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Created May 10, 2020 07:09
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Independence Test with Steps
A python Test for indepencence. Separate all inputs with spaces.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as sst
[r, c] = list(map(int, input("Row by column: \n").split(" ")))
data = np.zeros([r, c])
for j in range(r):
note = "Enter row " + str(j+1) + ":\n"
new_row_string = input(note).split(" ")
while len(new_row_string) != c:
note = "Length doesn't match. Enter row " + str(j+1) + ":\n"
new_row_string = input(note).split(" ")
new_row = list(map(float, new_row_string))
data[j, :] = np.array(new_row)
data_tabular = pd.DataFrame(data)
C_sum = np.array(data_tabular.sum(axis=1))
R_sum = np.array(data_tabular.sum(axis=0))
T_sum = data.sum()
data_tabular["C_sum"] = C_sum
RT_sum = np.array(data_tabular.sum(axis=0))
data_tabular = data_tabular.append(pd.DataFrame(
data_tabular.sum(axis=0), columns=["R_sum"]).transpose())
print("\n\n", "Data summed:\n", data_tabular, "\n\n")
expected_data = np.outer(C_sum, R_sum)/T_sum
expected_data_tabular = pd.DataFrame(expected_data)
print("Data expected:\n", expected_data_tabular, "\n\n")
alpha = float(input("Alpha: \n"))
Chisq_statistics = ((data - expected_data) *
(data - expected_data) / expected_data).sum()
print("χ²(r-1="+str(r-1)+",c-1="+str(c-1)+") =", Chisq_statistics)
sst.chi2.pdf(alpha, (r-1)*(c-1))
print("χ²-value at significance "+str(alpha) +
":", sst.chi2.ppf(1 - alpha, (r-1)*(c-1)))
p = 1 - sst.chi2.cdf(Chisq_statistics, (r-1)*(c-1))
print("P-value is:", p)
options = {0: "reject", 1: "accept"}
print("Therefore we choose to", options[int(
p > alpha)], "H0 at significance level", str(alpha)+".")
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