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Created February 27, 2016 23:28
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// Title: Industriver
// Author: Alex Enkerli
// Date: 27 February 2016
// Course: Introduction to Programming for Musicians and Digital Artists
// Assignment for Session 3 – Sound File Manipulation
// Requires the audio samples from this link to be in the same directory:
Gain master=>NRev r=>dac; // Adding reverb to master gain
.1=>r.mix; // Mixing the reverb with the master
SndBuf2 fx => master; // Sending stereo fx samples to master
SndBuf kick => master; // Sending drumkick samples to master
SndBuf hihat => master; // Sending hihat samples to master
SndBuf snare => master; // Sending snare samples to master
0 => int count; // This total count will later be split into beats
0 => int barcount; // Each time we reach the first beat, we’ll start a new bar
0=> int bar; // Similar to beats, bars will loop
// Setting up arrays to receives the different types of samples
// Was looking into a way to standardize the variable names and only have one array which can be reused
string kicksamps[5];
string hihatsamps[4];
string snaresamps[3];
string fxsamps[5];
// Adding the names of the drumkick samples to their array, so the samples can then be read by referring to an index
for(1=>int j;j<=kicksamps.cap();j++){
// Adding the names of the hihat samples to their array, for future reference
for(1=>int j;j<=hihatsamps.cap();j++){
// Adding the names of the snare samples to their array, for future reference
for(1=>int j;j<=snaresamps.cap();j++){
// Adding the names of the fx samples to their array, for future reference
for(1=>int j;j<=fxsamps.cap();j++){
while(true){ // Main loop
while(true) // Bars also loop
count%8=>int beat; // The bar is a cycle of eight beats
if((beat==1)||(beat==5)){ // Play drumkick on beats 1 and 5 (twice as fast as the whole bar)
kicksamps[Math.random2(0,kicksamps.cap()-1)]=>; // Randomly select a drumkick sample, avoiding the array’s limit
0=>kick.pos; // Always setting the playhead at the beginning of the sample
Math.random2f(-0.2,1)=>kick.rate; // Randomizing the drumkick sample’s playing rate, including reverse samples (which wouldn’t sound since the playhead is at the beginning)
Math.random2f(0,0.8)=>kick.gain; // Randomizing the drumkick sample’s gain, including silence
if((beat==2)||(beat==6)){ // Play hihat right after the kick
hihatsamps[Math.random2(0,hihatsamps.cap()-1)]=>; // Randomly select a hihat sample, avoiding the array’s limit
Math.random2(0,hihat.samples()/2)=>hihat.pos; // Randomizing the playhead position but still getting at least half of the full sample
Math.random2f(-2,1)=>hihat.rate; // Encouraging the playing of reverse samples
Math.random2f(0,0.8)=>hihat.gain; // Randomizing the hihat sample’s gain, including silence
snaresamps[Math.random2(0,snaresamps.cap()-1)]=>; // The snare should play a random sample every beat
Math.random2f(0.1,1)=>snare.rate; // Randomizing the snare sample’s play rate from a tenth of its full rate to full rate
Math.random2(0,snare.samples())=>snare.pos; // The snare sample’s playhead can be at any position, including at the very end of the sample
Math.random2f(0,0.8)=>snare.gain; // Randomizing the snare sample’s gain, including silence
if(beat==0){ // Starting a new bar on beat 0
barcount++; // Incrementing the total bar count
barcount%3=>bar; // Cycling every three bars
if(bar==1){ // On the second bar (out of three), play a stereo effect
fxsamps[Math.random2(0,fxsamps.cap()-1)]=>; // Randomly select a stereo effect sample
Math.random2f(-0.3,0.8)=>fx.gain; // Randomizing the fx sample’s gain so that it will be silent once in a while
Math.random2f(-2,2)=>fx.rate; // Allowing for the fx sample to be played up to twice as fast, both in reverse and in normal mode
Math.random2(0,fx.samples())=>fx.pos; // The fx sample’s playhead can be at any position, including at the very end of the sample
Math.random2f(0.17,0.23)::second=>now; // Add slight variation to the beat duration
count++; // Incrementing the total number of beats
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