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Created July 18, 2023 22:31
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  • Save EntranceJew/bda682decded62e1b7a220e65457c85a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EntranceJew/bda682decded62e1b7a220e65457c85a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a script that can organize your output from
$in_dir = (Get-Item .).FullName
$out_dir = (Get-Item .).FullName + "\__sorted__"
Get-ChildItem ((Get-Item $in_dir).FullPath) |
Foreach-Object {
$name = $_.Name
$artist = ''
$found = $false
foreach ($char in $name.ToCharArray()) {
$artist += $char;
$cond = $artist + '-' + $artist + ' - ';
$ext = ($_.Extension).ToLowerInvariant()
$album = "_singles"
try {
if (-not $found -and $name.StartsWith($cond)) {
$filename = $artist + ' - ' + $name.Replace($cond, '', 1)
$fullout = "$($out_dir)\$($artist)"
if (-not (Test-Path "$($fullout)")){
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$($fullout)"
if ($ext -eq ".zip") {
if (-not (Test-Path "$($fullout)")){
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$($fullout)"
$album = $_.BaseName.Replace($cond, '', 1)
$fullout = "$($out_dir)\$($artist)\$($album)"
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath "$($_.FullName)" -DestinationPath "$($fullout)" -Force
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$($_.FullName)" -Force
} else {
$fullout = "$($out_dir)\$($artist)\$($album)"
if (-not (Test-Path "$($fullout)")){
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "$($fullout)"
Move-Item -LiteralPath "$($in_dir)\$($name)" -Destination "$($fullout)\$($filename)"
$found = $true;
catch {
Write-Host "ERROR processing $($name)"
Write-Host "nothing in $($name)"
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