with open(os.path.join("private", var_name), "r") as f:
var = f.readline().strip()
except FileNotFoundError:
print("You need to put your bot's %s in a file called %s "
"in directory called private." % (var_name, var_name))
raise SystemExit
return var
# Use the above function, to load our nickname and password from
# files in the "private/" directory.
nickname = load_var("nickname")
password = load_var("password")
# Create the bot object (which is defined in the file
# botymcbotface/ If we set the debug_level to a value above
# zero, we get more information on what is happening with the protocol
# (the higher we set it, the more info we get). It's a useful way to
# learn how the IRC protocol works.
bot = botymcbotface.irc.IRCBot(nickname, password, debug_level=0)
# Connect to the server. This will also log in, and give the server
# our nickname and password. It will also join our main channel,
# which is stored in the main_channel variable.
bot.connect(server, main_channel)
# Join additional channels:
# =========
while True:
# Get one message from the IRC server. The '5' is a timeout; If
# nothing happens on the server in 5 seconds, the get_msg()
# function will return None, giving us a chance to do stuff here
# periodically. Otherwise, we'd be stuck waiting for messages
# forever if there are none. This way, we can do something else
# every 5 seconds or so if we want.
msg = bot.get_msg(5)
# If we reached a timeout before getting a message, then no IRCMsg
# will have been returned (we will have gotten None instead). In
# that case, just loop round (back up to "while True") to wait
# another 5 seconds.
# If we wanted to do something in the background every 5 (or
# every X) seconds, this is where we'd do it, right before the
# continue statement.
# Now we check if we got a message from get_msg, or if it simply
# timed out:
if not msg:
# Now, we have a sender, a msg_type, a channel and a msg_text. We
# can check these to decide what we want to do (if anything) with
# this message.
# The IRC protocol is weird. The message type "PRIVMSG" can mean
# two different things, depending on what "channel" is set to.
# 1. If "channel" is the same as the bot's nickname, then it is
# an actual private message.
# 2. Otherwise, it's an ordinary message on the channel
# specified in "channel".
# Let's handle actual private messages first:
if (msg.msg_type == "PRIVMSG" and == nickname):
print("Private message: %s->%s: %s" % (msg.sender,,
# We've received a private message! Let's respond.
# Since we're calling privmsg() with the sender as the recipient
# (the first argument), what we send will also be an actual
# private message.
bot.privmsg(msg.sender, "Hello, I'm a bot skeleton. I can't really "
"do anything, I exist merely as an example of how "
"to write an IRC bot in Python that others can "
"extend if they want. Take a look at my code at "
" if you're "
# Now, let's handle ordinary channel messages:
if (msg.msg_type == "PRIVMSG" and != nickname):
print("Channel message: %s @ %s: %s" % (msg.sender,,
# If we get a message of type JOIN, that means that the 'sender'
# joined the channel specified in 'channel'. So let's send this
# user a greeting! But we only want to do that in our own
# main_channel, not in other channels we may have joined. Also, by
# checking to make sure that msg.sender is not equal to our own
# nickname, the bot won't accidentally welcome itself to the
# channel when it joins.
if (msg.msg_type == "JOIN" and == main_channel and
msg.sender != nickname):
bot.privmsg(, "Hello %s, welcome to %s!" %
# If the person who joined is called "enfors", then let's make
# him or her an operator in this channel. Replace "enfors" with
# your own IRC name (not the bot's name) if you want. Please note
# that this will only work if the bot is a channel operator.
if (msg.sender.lower() == "enfors"):
bot.make_operator(, msg.sender)
# Messages of type "PART" means that someone left a channel.
# Let's ask people who leave our main_channel to come back:
if (msg.msg_type == "PART" and == main_channel and
msg.sender != nickname):
bot.privmsg(msg.sender, "Please come back to %s soon!" %
# That's it!
# That wasn't very difficult, was it? Feel free to extend this simple
# skeleton with more functionality. For example, you could make it
# so that it's owner (you) can send it a private message to add a
# "friend", and have the bot instantly make all "friends" who join the
# channel get a greeting or perhaps operator status.
# Happy hacking!
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