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Last active October 29, 2016 16:47
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# coding utf-8
import copy
import random
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Agent():
def __init__(self, towns, roads, start, pheromone):
# value
self.current = start
self.alpha = 1
self.beta = 3
self.Q = 100
# list
self.whole = copy.deepcopy(towns)
self.notVisited = copy.deepcopy(towns)
self.visited = [towns[start]]
# dict
self.roads = roads
self.pheromone = copy.deepcopy(pheromone)
self.way = {}
for i in towns:
for j in towns:
if i is j:
self.way[(i,j)] = False
def assessment(self, j):
numerator = (self.pheromone[(self.current, j)]**self.alpha) * ((1/self.roads[(self.current, j)])**self.beta)
denominator = sum([(self.pheromone[(self.current,l)]**self.alpha) * ((1/self.roads[(self.current, l)])**self.beta) for l in self.notVisited])
assess = numerator / denominator
return assess
def probability(self):
p = {}
for m in self.notVisited:
mAsses = self.assessment(m)
sumAsses = sum([self.assessment(n) for n in self.notVisited])
p[m] = mAsses / sumAsses
return p
def agentwalk(self):
for i in self.whole:
prob = self.probability()
sprob = prob.items()
#sprob = sorted(prob.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
choice = random.random()
for i in sprob:
choice = choice - i[1]
if choice < 0:
nextT = i
self.way[(self.current, nextT[0])] = True
self.current = nextT[0]
if len(self.notVisited) == 0:
return self.visited
return self.visited
def get_deltaphero(self):
sumoflen = self.get_length()
deltaPheromone = {}
for i in self.pheromone:
if self.way[i]:
deltaPheromone[i] = self.Q/sumoflen
deltaPheromone[i] = 0
return deltaPheromone
def get_phero(self,startpheromone, pheromones, ro):
for i in startpheromone:
startpheromone[i] = ro * startpheromone[i] + (1-ro) * sum([k[i] for k in pheromones])
return startpheromone
def get_length(self):
sumoflen = 0
for i in range(1,len(self.visited)):
sumoflen += roads[(self.visited[i-1],self.visited[i])]
return sumoflen
def get_way(self):
return self.visited
figureCount = 0
def anthistorySave(len, way, delt, pheromone, title=""):
global figureCount
phrange = max(pheromone.values()) - min(pheromone.values()) + 1
for i in pheromone:
pheromone[i] = pheromone[i]/phrange
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.title(title + " length=" + str(len))
plt.scatter([i[0] for i in positions], [i[1] for i in positions])
for i, town in enumerate(way):
plt.annotate(i, (positions[town][0]+1, positions[town][1]-3), color='r')
plt.annotate(town, (positions[town][0]+1, positions[town][1]+1), color='g')
for i in pheromone:
plt.plot([positions[i[0]][0], positions[i[1]][0]],
[positions[i[0]][1], positions[i[1]][1]], 'r', alpha=pheromone[i])
if delt[i] > 0:
plt.plot([positions[i[0]][0], positions[i[1]][0]],
[positions[i[0]][1], positions[i[1]][1]], 'b')
plt.savefig("hist/" + title + "anthistory_"+"{0:05d}".format(figureCount)+".png")
figureCount += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
NumOfTown = 30
NumOfAgent = 20
NumOfSolve = 500
ro = 0.4
towns = [i for i in range(NumOfTown)]
positions = [(random.randint(1,100), random.randint(1,100)) for i in range(NumOfTown)]
roads = {}
pheromone = {}
for i in towns:
for j in towns:
if i is j:
roads[(i,j)] = sqrt((positions[i][0] - positions[j][0])**2 +
(positions[i][1] - positions[j][1])**2)
pheromone[(i,j)] = random.random()
minlength = None
bestAgent = None
lastPheno = 0
for i in range(NumOfSolve):
pheros = []
topAgent = None
for m in range(NumOfAgent):
k = Agent(towns=towns, start=0, roads=roads, pheromone=pheromone)
length = k.get_length()
if (topAgent is None) or (topAgent.get_length() > length):
topAgent = copy.deepcopy(k)
if (minlength is None) or (minlength > length):
minlength = length
bestAgent = copy.deepcopy(k)
anthistorySave(k.get_length(), k.get_way(), k.get_deltaphero(), k.pheromone)
#anthistorySave(topAgent.get_length(), topAgent.get_way(), topAgent.get_deltaphero(), topAgent.pheromone)
print("今" + str(i) + "番目のありんこたちが仕事をしました。")
pheromone = k.get_phero(pheromone, pheros, ro)
if round(sum(pheromone.values()),4) == round(lastPheno,4):
pheromone = {}
for i in towns:
for j in towns:
if i is j:
pheromone[(i,j)] = random.random()
lastPheno = sum(pheromone.values())
anthistorySave(bestAgent.get_length(), bestAgent.get_way(), bestAgent.get_deltaphero(), bestAgent.pheromone)
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