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Last active March 29, 2019 18:02
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Very Large Resistor Lattice, as in xkcd 356
import sys
import numpy as np
import csv
import logging
from math import ceil
OUTFILE = "vll.csv"
# Netlist generator
def formattuple(coords):
return "i{}j{}".format(coords[0],coords[1])
def component(ctype, value, acoord, bcoord):
anode = formattuple(acoord)
bnode = formattuple(bcoord)
assert ctype in ['A','R']
if ctype == 'R':
typename = 'r'
typecode = 'R'
if ctype == 'A':
typename = 'a'
typecode = 'A'
name = "{}{}.{}".format(typename, anode, bnode)
return "{},{},{},{},{}\n".format(name, typecode, value, anode, bnode)
def current(acoord, bcoord):
return component('A', RESISTANCE, acoord, bcoord)
def resistor(acoord, bcoord):
return component('R', CURRENT, acoord, bcoord)
# CSV parsing
NCOL = 0 # component name
TCOL = 1 # type of component
VCOL = 2 # value of component, eg resistance
ACOL = 3 # node connected to first lead, currents enter here
BCOL = 4 # node connected to second lead
NODE_TYPES = ["A", "R"]
def find_ground_node(degrees):
ground = max(degrees.keys(), key=(lambda x: degrees[x]))
logging.debug("ground node-> {}".format(ground))
return ground
def read_netlist(netlist_path):
components = {}
# We will need to iterate over components twice
# in the same order, so we save keys
component_keys = []
with open(netlist_path, 'r') as infile:
netlist = csv.reader(infile)
nums = {}
nums["components"] = 0
nums["anomalies"] = 0
nums["be"] = 0 # number of branch equations
nums["kcl"] = 0 # number of non-ground nodes
degrees = {}
anomnum = {}
for component in netlist:
key = component[NCOL]
assert type(key) == str
components[key] = [None] * 8
newcomp = components[key]
newcomp[NCOL] = key
assert component[TCOL] in NODE_TYPES
newcomp[TCOL] = component[TCOL]
newcomp[VCOL] = float(component[VCOL])
except ValueError:
"Bad input: expected a number"
"for component value of {},"
"got {} instead.").format(
newcomp[ACOL] = component[ACOL]
newcomp[BCOL] = component[BCOL]
assert len(component) == 5
nums["components"] += 1
curnodes = component[ACOL:BCOL+1]
newnodes = [key for key in curnodes
if key not in degrees]
for node in newnodes:
degrees[node] = 0
for node in curnodes:
degrees[node] += 1
ground = find_ground_node(degrees)
i = 0
nodenum = {}
for node in [k for k in degrees.keys() if k != ground]:
nodenum[node] = i
i += 1
assert len(nodenum) == len(degrees) - 1
nums["kcl"] = len(nodenum)
nums["be"] = nums["anomalies"]
# From now on nums shall become immutable
state = [nums, degrees, anomnum, components, component_keys, ground, nodenum]
return state
def build_coefficients(state):
[nums, degrees, anomnum, components, component_keys, ground, nodenum] = state
n = nums["kcl"] + nums["be"] # number of unknowns
G = np.zeros(shape=(n, n))
A = np.zeros(shape=(n, 1))
currents = []
for key in component_keys: # preserve order of iteration
component = components[key]
anode = component[ACOL]
bnode = component[BCOL]
if anode != ground:
i = nodenum[anode]
assert i >= 0 and i <= nums["kcl"]
if bnode != ground:
j = nodenum[bnode]
assert j >= 0 and j <= nums["kcl"]
if component[TCOL] == "R":
conductance = 1 / component[VCOL]
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Model error: resistors can't have null resistance")
if anode != ground:
G[i,i] += conductance
if bnode != ground:
G[j,j] += conductance
if bnode != ground and anode != ground:
G[i,j] -= conductance
G[j,i] -= conductance
elif component[TCOL] == "A":
current = component[VCOL]
if anode != ground:
A[i] += current
if bnode != ground:
A[j] -= current
return [G, A, currents]
def solve_system(G, A):
e = np.linalg.solve(G, A)
except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
print("Model error: matrix is singular")
return e
def print_solution(e, nodenum, nums, currents):
nodelabel = dict(reversed(x) for x in nodenum.items())
print("Ground node: {}".format(ground))
i = 0
for potential in e[0:nums["kcl"]]:
print("e({}) = {}".format(nodelabel[i], potential))
i += 1
i = 0
for current in e[nums["kcl"]:nums["kcl"]+nums["be"]]:
print("i({}) = {}".format(currents[i], current))
i += 1
def experiment(n):
assert n >= 3
assert n % 2 == 1
I = n
J = I + 1
with open(OUTFILE, 'w') as outfile:
for i in range(I):
for j in range(J):
here = (i,j)
right = (i,j+1)
left = (i,j-1)
up = (i-1,j)
down = (i+1, j)
if j < J-1:
outfile.write(resistor(here, right))
if i < I-1:
outfile.write(resistor(here, down))
c = ceil(I/2)
anode = (c, c-1)
bnode = (c-1,c+1)
outfile.write(current(anode, bnode))
state = read_netlist(OUTFILE)
[nums, degrees, anomnum, components, component_keys, ground, nodenum] = state
[G, A, currents] = build_coefficients(state)
e = solve_system(G, A)
aname = formattuple(anode)
bname = formattuple(bnode)
if aname == ground:
ea = 0
anum = nodenum[aname]
ea = e[anum]
if bname == ground:
eb = 0
bnum = nodenum[bname]
eb = e[bnum]
deltav = ea - eb
equivalent_resistance = abs(deltav) / CURRENT
return equivalent_resistance[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
i = int(sys.argv[1])
print("{},{}".format(i, experiment(i)))
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